15,610 research outputs found

    Conserved cosmological structures in the one-loop superstring effective action

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    A generic form of low-energy effective action of superstring theories with one-loop quantum correction is well known. Based on this action we derive the complete perturbation equations and general analytic solutions in the cosmological spacetime. Using the solutions we identify conserved quantities characterizing the perturbations: the amplitude of gravitational wave and the perturbed three-space curvature in the uniform-field gauge both in the large-scale limit, and the angular-momentum of rotational perturbation are conserved independently of changing gravity sector. Implications for calculating perturbation spectra generated in the inflation era based on the string action are presented.Comment: 5 pages, no figure, To appear in Phys. Rev.

    A conserved variable in the perturbed hydrodynamic world model

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    We introduce a scalar-type perturbation variable Φ\Phi which is conserved in the large-scale limit considering general sign of three-space curvature (KK), the cosmological constant (Λ\Lambda), and time varying equation of state. In a pressureless medium Φ\Phi is {\it exactly conserved} in all scales.Comment: 4 pages, no figure, To appear in Phys. Rev.

    A Sophisticated Network of Signaling Pathways Regulates Stomatal Defenses to Bacterial Pathogens

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    Guard cells are specialized cells forming stomatal pores at the leaf surface for gas exchanges between the plant and the atmosphere. Stomata have been shown to play an important role in plant defense as a part of the innate immune response. Plants actively close their stomata upon contact with microbes, thereby preventing pathogen entry into the leaves and the subsequent colonization of host tissues. In this review, we present current knowledge of molecular mechanisms and signaling pathways implicated in stomatal defenses, with particular emphasis on plant-bacteria interactions. Stomatal defense responses begin from the perception of pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) and activate a signaling cascade involving the production of secondary messengers such as reactive oxygen species, nitric oxide, and calcium for the regulation of plasma membrane ion channels. The analyses on downstream molecular mechanisms implicated in PAMP-triggered stomatal closure have revealed extensive interplays among the components regulating hormonal signaling pathways. We also discuss the strategies deployed by pathogenic bacteria to counteract stomatal immunity through the example of the phytotoxin coronatine.X113626Ysciescopu

    No-boundary measure and preference for large e-foldings in multi-field inflation

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    The no-boundary wave function of quantum gravity usually assigns only very small probability to long periods of inflation. This was a reason to doubt about the no-boundary wave function to explain the observational universe. We study the no-boundary proposal in the context of multi-field inflation to see whether the number of fields changes the situation. For a simple model, we find that indeed the no-boundary wave function can give higher probability for sufficient inflation, but the number of fields involved has to be very high.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure

    String theoretic axion coupling and the evolution of cosmic structures

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    We examine the effects of the axion coupling to RR~R\tilde{R} on the evolution of cosmic structures. It is shown that the evolutions of the scalar- and vector-type perturbations are not affected by this axion coupling. However the axion coupling causes an asymmetric evolution of the two polarization states of the tensor-type perturbation, which may lead to a sizable polarization asymmetry in the cosmological gravitational wave if inflation involves a period in which the axion coupling is important. The polarization asymmetry produced during inflation are conserved over the subsequent evolution as long as the scales remain in the large-scale limit, and thus this may lead to an observable trace in the cosmic microwave background radiation.Comment: 10 pages, REVte

    iNID: An Analytical Framework for Identifying Network Models for Interplays among Developmental Signaling in Arabidopsis

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    Integration of internal and external cues into developmental programs is indispensable for growth and development of plants, which involve complex interplays among signaling pathways activated by the internal and external factors (IEFs). However, decoding these complex interplays is still challenging. Here, we present a web-based platform that identifies key regulators and Network models delineating Interplays among Developmental signaling (iNID) in Arabidopsis. iNID provides a comprehensive resource of (1) transcriptomes previously collected under the conditions treated with a broad spectrum of IEFs and (2) protein and genetic interactome data in Arabidopsis. In addition, iNID provides an array of tools for identifying key regulators and network models related to interplays among IEFs using transcriptome and interactome data. To demonstrate the utility of iNID, we investigated the interplays of (1) phytohormones and light and (2) phytohormones and biotic stresses. The results revealed 34 potential regulators of the interplays, some of which have not been reported in association with the interplays, and also network models that delineate the involvement of the 34 regulators in the interplays, providing novel insights into the interplays collectively defined by phytohormones, light, and biotic stresses. We then experimentally verified that BME3 and TEM1, among the selected regulators, are involved in the auxin-brassinosteroid (BR)-blue light interplay. Therefore, iNID serves as a useful tool to provide a basis for understanding interplays among IEFs.X115Ysciescopu

    Relativistic Hydrodynamic Cosmological Perturbations

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    Relativistic cosmological perturbation analyses can be made based on several different fundamental gauge conditions. In the pressureless limit the variables in certain gauge conditions show the correct Newtonian behaviors. Considering the general curvature (KK) and the cosmological constant (Λ\Lambda) in the background medium, the perturbed density in the comoving gauge, and the perturbed velocity and the perturbed potential in the zero-shear gauge show the same behavior as the Newtonian ones in general scales. In the first part, we elaborate these Newtonian correspondences. In the second part, using the identified gauge-invariant variables with correct Newtonian correspondences, we present the relativistic results with general pressures in the background and perturbation. We present the general super-sound-horizon scale solutions of the above mentioned variables valid for general KK, Λ\Lambda, and generally evolving equation of state. We show that, for vanishing KK, the super-sound-horizon scale evolution is characterised by a conserved variable which is the perturbed three-space curvature in the comoving gauge. We also present equations for the multi-component hydrodynamic situation and for the rotation and gravitational wave.Comment: 16 pages, no figure, To appear in Gen. Rel. Gra

    The causal structure of dynamical charged black holes

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    We study the causal structure of dynamical charged black holes, with a sufficient number of massless fields, using numerical simulations. Neglecting Hawking radiation, the inner horizon is a null Cauchy horizon and a curvature singularity due to mass inflation. When we include Hawking radiation, the inner horizon becomes space-like and is separated from the Cauchy horizon, which is parallel to the out-going null direction. Since a charged black hole must eventually transit to a neutral black hole, we studied the neutralization of the black hole and observed that the inner horizon evolves into a space-like singularity, generating a Cauchy horizon which is parallel to the in-going null direction. Since the mass function is finite around the inner horizon, the inner horizon is regular and penetrable in a general relativistic sense. However, since the curvature functions become trans-Planckian, we cannot saymore about the region beyond the inner horizon, and it is natural to say that there is a 'physical' space-like singularity. However, if we assume an exponentially large number of massless scalar fields, our results can be extended beyond the inner horizon. In this case, strong cosmic censorship and black hole complementarity can be violated.Comment: 23 pages, 23 figure

    Cosmological Gravitational Wave in a Gravity with Quadratic Order Curvature Couplings

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    We present a set of equations describing the cosmological gravitational wave in a gravity theory with quadratic order gravitational coupling terms which naturally arise in quantum correction procedures. It is known that the gravitational wave equation in the gravity theories with a general f(R)f(R) term in the action leads to a second order differential equation with the only correction factor appearing in the damping term. The case for a RabRabR^{ab} R_{ab} term is completely different. The gravitational wave is described by a fourth order differential equation both in time and space. However, curiously, we find that the contributions to the background evolution are qualitatively the same for both terms.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, no figure