4 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Epidemiological Situation of Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome in the Russian Federation in 2022 and Forecast of its Development for 2023

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    The paper provides the analysis of epidemiological process of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) in the Russian Federation in the context of federal districts in 2022 and a forecast of the HFRS incidence for 2023. According to the results of the analysis, there was a three-fold increase in the morbidity rates of HFRS in Russia in 2022 as compared to the indicators of 2021. The evidence of epizootiological survey and laboratory studies in certain federal districts of the Russian Federation indicate the continuing tense epidemiological situation on HFRS. In a number of regions of the country, high risk of infection with HFRS is predicted due to the favorable natural and climatic conditions of the winter period 2022/2023 for reservoir hosts of pathogenic for humans Hantaviruses. The findings of infected rodents attest to a high probability of complication of the epidemiological situation in the territories of increased epidemic hazard as regards HFRS

    Review of Hantavirus Infections in the World, Epidemiological Situation on Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome in the Russian Federation in 2020 and a Forecast for 2021

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    The review used the data from operational monitoring carried out by the Reference Center for Monitoring over HFRS – “Kazan Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology of the Rospotrebnadzor”, based on official data provided by the Rospotrebnadzor institutions in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Statistical processing was conducted using conventional methods of variation statistics applying the Excel program. Over the past decades, hantavirus diseases have become very relevant and spread throughout the world. In the territory of the Russian Federation, natural foci of HFRS are located in the European part of the country, Western Siberia and Far East. The most epidemically active foci are situated in the European part of Russia. Over the past decade, the intensive incidence rate of HFRS in the Russian Federation stayed within the range of 3.0–9.5 per 100 thousand of the population, the long-term average annual indicator – 5.2 per 100 thousand of the population. In 2020, 3845 cases of HFRS were registered (2.62 per 100,000 of the population). There was a decrease in the incidence of HFRS by 3.6 times, compared with the indicators of 2019. A factor that may have influenced the decrease in the incidence of HFRS was the depression of the epizootic process among small mammals, the main carriers of HFRS pathogens, due to natural and climatic factors. The nature of the distribution of HFRS incidence across the territory of the Russian Federation in 2020 was heterogeneous. Statistical processing of the data made it possible to identify 5 groups of territories that differ in the level of HFRS incidence. Almost all constituent entities of the Volga Federal District and the Kostroma Region belonging to the Central Federal District were classified as groups of territories with high and very high incidence rates. In 2021, the deterioration of the epidemiological situation is predicted in the summer-autumn period of the year in the Volga Federal District and four entities of the Central Federal District

    Epizootic Activity and Epidemic Manifestation of Natural Fod of Tularemia in Voronezh Region

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    Tularemia natural foci were investigated in the 15 districts of the Voronezh region. 1533 small mammals of 11 species were captured in 2011, 2014 and 2015 to identify antigen and/or DNA of tularemia pathogen. In all the studied areas there are continuous epizootic of tularemia among small mammals. In the region there are permanent natural meadow-field, floodplain- swamp and forest foci. We can assume the existence of another focus, it is a steppe type. The most active foci observed in Kashirsky, Novokhopyorsky, Petropavlosky and Ramonsky districts. The stability and activity of natural foci is maintained by alternating different biocenoses with different animals and complex pathogen exchange between foci. The most active is meadow-field and floodplain-swamp foci. Common vole is the primary carrier of the infection in the meadow-field foci during the year. In the near-water habitats of the epizootic process in strong support of field mouse and common voles. Varied species composition of small mammals provides a long time functioning and epizootic activity of natural tularemia foci. The epidemiological situation is rather calm and stable for tularemia natural foci in the Voronezh region. In the region registered a low incidence of tularemia population. There has been an increase in the incidence of the urban population. Permanent vaccination and revaccination of the population remains the main preventive anti-epidemic measures against tularemia. The results indicate the functioning and epizootic activity of tularemia natural foci in Voronezh region. It requires constant monitoring of the territory and preventive interventions, primarily vaccination of people live tularemia vaccine

    Features of the Biotopic Distribution of Different Species of Small Mammals and their Role in Supporting the Natural Foci of Tularemia in the North-Eastern Part of the Voronezh Region

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    Different species of small mammals (SM) (539 total), cached in Voronezh region, were examined for antigen and DNA of Francisella tularensis. The basic species of SM involved in circulation of F. tularensis were revealed. The features of the biotopic distribution of infected SM on the territory of the natural foci were shown. The diversity of species SM ensures long operation and epizootic activity of the natural foci of tularemia