88 research outputs found

    Measurement of the vector and tensor analyzing powers for Dp-elastic scattering at the energy of 800 MeV

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    The vector Ay and tensor analyzing powers Ayy and Axx for dp-elastic scattering were measured at the energy of 800 MeV and at the angular range from 60° to 135° in the center-of-mass system at the JINR Nuclotron. The experimental data are compared with the calculations obtained within framework of relativistic multiple scattering approac

    First results on the energy scan of the vector Ay and tensor Ayy and Axx analyzing powers in deuteronproton elastic scattering at Nuclotron

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    New results on the vector A y and tensor Ayy and Axx analyzing powers in deuteronproton elastic scattering obtained at Nuclotron in the energy range 400-1800 MeV are presented. These data have been obtained in 2016-2017 at DSS setup at internal target station using polarized deuteron beam from new source of polarized ions. The preliminary data on the deuteron analyzing powers in in the wide energy range demonstrate the sensitivity to the shortrange spin structure of the nucleon-nucleon correlation

    Spin studies of the short-range correlations at Nuclotron

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    The results on the angular dependencies of the vector Ay and tensor Ayy and Axx analyzing powers in deuteron-proton elastic scattering at large scattering angles are presented. These data were obtained at internal target at JINR Nuclotron in the energy range 400-1800 MeV using polarized deuteron beam from new polarized ion source. New data on the deuteron analyzing powers in in the wide energy range demonstrate the sensitivity to the short-range spin structure of the isoscalar polarized deutero

    Impaired Choroidal Blood Flow in Adolescents with Essential Arterial Hypertension

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    Arterial hypertension is a problem not only for adults, but also for children, but there are very few data on changes in the organ of vision under the influence of an elevated level of blood pressure in children.The aim of the work is to identify disturbances of the choroidal blood flow in children and adolescents with essential arterial hypertension.Methods. Fifty patients with essential arterial hypertension were examined. The age of patients ranged from 10 to 17 years, the duration of the disease ranged from 2 months to 8 years. All patients underwent color Doppler mapping of the orbital vessels, registration of the oscillatory potentials of the ERG.Results. It was revealed that increased arterial pressure causes retinal and choroidal ischemia, which is accompanied primarily by impaired blood flow in the orbital vessels and is reflected in a decrease in the amplitude and deformation of the peaks of the ERG oscillatory potentials.Conclusion. Hypertension causes and supports retinal and choroidal ischemia, which is accompanied primarily by impaired blood flow in the orbital vessels, functional depression of photoreceptors, ganglion cells and neuroglia of the retina, aggravating the identified changes as the experience of essential hypertension increases. A marker of chorioretinal ischemia is amplitude depression, a change in the shape of the teeth of the oscillatory potentials of the ERG, which indicates a decrease in the functional activity of the retinal ganglion complex.That is, these changes can be considered as a predictor of hypertensive angioretinopathy in children and adolescents with essential arterial hypertension

    Delayed clusters accompanying nonmesonic weak decay of the Λ\Lambda-hypernuclei: a clue to nonleptonic processes

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    The nonmesonic decay of Λ\Lambda-hypernuclei provides access to the nonleptonic weak decay process ΛNNN\Lambda N \to NN, which is achievable only through the observation of hypernuclear ground-state decays. We continue the discussion of some specific cases which make it possible to detect a few exclusive transitions, namely, the stripping of nucleon from the ground state results in a resonance state decaying via emission of two clusters. Delayed clusters accompanying weak decay of light hypernuclei give a unique information on spin dependence of the weak decay matrix elements.Comment: Presented at International Bogolyubov Conference "Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics" (dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of N.N.~Bogolyubov) Dubna, Russia, August 21 - 27, 200

    Супраневральная трансфораминальная эпидуральная инъекция в лечении радикулопатии в поясничном отделе позвоночника – краткий описательный обзор и техника выполнения манипуляции

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    Fluoroscopy guided epidural injection is often used to treat radicular pain in the lumbar spine. Risk and effectiveness data vary depending on injection routes and underlying pathology. There are several options for accessing the epidural space in the lumbosacral spine to perform an analgesic injection – caudal, interlaminar and transforaminal. Transforaminal epidural injection is currently the most studied and widespread in the foreign practice of treating chronic pain. A brief overview describes transforaminal accesses to the epidural space of the lumbar spine and needles used for this purpose, lists possible adverse events and complications, and also provides a detailed illustrated description of supraneural transforaminal access.Эпидуральную инъекцию под флюороскопическим контролем часто используют для лечения радикулярной боли в поясничном отделе позвоночника. Данные о рисках и эффективности варьируют в зависимости от способов инъекции и основной патологии. Существует несколько вариантов доступа в эпидуральное пространство в пояснично-крестцовом отделе позвоночника для выполнения противоболевой инъекции – каудальная, интерламинарная и трансфораминальная. Трансфораминальная эпидуральная инъекция в настоящее время является самой изученной и распространенной в зарубежной практике лечения хронической боли. В кратком обзоре представлено описание трансфораминальных доступов в эпидуральное пространство поясничного отдела позвоночника, применяемых для этого игл, перечислены возможные нежелательные явления и осложнения, а также дано детальное иллюстрированное описание супраневрального трансфораминального доступа

