264 research outputs found

    Boulware state and semiclassical thermodynamics of black holes in a cavity

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    A black hole, surrounded by a reflecting shell, acts as an effective star-like object with respect to the outer region that leads to vacuum polarization outside, where the quantum fields are in the Boulware state. We find the quantum correction to the Hawking temperature, taking into account this circumstance. It is proportional to the integral of the trace of the total quantum stress-energy tensor over the whole space from the horizon to infinity. For the shell, sufficiently close to the horizon, the leading term comes from the boundary contribution of the Boulware state.Comment: 7 pages. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Dilaton black holes in grand canonical ensemble near the extreme state

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    Dilaton black holes with a pure electric charge are considered in a framework of a grand canonical ensemble near the extreme state. It is shown that there exists such a subset of boundary data that the Hawking temperature smoothly goes to zero to an infinite value of a horizon radius but the horizon area and entropy are finite and differ from zero. In string theory the existence of a horizon in the extreme limit is due to the finiteness of a system only.Comment: 8 pages, RevTex 3.0. Presentation improved, discussion on metrics in string theory simplified. To be published in Phys.Rev.

    Two-dimensional quantum-corrected black hole in a finite size cavity

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    We consider the gravitation-dilaton theory (not necessarily exactly solvable), whose potentials represent a generic linear combination of an exponential and linear functions of the dilaton. A black hole, arising in such theories, is supposed to be enclosed in a cavity, where it attains thermal equilibrium, whereas outside the cavity the field is in the Boulware state. We calculate quantum corrections to the Hawking temperature THT_{H}, with the contribution from the boundary taken into account. Vacuum polarization outside the shell tend to cool the system. We find that, for the shell to be in the thermal equilibrium, it cannot be placed too close to the horizon. The quantum corrections to the mass due to vacuum polarization vanish in spite of non-zero quantum stresses. We discuss also the canonical boundary conditions and show that accounting for the finiteness of the system plays a crucial role in some theories (e.g., CGHS), where it enables to define the stable canonical ensemble, whereas consideration in an infinite space would predict instability.Comment: 21 pages. In v.2 misprints corrected. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Coherent Acceleration of Material Wavepackets

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    We study the quantum dynamics of a material wavepacket bouncing off a modulated atomic mirror in the presence of a gravitational field. We find the occurrence of coherent accelerated dynamics for atoms. The acceleration takes place for certain initial phase space data and within specific windows of modulation strengths. The realization of the proposed acceleration scheme is within the range of present day experimental possibilities.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, NASA "Quantum-to-Cosmos" conference proceedings to be published in IJMP

    Quantum-corrected ultraextremal horizons and validity of WKB in massless limit

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    We consider quantum backreaction of the quantized scalar field with an arbitrary mass and curvature coupling on ultraextremal horizons. The problem is distinguished in that (in contrast to non-extremal or extremal black holes) the WKB approximation remains valid near r+r_{+} (which is the radius of the horizon) even in the massless limit. We examine the behavior of the stress-energy tensor of the quantized field near r+r_{+} and show that quantum-corrected objects under discussion do exist. In the limit of the large mass our results agree with previous ones known in literature.Comment: revtex4, 9 page

    Phase transition between quantum and classical regimes for the escape rate of a biaxial spin system

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    Employing the method of mapping the spin problem onto a particle one, we have derived the particle Hamiltonian for a biaxial spin system with a transverse or longitudinal magnetic field. Using the Hamiltonian and introducing the parameter p((UmaxE)/(UmaxUmin))p (\equiv (U_{max}-E)/(U_{max}-U_{min})) where UmaxU_{max} (U_{min}) corresponds to the top (bottom) of the potential and EE is the energy of the particle, we have studied the first- or second-order transition around the crossover temperature between thermal and quantum regimes for the escape rate, depending on the anisotropy constant and the external magnetic field. It is shown that the phase boundary separating the first- and second-order transition and its crossover temperature are greatly influenced by the transverse anisotropy constant as well as the transverse or longitudinal magnetic field.Comment: 5 pages + 3 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Entropy of Quantum Fields for Nonextreme Black Holes in the Extreme Limit

