7 research outputs found

    Earliness of spring bread wheat accessions under the conditions of the Middle Volga Region

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    Background. Development of early-ripening high-yielding cultivars of spring bread wheat is a complicated and difficult process. Striving for higher yields has triggered a trend to prolong the growing season pf the cultivars released by the Tatar Research Institute of Agriculture (TatRIA). Our breeding efforts to produce early cultivars, based on using an early-ripening sample as one of the parents, were unsuccessful. This paper presents a search for solutions to the said problem.Materials and methods. We studied spring bread wheat accessions from the collections of the N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR) and Baicheng Academy of Agricultural Sciences (China) as well as promising lines developed by TatRIA. The study of the material was based on conventional spring bread wheat breeding methods. Phenological phases of wheat development were identified using the Zadoks scale.Results. An ambiguous role played by the vernalization response (Vrn) and photoperiod sensitivity (Ppd) genes in wheat earliness was shown, which is consistent with the data repeatedly presented in other publications. We identified accessions with the shortest period from sprouting to heading. Under our climate conditions, the earliest cultivars were those from Novosibirsk Province, Russia, and the North-Eastern China, where wheat development from sprouting to heading lasted 36–46 days


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    The quantitative parameters of productivity of new soft spring wheat varieties ‘Yoldyz’, ‘Idele’, ‘Khayat’ and perspective lines ‘К-43/04-1’, ‘К-48/04-2’, ‘О-192/03-5’ developed by the Tatarsky RIA have been determined in the conditions of the Republic of Tatarstan. The features of productivity formation have been found and the contribution of individual components into productivity formation has been estimated. The number of kernels in the main head is the most significant parameter which affects the productivity. The component of the yield is liable to change because of the conditions of vegetation, the samples of new varieties have shown a strong liner correlation of “kernel yield” with “number of kernels per main head” (r=0,73– 0,85**). The lines ‘К-43/04-1’, ‘К-48/04-2’ and ‘О-192/03-5’ significantly excess the parameters ‘total number of kernels per head’ and ‘number of kernels per spikelet’ of the standard variety ‘Simbirtsit’. It has been shown that the productivity of grain of the studied samples largely depends on the productivity of the above-ground biomass. The correlation of the parameter with productivity was strong enough (r=0,88–0,99**) during all years of study. The correlation ‘1000-kernel weight’ with ‘grain productivity’ was not accurate during all years of study. The breeding work allowed achieving the optimum in the plant structure. All considered varieties and lines mainly form agrocoenosis in the main one-sprout plant, there hasn’t been found any reliable difference in the productive tillering among the samples

    Field resistance of spring soft wheat samples to <i>Erysiphe (Blumeria) Graminis</i> in the conditions of Prekamsky area of the Republic of Tatarstan

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    Вредоносность мучнистой росы пшеницы в Республике Татарстан достаточно высока, расовый состав возбудителя пространственно и во времени не однороден, поэтому особенно важен поиск высокоэффективных источников устойчивости, в нашем случае в пределах яровой мягкой пшеницы. Изучение и оценка коллекционных номеров яровой мягкой пшеницы к Blumeria graminis в течение ряда лет дает представление об изменчивости популяции мучнистой росы и позволяет выделить образцы, высоко устойчивые к инфекции на стадии взрослого растения. Исследована устойчивость к Blumeria graminis 697 образцов яровой мягкой пшеницы в фазе взрослого растения. Показано, что на ранее эффективные гены устойчивости к мучнистой росе Pm - 3d,4b,8,12,38,Ku, Sp, Ch 2, Ag появляются вирулентные патотипы патогена, причем экспрессия одного и того же гена в разных сортах различна. Выявлены образцы с высокой устойчивостью к инфекции в течение ряда лет:К-62510 (Cub, Англия), К-64390 (Виза, Беларусь), К-65443 (Василиса, Беларусь), К-65445 (Kampanin, Германия), К-65446 (LP-588-1-06, Германия), К-64897 (Tybalt, Нидерланды). Гибридологический анализ иммунного сорта Tybalt выявил олигенную доминантную устойчивость

    Field resistance of spring soft wheat samples to <i>Erysiphe (Blumeria) Graminis</i> in the conditions of Prekamsky area of the Republic of Tatarstan