    Study of the polarization observables in dp → dp reaction at the deuteron energy of 800 MeV

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    The polarization observables are sensitive to the two nucleon (2NF) and three-nucleon structures (3NF) of the nuclei. The aim of the deuteron spin structure (DSS) experiment is to obtain polarization observables in dp elastic scattering at large CMS angles (> 60 °) and in dp breakup. Of great importance is the study of polarizations observables in these reactions at intermediate energies because the experimental and theoretical data are very scarce. In this review, results of vector and tensor analyzing powers obtained at JINR Nuclotron at 800 MeV will be presente


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    Anatomical landmarks and palpation are traditionally used for radial arterial catheterization in emergency units. Despite the successful use of ultrasound monitoring for central venous access, there is a lack of evidence about the benefits of the ultrasound guidance for peripheral arterial cannulation.The objective: to compare two methods of radial arterial catheterization (the traditional one based on palpation and the method under ultrasound guidance) in the patients undergoing planned surgery.Subjects and methods. 40 patients participated in the prospective cohort study, all of them had planned surgeries. In Group 1, the traditional method was used for arterial catheterization (the palpation group), and in Group 2 it was done under ultrasound guidance (the ultrasound group). The following parameters were recorded for both groups: number of attempts, number of puncture sites, complications and their type, time of catheterization. The number of cannulation attempts was taken as a primary endpoint.Results. The statistically significant correlation was found between the method of catheterization and the number of attempts (Pearson's chi-squared test = 29.562, df = 6, p < 0.001), places of puncture (Pearson's chi-squared test = 10.365, df = 3, p = 0.015). In the ultrasound group, the first attempt of cannulation was a success in 19 cases (95%; CI 73−99%), while in the palpation group, the first attempt was a success in 2 cases (10%; CI 2−33%). The one catheterization site was used in 95% of cases in the ultrasound group (CI 73−99%; 1 observation). While in Group 2 (the palpation group), two sites of cannulation and more were required in 50% of patients (CI 30−17%; 10 observations). Among complications there were hematomas, and no statistically significant correlations were found between the method of puncture and their number in the groups (Pearson's chi-squared test = 2.7706, df = 1, p = 0.09601). The time spent on catheterization in the ultrasound group was shorter versus the palpation group (W = 344, p < 0.001) and it made 101 sec. (51; 144) and 194 sec. (153; 311) respectively.Conclusion: Compared to the traditional (palpation) method, the radial arterial catheterization guided by ultrasound possesses such benefits as high chances of successful cannulation with the first attempt, fewer sites required to provide arterial access and total time required for the manipulation.Традиционно для катетеризации лучевой артерии в отделениях анестезиологии-реанимации и операционных используют анатомические ориентиры и пальпацию. Несмотря на успех ультразвука при обеспечении центрального венозного доступа, данных в отношении пользы ультразвука при периферической канюляции артерий недостаточно.Цель: сравнить две методики катетеризации лучевой артерии (основанную на пальпации традиционную и с помощью ультразвука) у пациентов при плановых оперативных вмешательствах.Материалы и методы. В проспективном когортном исследовании участвовало 40 человек, которым выполняли плановые хирургические вмешательства. В 1-й группе перед операцией катетеризацию артерии выполняли традиционным способом (группа «пальпации»), во 2-й − с ультразвуковым контролем (группа «ультразвука»). В обеих группах фиксировали количество попыток, количество мест для пункции, осложнения и их характер, время катетеризации. Первичной конечной точкой считали количество попыток канюляции.Результаты. Выявлена статистически значимая связь между методом катетеризации и количеством попыток (хи-квадрат Пирсона = 29,562, df = 6, p < 0,001), местами для пункции (хи-квадрат Пирсона = 10,365, df = 3, p = 0,015). В группе «ультразвука» в 19 случаях (95%; ДИ 73−99%) канюляция была выполнена с первой попытки, тогда как в группе «пальпация» лишь в 2 случаях (10%; ДИ 2−33%). В группе ультразвука в 95% случаев (ДИ 73−99%; 1 наблюдение) для катетеризация применили одно место. Во 2-й же группе («пальпации») у 50% пациентов (ДИ 30−17%; 10 наблюдений) для успешности манипуляции потребовалось два места канюляции и более. Среди осложнений встретились гематомы, при этом статистически значимой связи метода пункции и их количества в группах не выявили (хи-квадрат Пирсона = 2,7706, df = 1, p = 0,09601). Время, затраченное на катетеризацию артерии в группе «ультразвука», было меньше, чем в группе «пальпация» (W = 344, p < 0,001), и составило 101 с (51; 144) и 194 с (153; 311) соответственно.Вывод. В сравнении с традиционной (пальпаторной), методика катетеризации лучевой артерии под контролем ультразвука обладает такими преимуществами, как высокая вероятность успешности канюляции с первой попытки, меньшее требуемое количество мест для обеспечения артериального доступа и общее затраченное на выполнение манипуляции время