3 research outputs found

    About Strategy of Development of a Sanatorium Complex of the Russian Federation (Analysis of the Tasks and Their Solutions)

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    The article investigates the improvement of the draft strategy for the development of the Russian Federation’s sanatorium and Spa complex. The authors have made a number of practical proposals aimed at adjusting and complementing the objectives of the strategy, justifying them by means of comparative analysis using the relevant data from tourism statistics in Russia and abroad; Development of mechanisms for effective coordination of the activities of the executive authorities at all levels in the implementation of activities for the conservation of resorts, therapeutic and recreational areas and natural health resources, their integrated territorial Development also points to the need to adjust and develop new financial mechanisms and economic incentives in relations between citizens, health care institutions, insurance Companies and facilities at Spa and spa services, which should, in the new interest of citizens in the maintenance and repair of lost health, increase in the medium and long term the demand for the services of the domestic In domestic and global markets.The authors conclude that the implementation of the strategy will restore the therapeutic and curative function of Russian resorts, which has been lost during the years of market transformation, would have a positive impact on the logistics base of the SPA The set will increase the final demand and investment in a range of related sectors and sectors of the economy

    About Strategy of Development of a Sanatorium Complex of the Russian Federation (Analysis of the Problem Situation, and Goal-Setting)

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    The article investigates the improvement of the draft strategy for the development of the Russian Federation’s sanatorium and Spa complex. The authors consistently and in detail analyse the structure of the strategy, develop and justify a set of practical recommendations to optimize the content of the draft strategy to be analysed.The article is divided into two parts. In the first part of the article, the authors address the problems and target priorities of the strategy, the world experience in the development of therapeutic tourism and the relevance of its development in Russia in the medium and long term. A critical factor in the promotion of domestic tourism is the inadequate level of service and general development of the infrastructure of Sanatorium and spa and related services. In their analysis, the authors reaffirm the relevance of the development of internal and entry tourism in Russia, emphasize the need for the RF to enter into the international market for curative and curative tourism in the medium term, The need to improve the quality of spa services, to upgrade the material base, and to legislate and regulate this area.The refined version of the goal strategy proposed by the sponsors will, in the medium term, create a service rather than an industrial or commodity economy in the domestic economy, competitive in world markets as Quality and Price