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    Nonextreme black hole in a cavity within the framework of the canonical or grand canonical ensemble can approach the extreme limit with a finite temperature measured on a boundary located at a finite proper distance from the horizon. In spite of this finite temperature, it is shown that the one-loop contribution Sq S_{q\text{ }}of quantum fields to the thermodynamic entropy due to equilibrium Hawking radiation vanishes in the limit under consideration. The same is true for the finite temperature version of the Bertotti-Robinson spacetime into which a classical Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m black hole turns in the extreme limit. The result Sq=0S_{q}=0 is attributed to the nature of a horizon for the Bertotti-Robinson spacetime.Comment: 11 pages, ReVTeX, no figures. New references added, discussion expanded, presentation and English improved. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Coherent acceleration of material wavepackets in modulated optical fields

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    We study the quantum dynamics of a material wavepacket bouncing off a modulated atomic mirror in the presence of a gravitational field. We find the occurrence of coherent accelerated dynamics for atoms beyond the familiar regime of dynamical localization. The acceleration takes place for certain initial phase space data and within specific windows of modulation strengths. The realization of the proposed acceleration scheme is within the range of present day experimental possibilities

    Thermodynamics of black holes with an infinite effective area of a horizon

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    In some kinds of classical dilaton theory there exist black holes with (i) infinite horizon area AA or infinite FF (the coefficient at curvature in Lagrangian) and (ii) zero Hawking temperature THT_{H}. For a generic static black hole, without an assumption about spherical symmetry, we show that infinite AA is compatible with a regularity of geometry in the case TH=0T_{H}=0 only. We also point out that infinite THT_{H} is incompatible with the regularity of a horizon of a generic static black hole, both for finite or infinite AA. Direct application of the standard Euclidean approach in the case of an infinite ''effective'' area of the horizon Aeff=AFA_{eff}=AF leads to inconsistencies in the variational principle and gives for a black hole entropy SS an indefinite expression, formally proportional to THAeffT_{H}A_{eff}. We show that treating a horizon as an additional boundary (that is, adding to the action some terms calculated on the horizon) may restore self-consistency of the variational procedure, if FF near the horizon grows not too rapidly. We apply this approach to Brans-Dicke black holes and obtain the same answer S=0 as for ''usual'' (for example, Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m) extreme classical black holes. We also consider the exact solution for a conformal coupling, when AA is finite but FF diverges and find that in the latter case both the standard and modified approach give rise to an infinite action. Thus, this solution represents a rare exception of a black hole without nontrivial thermal properties.Comment: 24 pages. Accepted for publication in Class. Quant. Gra

    Near-extremal and extremal quantum-corrected two-dimensional charged black holes

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    We consider charged black holes within dilaton gravity with exponential-linear dependence of action coefficients on dilaton and minimal coupling to quantum scalar fields. This includes, in particular, CGHS and RST black holes in the uncharged limit. For non-extremal configuration quantum correction to the total mass, Hawking temperature, electric potential and metric are found explicitly and shown to obey the first generalized law. We also demonstrate that quantum-corrected extremal black holes in these theories do exist and correspond to the classically forbidden region of parameters in the sense that the total mass Mtot<QM_{tot}<Q (QQ is a charge). We show that in the limit TH0T_{H}\to 0 (where THT_{H} is the Hawking temperature) the mass and geometry of non-extremal configuration go smoothly to those of the extremal one, except from the narrow near-horizon region. In the vicinity of the horizon the quantum-corrected geometry (however small quantum the coupling parameter κ\kappa would be) of a non-extremal configuration tends to not the quantum-corrected extremal one but to the special branch of solutions with the constant dilaton (2D analog of the Bertotti-Robinson metric) instead. Meanwhile, if κ=0\kappa =0 exactly, the near-extremal configuration tends to the extremal one. We also consider the dilaton theory which corresponds classically to the spherically-symmetrical reduction from 4D case and show that for the quantum-corrected extremal black hole Mtot>QM_{tot}>Q.Comment: 25 pages. Typos corrected. To appear in Class. Quant. Gra