809 research outputs found

    Effects of constraint curvature on structural instability: tensile buckling and multiple bifurcations

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    Bifurcation of an elastic structure crucially depends on the curvature of the constraints against which the ends of the structure are prescribed to move, an effect which deserves more attention than it has received so far. In fact, we show theoretically and we provide definitive experimental verification that an appropriate curvature of the constraint over which the end of a structure has to slide strongly affects buckling loads and can induce: (i.) tensile buckling; (ii.) decreasing- (softening), increasing- (hardening), or constant-load (null stiffness) postcritical behaviour; (iii.) multiple bifurcations, determining for instance two bifurcation loads (one tensile and one compressive) in a single-degree-of-freedom elastic system. We show how to design a constraint profile to obtain a desired postcritical behaviour and we provide the solution for the elastica constrained to slide along a circle on one end, representing the first example of an inflexional elastica developed from a buckling in tension. These results have important practical implications in the design of compliant mechanisms and may find applications in devices operating in quasi-static or dynamic conditions

    Gas turbine size optimization in a hybrid system considering SOFC degradation

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    The coupling of a pressurized solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) and a gas turbine has been proven to result in extremely high efficiency and reduced emissions. The presence of the gas turbine can improve system durability compared to a standalone SOFC, because the turbomachinery can supply additional power as the fuel cell degrades to meet the power request. Since performance degradation is an obstacles to SOFC systems commercialization, the optimization of the hybrid system to mitigate SOFC degradation effects is of great interest. In this work, an optimization approach was used to innovatively study the effect of gas turbine size on system durability for a 400 kW fuel cell stack. A larger turbine allowed a bigger reduction in SOFC power before replacing the stack, but increased the initial capital investment and decreased the initial turbine efficiency. Thus, the power ratio between SOFC and gas turbine significantly influenced system economic results

    Considerazioni a margine di un convegno

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    Overview of the design of the ITER heating neutral beam injectors

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    The heating neutral beam injectors (HNBs) of ITER are designed to deliver 16.7MWof 1 MeVD0 or 0.87 MeVH0 to the ITER plasma for up to 3600 s. They will be the most powerful neutral beam\uf0a0(NB) injectors ever, delivering higher energy NBs to the plasma in a tokamak for longer than any previous systems have done. The design of the HNBs is based on the acceleration and neutralisation of negative ions as the efficiency of conversion of accelerated positive ions is so low at the required energy that a realistic design is not possible, whereas the neutralisation ofH 12 andD 12 remains acceptable ( 4856%). The design of a long pulse negative ion based injector is inherently more complicated than that of short pulse positive ion based injectors because: \u2022 negative ions are harder to create so that they can be extracted and accelerated from the ion source; \u2022 electrons can be co-extracted from the ion source along with the negative ions, and their acceleration must be minimised to maintain an acceptable overall accelerator efficiency; \u2022 negative ions are easily lost by collisions with the background gas in the accelerator; \u2022 electrons created in the extractor and accelerator can impinge on the extraction and acceleration grids, leading to high power loads on the grids; \u2022 positive ions are created in the accelerator by ionisation of the background gas by the accelerated negative ions and the positive ions are back-accelerated into the ion source creating a massive power load to the ion source; \u2022 electrons that are co-accelerated with the negative ions can exit the accelerator and deposit power on various downstream beamline components. The design of the ITER HNBs is further complicated because ITER is a nuclear installation which will generate very large fluxes of neutrons and gamma rays. Consequently all the injector components have to survive in that harsh environment. Additionally the beamline components and theNBcell, where the beams are housed, will be activated and all maintenance will have to be performed remotely. This paper describes the design of theHNBinjectors, but not the associated power supplies, cooling system, cryogenic system etc, or the high voltage bushingwhich separates the vacuum of the beamline fromthehighpressureSF6 of the high voltage (1MV) transmission line, through which the power, gas and coolingwater are supplied to the beam source. Also themagnetic field reduction system is not described

    Agricultura Irrigada: um breve olhar

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    Essa obra foi construída com base nos textos enviados pelos palestrantes de 13 Webinars produzidos pelo Inovagri. O material está dividido em 13 Temas. Cada Tema representa o assunto que foi discutido em um Webinar específico. Cada palestra do webinar foi transformada em um capítulo do livro. Ao todo 57 capítulos compõe o livro. O moderador de cada Tema foi responsável por escrever a apresentação do Tema, ou seja, foi responsável por mostrar a importância do Tema para o desenvolvimento da agricultura irrigada. Os capítulos foram estruturados de forma a terem entre 3 e 5 páginas, com os seguintes tópicos: apresentação do capítulo, introdução, visão do capítulo e conclusão. Essa obra se constitui em uma rica coletânea de informações que, com certeza, contribui para um melhor entendimento da agricultura irrigada no Brasil e no exterior. Esperamos que este material possa ser útil para os estudantes, irrigantes e os diversos profissionais que se dedicam ao árduo trabalho de desenvolver a agricultura irrigada de maneira sustentável em um ambiente de grandes incertezas e desequilíbrios.bitstream/item/218656/1/Lineu-Ebook-AgriculturaIrrigada-um-breve-olhar-VF.pd