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    Вредоносность мучнистой росы пшеницы в Республике Татарстан достаточно высока, расовый состав возбудителя пространственно и во времени не однороден, поэтому особенно важен поиск высокоэффективных источников устойчивости, в нашем случае в пределах яровой мягкой пшеницы. Изучение и оценка коллекционных номеров яровой мягкой пшеницы к Blumeria graminis в течение ряда лет дает представление об изменчивости популяции мучнистой росы и позволяет выделить образцы, высоко устойчивые к инфекции на стадии взрослого растения. Исследована устойчивость к Blumeria graminis 697 образцов яровой мягкой пшеницы в фазе взрослого растения. Показано, что на ранее эффективные гены устойчивости к мучнистой росе Pm - 3d,4b,8,12,38,Ku, Sp, Ch 2, Ag появляются вирулентные патотипы патогена, причем экспрессия одного и того же гена в разных сортах различна. Выявлены образцы с высокой устойчивостью к инфекции в течение ряда лет:К-62510 (Cub, Англия), К-64390 (Виза, Беларусь), К-65443 (Василиса, Беларусь), К-65445 (Kampanin, Германия), К-65446 (LP-588-1-06, Германия), К-64897 (Tybalt, Нидерланды). Гибридологический анализ иммунного сорта Tybalt выявил олигенную доминантную устойчивость

    The variety of spring soft wheat ‘Khayat’

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    The variety of spring soft wheat ‘Khayat’ The varieties with high potential of productivity which meet the qualification requirements of ‘valuable and strong’ wheats play a significant part in the formation of high qualitative grain and in the production of bread from it. For the conditions of Tatarstan, it has been created a variety of spring soft wheat ‘Khayat’ that meets these requirements. The variety was obtained by the method of individual selection from the hybrid combination F1 (‘Tulaikovskaya 10’ / ‘Kazanskaya Jubileynaya’) / ‘Kazanskaya Jubileynaya’. The trials of this variety in the Tatar RIA in 2011-2016 with different hydrothermal conditions during the vegetation period showed that the productivity of the variety ‘Khayat’ does not significantly differ from the highly productive, standard variety ‘Simbirzit’, but it considerably exceeds its quality. The trials of the variety ‘Khayat’ in ZAO ‘Kurgansemena’ in 2011-2013 showed that its productivity is higher in several times, but the length of vegetation period is the same. The assessment of the technological indexes of kernels and physical properties of dough made in the All-Russian Center of Variety Quality Assessment confirmed high quality of ‘Khayat’ kernels which meet the qualification requirements of ‘valuable and strong’ wheats. Such important indexes of physical properties of dough in the variety ‘Khayat’ as flour strength and valorimetric assessment surpass qualification requirements of ‘valuable and strong’ wheats. The spring wheat ‘Khayat’ is characterized as large kernelled high natural variety. According to the indexes ‘Khayat’ surpasses the standard variety. Protein content in kernels ranges from 12 to 14.9%

    The susceptibility of spring soft wheat to smut of Tatarstan origin

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    The assessment of spring soft wheat varieties artificially infected with smut pathogen showed that more than a half of cultivars recommended to cultivation in the Republic of Tatarstan are extremely susceptible to the disease. The varieties ‘Simbirtsit’, ‘Ester’, ‘Eskada 70’, ‘Eskada 66’, ‘Eskada 109’, ‘Zlata’ and ‘Arkhat’ turned to be less susceptible to the local type of smut. During favorable for wheat infection years the most susceptible varieties of wheat grown in the ecological seed plot have the infectious degree of 1273-5821 pc. of teliospores per kernel. The amount of spores of fungi Tilletia levis during wheat growing were less than the amount of spores of fungi Tilletia caries ; the ratio of the types varied during the years, i.e. the ratio of caries to levis was 4:1 in 2012, 16:1 in 2013; 55:1 in 2014, 27:1 in 2015 and 8:1 in 2016. Some heavily infected varieties can re-infect the seeds of other varieties with the smut spores in the process of harvesting. The varieties ‘Simbirtsit’ and ‘Eskada’ (without any signs of infection), harvested by the combine machine SAMPO 2110 after the harvesting of the variety ‘Omskaya 33’ (464630 teliospores per kernel) were infected with smut spores (10295 and 1965 teliospores per kernel respectively), that was enough for mass infection of the most susceptible varieties. During the variety testing it’s necessary to conduct seed disinfection to reduce negative effect of smut on productivity if it’s impossible to renovate the variety

    Topological Superfluids

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