449 research outputs found

    Far-Ultraviolet to Near-Infrared Observations of SN 2023ixf: A high energy explosion engulfed in complex circumstellar material

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    We present early-phase panchromatic photometric and spectroscopic coverage spanning far-ultraviolet (FUV) to the near-infrared (NIR) regime of the nearest hydrogen-rich core-collapse supernova in the last 25 years, SN~2023ixf. We observe early `flash' features in the optical spectra due to a confined dense circumstellar material (CSM). We observe high-ionization absorption lines Fe II, Mg II in the ultraviolet spectra from very early on. We also observe a multi-peaked emission profile of H-alpha in the spectrum beginning ~16 d, which indicates ongoing interaction of the SN ejecta with a pre-existing shell-shaped CSM having an inner radius of ~ 75 AU and an outer radius of ~140 AU. The shell-shaped CSM is likely a result of enhanced mass loss ~ 35 - 65 years before the explosion assuming a standard Red-Supergiant wind. Spectral modeling of the FUV, NUV, and the optical spectra during 9-12 d, using the radiative transfer spectrum synthesis code TARDIS indicates that the supernova ejecta could be well represented by a progenitor elemental composition greater than solar abundances. Based on early light curve models of Type II SNe, we infer that the nearby dense CSM confined to ~7+-3e14~cm(~45 AU) is a result of enhanced mass loss ~1e-(3.0+-0.5) Msol/yr two decades before the explosion.Comment: Submitted to AAS Journals, 4 figures, 2 table

    Intermediate-luminosity Type IIP SN 2021gmj: a low-energy explosion with signatures of circumstellar material

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    We present photometric, spectroscopic and polarimetric observations of the intermediate-luminosity Type IIP supernova (SN) 2021gmj from 1 to 386 days after the explosion. The peak absolute V-band magnitude of SN 2021gmj is -15.5 mag, which is fainter than that of normal Type IIP SNe. The spectral evolution of SN 2021gmj resembles that of other sub-luminous supernovae: the optical spectra show narrow P-Cygni profiles, indicating a low expansion velocity. We estimate the progenitor mass to be about 12 Msun from the nebular spectrum and the 56Ni mass to be about 0.02 Msun from the bolometric light curve. We also derive the explosion energy to be about 3 x 10^{50} erg by comparing numerical light curve models with the observed light curves. Polarization in the plateau phase is not very large, suggesting nearly spherical outer envelope. The early photometric observations capture the rapid rise of the light curve, which is likely due to the interaction with a circumstellar material (CSM). The broad emission feature formed by highly-ionized lines on top of a blue continuum in the earliest spectrum gives further indication of the CSM at the vicinity of the progenitor. Our work suggests that a relatively low-mass progenitor of an intermediate-luminosity Type IIP SN can also experience an enhanced mass loss just before the explosion, as suggested for normal Type IIP SNe.Comment: 18 pages, 16 figures, resubmitted to MNRAS after addressing referee comment

    The broad-lined Type-Ic supernova SN 2022xxf with extraordinary two-humped light curves

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    We report on our study of supernova (SN) 2022xxf based on observations obtained during the first four months of its evolution. The light curves (LCs) display two humps of similar maximum brightness separated by 75 days, unprecedented for a broad-lined (BL) Type Ic supernova (SN IcBL). SN 2022xxf is the most nearby SN IcBL to date (in NGC 3705, z=0.0037z = 0.0037, at a distance of about 20 Mpc). Optical and near-infrared photometry and spectroscopy are used to identify the energy source powering the LC. Nearly 50 epochs of high signal-to-noise-ratio spectroscopy were obtained within 130 days, comprising an unparalleled dataset for a SN IcBL, and one of the best-sampled SN datasets to date. The global spectral appearance and evolution of SN 2022xxf points to typical SN Ic/IcBL, with broad features (up to 14000\sim14000 km s1^{-1}) and a gradual transition from the photospheric to the nebular phase. However, narrow emission lines (corresponding to 10002500\sim1000-2500 km s1^{-1}) are present in the spectra from the time of the second rise, suggesting slower-moving circumstellar material (CSM). These lines are subtle, in comparison to the typical strong narrow lines of CSM-interacting SNe, for example, Type IIn, Ibn, and Icn, but some are readily noticeable at late times such as in Mg I λ\lambda5170 and [O I] λ\lambda5577. Unusually, the near-infrared spectra show narrow line peaks in a number of features formed by ions of O and Mg. We infer the presence of CSM that is free of H and He. We propose that the radiative energy from the ejecta-CSM interaction is a plausible explanation for the second LC hump. This interaction scenario is supported by the color evolution, which progresses to the blue as the light curve evolves along the second hump, and the slow second rise and subsequent rapid LC drop. (Abstract abridged)Comment: Accepted versio