    Novel Plasmonic Nanocavities for Optical Trapping-Assisted Biosensing Applications

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    Plasmonic nanocavities have proved to confine electromagnetic fields into deep subwavelength volumes, implying their potentials for enhanced optical trapping and sensing of nanoparticles. In this review, the fundamentals and performances of various plasmonic nanocavity geometries are explored with specific emphasis on trapping and detection of small molecules and single nanoparticles. These applications capitalize on the local field intensity, which in turn depends on the size of plasmonic nanocavities. Indeed, properly designed structures provide significant local field intensity and deep trapping potential, leading to manipulation of nano-objects with low laser power. The relationship between optical trapping-induced resonance shift and potential energy of plasmonic nanocavity can be analytically expressed in terms of the intercavity field intensity. Within this framework, recent experimental works on trapping and sensing of single nanoparticles and small molecules with plasmonic nanotweezers are discussed. Furthermore, significant consideration is given to conjugation of optical tweezers with Raman spectroscopy, with the aim of developing innovative biosensors. These devices, which take the advantages of plasmonic nanocavities, will be capable of trapping and detecting nanoparticles at the single molecule level

    Particle trapping and beaming using a 3D nanotip excited with a plasmonic vortex

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    Recent advances in nanotechnology have prompted the need for tools to accurately and noninvasively manipulate individual nano-objects. Among the possible strategies, optical forces have been widely used to enable nano-optical tweezers capable of trapping or moving a specimen with unprecedented accuracy. Here, we propose an architecture consisting of a nanotip excited with a plasmonic vortex enabling effective dynamic control of nanoparticles in three dimensions. The structure illuminated by a beam with angular momentum can generate an optical field that can be used to manipulate single dielectric nanoparticles. We demonstrate that it is possible to stably trap or push the particle from specific points, thus enabling a new, to the best of our knowledge, platform for nanoparticle manipulation. (C) 2020 Optical Society of Americ

    Emergent Chiral Symmetry: Parity and Time Reversal Doubles

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    There are numerous examples of approximately degenerate states of opposite parity in molecular physics. Theory indicates that these doubles can occur in molecules that are reflection-asymmetric. Such parity doubles occur in nuclear physics as well, among nuclei with odd A \sim 219-229. We have also suggested elsewhere that such doubles occur in particle physics for baryons made up of `cbu' and `cbd' quarks. In this article, we discuss the theoretical foundations of these doubles in detail, demonstrating their emergence as a surprisingly subtle consequence of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, and emphasizing their bundle-theoretic and topological underpinnings. Starting with certain ``low energy'' effective theories in which classical symmetries like parity and time reversal are anomalously broken on quantization, we show how these symmetries can be restored by judicious inclusion of ``high-energy'' degrees of freedom. This mechanism of restoring the symmetry naturally leads to the aforementioned doublet structure. A novel by-product of this mechanism is the emergence of an approximate symmetry (corresponding to the approximate degeneracy of the doubles) at low energies which is not evident in the full Hamiltonian. We also discuss the implications of this mechanism for Skyrmion physics, monopoles, anomalies and quantum gravity.Comment: 32 pages, latex. minor changes in presentation and reference

    Structurally Complex Osteosarcoma Genomes Exhibit Limited Heterogeneity within Individual Tumors and across Evolutionary Time

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    Osteosarcoma is an aggressive malignancy characterized by high genomic complexity. Identification of few recurrent mutations in protein coding genes suggests that somatic copy-number aberrations (SCNA) are the genetic drivers of disease. Models around genomic instability conflict-it is unclear whether osteosarcomas result from pervasive ongoing clonal evolution with continuous optimization of the fitness landscape or an early catastrophic event followed by stable maintenance of an abnormal genome. We address this question by investigating SCNAs in >12,000 tumor cells obtained from human osteosarcomas using single-cell DNA sequencing, with a degree of precision and accuracy not possible when inferring single-cell states using bulk sequencing. Using the CHISEL algorithm, we inferred allele- and haplotype-specific SCNAs from this whole-genome single-cell DNA sequencing data. Surprisingly, despite extensive structural complexity, these tumors exhibit a high degree of cell-cell homogeneity with little subclonal diversification. Longitudinal analysis of patient samples obtained at distant therapeutic timepoints (diagnosis, relapse) demonstrated remarkable conservation of SCNA profiles over tumor evolution. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that the majority of SCNAs were acquired early in the oncogenic process, with relatively few structure-altering events arising in response to therapy or during adaptation to growth in metastatic tissues. These data further support the emerging hypothesis that early catastrophic events, rather than sustained genomic instability, give rise to structural complexity, which is then preserved over long periods of tumor developmental time. SIGNIFICANCE: Chromosomally complex tumors are often described as genomically unstable. However, determining whether complexity arises from remote time-limited events that give rise to structural alterations or a progressive accumulation of structural events in persistently unstable tumors has implications for diagnosis, biomarker assessment, mechanisms of treatment resistance, and represents a conceptual advance in our understanding of intratumoral heterogeneity and tumor evolution