40 research outputs found

    Analytic approximations for the broadening of the spectral lines of hydrogen-like ions

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    Broadband approximate expressions for calculating the broadening of the spectral lines of hydrogenlike ions in a multicomponent plasma are derived taking into account both the influence of the interaction between plasma particles on the distribution function of the plasma microfield and the effect of the microfield dynamics on the broadening of the central component of the spectral line. With the approximate expressions proposed, the calculation of the shape of a given spectral line of a certain ion in a plasma with a given ion composition requires only a few seconds of computer time. The approximate expressions provide a good computational accuracy not only for the central component of the spectral line but also for the spectral line wings

    Ion diffusion at interfaces in hot plasmas

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    There are many laboratory applications in which it is important to know how fast two hot, ionized materials mix across an initially sharp interface. The speed of this process is regulated by the interdiffusion coefficient for the species involved. In a previous work, a theoretical method for calculating the interdiffusion coefficient in a Binary Ionic Mixture (classical ions in a uniform, neutralizing background) was described and found to give excellent agreement with Molecular Dynamics estimates. The purpose of this report is to show how these results may be applied to a model of the plasma interface, including electric field effects, to give a good description of the mixing across it