    Multiwavelength study of the galactic PeVatron candidate LHAASO J2108+5157

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    Context. Several new ultrahigh-energy (UHE) γ-ray sources have recently been discovered by the Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO) collaboration. These represent a step forward in the search for the so-called Galactic PeVatrons, the enigmatic sources of the Galactic cosmic rays up to PeV energies. However, it has been shown that multi-TeV γ-ray emission does not necessarily prove the existence of a hadronic accelerator in the source; indeed this emission could also be explained as inverse Compton scattering from electrons in a radiation-dominated environment. A clear distinction between the two major emission mechanisms would only be made possible by taking into account multi-wavelength data and detailed morphology of the source. Aims. We aim to understand the nature of the unidentified source LHAASO J2108+5157, which is one of the few known UHE sources with no very high-energy (VHE) counterpart. Methods. We observed LHAASO J2108+5157 in the X-ray band with XMM-Newton in 2021 for a total of 3.8 hours and at TeV energies with the Large-Sized Telescope prototype (LST-1), yielding 49 hours of good-quality data. In addition, we analyzed 12 years of Fermi-LAT data, to better constrain emission of its high-energy (HE) counterpart 4FGL J2108.0+5155. We used naima and jetset software packages to examine the leptonic and hadronic scenario of the multi-wavelength emission of the source. Results. We found an excess (3.7σ) in the LST-1 data at energies E > 3 TeV. Further analysis of the whole LST-1 energy range, assuming a point-like source, resulted in a hint (2.2σ) of hard emission, which can be described with a single power law with a photon index of Σ = 1.6 ± 0.2 the range of 0.3 - 100 TeV. We did not find any significant extended emission that could be related to a supernova remnant (SNR) or pulsar wind nebula (PWN) in the XMM-Newton data, which puts strong constraints on possible synchrotron emission of relativistic electrons. We revealed a new potential hard source in Fermi-LAT data with a significance of 4σ and a photon index of Σ = 1.9 ± 0.2, which is not spatially correlated with LHAASO J2108+5157, but including it in the source model we were able to improve spectral representation of the HE counterpart 4FGL J2108.0+5155. Conclusions. The LST-1 and LHAASO observations can be explained as inverse Compton-dominated leptonic emission of relativistic electrons with a cutoff energy of 100-30+70 TeV. The low magnetic field in the source imposed by the X-ray upper limits on synchrotron emission is compatible with a hypothesis of a PWN or a TeV halo. Furthermore, the spectral properties of the HE counterpart are consistent with a Geminga-like pulsar, which would be able to power the VHE-UHE emission. Nevertheless, the lack of a pulsar in the neighborhood of the UHE source is a challenge to the PWN/TeV-halo scenario. The UHE γ rays can also be explained as π0 decay-dominated hadronic emission due to interaction of relativistic protons with one of the two known molecular clouds in the direction of the source. Indeed, the hard spectrum in the LST-1 band is compatible with protons escaping a shock around a middle-aged SNR because of their high low-energy cut-off, but the origin of the HE γ-ray emission remains an open question

    Observations of the Crab Nebula and Pulsar with the Large-sized Telescope Prototype of the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is a next-generation ground-based observatory for gamma-ray astronomy at very high energies. The Large-Sized Telescope prototype (LST-1) is located at the CTA-North site, on the Canary Island of La Palma. LSTs are designed to provide optimal performance in the lowest part of the energy range covered by CTA, down to ≃20 GeV. LST-1 started performing astronomical observations in 2019 November, during its commissioning phase, and it has been taking data ever since. We present the first LST-1 observations of the Crab Nebula, the standard candle of very-high-energy gamma-ray astronomy, and use them, together with simulations, to assess the performance of the telescope. LST-1 has reached the expected performance during its commissioning period—only a minor adjustment of the preexisting simulations was needed to match the telescope’s behavior. The energy threshold at trigger level is around 20 GeV, rising to ≃30 GeV after data analysis. Performance parameters depend strongly on energy, and on the strength of the gamma-ray selection cuts in the analysis: angular resolution ranges from 0.°12-0.°40, and energy resolution from 15%-50%. Flux sensitivity is around 1.1% of the Crab Nebula flux above 250 GeV for a 50 hr observation (12% for 30 minutes). The spectral energy distribution (in the 0.03-30 TeV range) and the light curve obtained for the Crab Nebula agree with previous measurements, considering statistical and systematic uncertainties. A clear periodic signal is also detected from the pulsar at the center of the Nebula

    MAGIC observations provide compelling evidence of hadronic multi-TeV emission from the putative PeVatron SNR G106.3+2.7

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    Context. Certain types of supernova remnants (SNRs) in our Galaxy are assumed to be PeVatrons, capable of accelerating cosmic rays (CRs) to ∼ PeV energies. However, conclusive observational evidence for this has not yet been found. The SNR G106.3+2.7, detected at 1- 100 TeV energies by different γ-ray facilities, is one of the most promising PeVatron candidates. This SNR has a cometary shape, which can be divided into a head and a tail region with different physical conditions. However, in which region the 100 TeV emission is produced has not yet been identified because of the limited position accuracy and/or angular resolution of existing observational data. Additionally, it remains unclear as to whether the origin of the γ-ray emission is leptonic or hadronic. Aims. With the better angular resolution provided by new MAGIC data compared to earlier γ-ray datasets, we aim to reveal the acceleration site of PeV particles and the emission mechanism by resolving the SNR G106.3+2.7 with 0.1 resolution at TeV energies. Methods. We observed the SNR G106.3+2.7 using the MAGIC telescopes for 121.7 h in total - after quality cuts - between May 2017 and August 2019. The analysis energy threshold is ∼0.2 TeV, and the angular resolution is 0.07-0.1. We examined the γ-ray spectra of different parts of the emission, whilst benefitting from the unprecedented statistics and angular resolution at these energies provided by our new data. We also used measurements at other wavelengths such as radio, X-rays, GeV γ-rays, and 10 TeV γ-rays to model the emission mechanism precisely. Results. We detect extended γ-ray emission spatially coincident with the radio continuum emission at the head and tail of SNR G106.3+2.7. The fact that we detect a significant γ-ray emission with energies above 6.0 TeV from only the tail region suggests that the emissions above 10 TeV detected with air shower experiments (Milagro, HAWC, Tibet ASγ and LHAASO) are emitted only from the SNR tail. Under this assumption, the multi-wavelength spectrum of the head region can be explained with either hadronic or leptonic models, while the leptonic model for the tail region is in contradiction with the emission above 10 TeV and X-rays. In contrast, the hadronic model could reproduce the observed spectrum at the tail by assuming a proton spectrum with a cutoff energy of ∼1 PeV for that region. Such high-energy emission in this middle-aged SNR (4-10 kyr) can be explained by considering a scenario where protons escaping from the SNR in the past interact with surrounding dense gases at present. Conclusions. The γ-ray emission region detected with the MAGIC telescopes in the SNR G106.3+2.7 is extended and spatially coincident with the radio continuum morphology. The multi-wavelength spectrum of the emission from the tail region suggests proton acceleration up to ∼PeV, while the emission mechanism of the head region could either be hadronic or leptonic

    A detailed study of the very-high-energy Crab pulsar emission with the LST-1

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    Context: There are currently three pulsars firmly detected by imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes (IACTs), two of them reaching TeV energies, challenging models of very-high-energy (VHE) emission in pulsars. More precise observations are needed to better characterize pulsar emission at these energies. The LST-1 is the prototype of the Large-Sized Telescope, that will be part of the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO). Its improved performance over previous IACTs makes it well suited for studying pulsars. Aims: To study the Crab pulsar emission with the LST-1, improving and complementing the results from other telescopes. These observations can also be used to characterize the potential of the LST-1 to study other pulsars and detect new ones. Methods: We analyzed a total of \sim103 hours of gamma-ray observations of the Crab pulsar conducted with the LST-1 in the period from September 2020 to January 2023. The observations were carried out at zenith angles less than 50 degrees. A new analysis of the Fermi-LAT data was also performed, including \sim14 years of observations. Results: The Crab pulsar phaseogram, long-term light-curve, and phase-resolved spectra are reconstructed with the LST-1 from 20 GeV to 450 GeV for P1 and up to 700 GeV for P2. The pulsed emission is detected with a significance of 15.2σσ. The two characteristic emission peaks of the Crab pulsar are clearly detected (>10σσ), as well as the so-called bridge emission (5.7σσ). We find that both peaks are well described by power laws, with spectral indices of \sim3.44 and \sim3.03 respectively. The joint analysis of Fermi-LAT and LST-1 data shows a good agreement between both instruments in the overlapping energy range. The detailed results obtained in the first observations of the Crab pulsar with LST-1 show the potential that CTAO will have to study this type of sources

    MAGIC observations provide compelling evidence of the hadronic multi-TeV emission from the putative PeVatron SNR G106.3+2.7

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    The SNR G106.3+2.7, detected at 1--100 TeV energies by different γ\gamma-ray facilities, is one of the most promising PeVatron candidates. This SNR has a cometary shape which can be divided into a head and a tail region with different physical conditions. However, it is not identified in which region the 100 TeV emission is produced due to the limited position accuracy and/or angular resolution of existing observational data. Additionally, it remains unclear whether the origin of the γ\gamma-ray emission is leptonic or hadronic. With the better angular resolution provided by these new MAGIC data compared to earlier γ\gamma-ray datasets, we aim to reveal the acceleration site of PeV particles and the emission mechanism by resolving the SNR G106.3+2.7 with 0.1^\circ resolution at TeV energies. We detected extended γ\gamma-ray emission spatially coincident with the radio continuum emission at the head and tail of SNR G106.3+2.7. The fact that we detected a significant γ\gamma-ray emission with energies above 6.0 TeV from the tail region only suggests that the emissions above 10 TeV, detected with air shower experiments (Milagro, HAWC, Tibet ASγ\gamma and LHAASO), are emitted only from the SNR tail. Under this assumption, the multi-wavelength spectrum of the head region can be explained with either hadronic or leptonic models, while the leptonic model for the tail region is in contradiction with the emission above 10 TeV and X-rays. In contrast, the hadronic model could reproduce the observed spectrum at the tail by assuming a proton spectrum with a cutoff energy of 1\sim 1 PeV for the tail region. Such a high energy emission in this middle-aged SNR (4--10 kyr) can be explained by considering the scenario that protons escaping from the SNR in the past interact with surrounding dense gases at present.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, Accepted for publication in A&

    MAGIC detection of GRB 201216C at z = 1.1

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    Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are explosive transient events occurring at cosmological distances, releasing a large amount of energy as electromagnetic radiation over several energy bands. We report the detection of the long GRB 201216C by the MAGIC telescopes. The source is located at z = 1.1 and thus it is the farthest one detected at very high energies. The emission above 70 GeV of GRB 201216C is modelled together with multiwavelength data within a synchrotron and synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) scenario. We find that SSC can explain the broad-band data well from the optical to the very-high-energy band. For the late-time radio data, a different component is needed to account for the observed emission. Differently from previous GRBs detected in the very-high-energy range, the model for GRB 201216C strongly favours a wind-like medium. The model parameters have values similar to those found in past studies of the afterglows of GRBs detected up to GeV energies

    Star tracking for pointing determination of Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes: Application to the Large-Sized Telescope of the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    We present a novel approach to the determination of the pointing of Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs) using the trajectories of the stars in their camera s field of view. The method starts with the reconstruction of the star positions from the Cherenkov camera data, taking into account the point spread function of the telescope, to achieve a satisfying reconstruction accuracy of the pointing position. A simultaneous fit of all reconstructed star trajectories is then performed with the orthogonal distance regression (ODR) method. ODR allows us to correctly include the star position uncertainties and use the time as an independent variable. Having the time as an independent variable in the fit makes it better suitable for various star trajectories. This method can be applied to any IACT and requires neither specific hardware nor interface or special data-taking mode. In this paper, we use the Large-Sized Telescope (LST) data to validate it as a useful tool to improve the determination of the pointing direction during regular data taking. The simulation studies show that the accuracy and precision of the method are comparable with the design requirements on the pointing accuracy of the LST (=14''). With the typical LST event acquisition rate of 10 kHz, the method can achieve up to 50 Hz pointing monitoring rate, compared to O(1) Hz achievable with standard techniques. The application of the method to the LST prototype (LST-1) commissioning data shows the stable pointing performance of the telescope