7 research outputs found

    Assessment of the physiological condition of Salvinia natans L. exposed to copper (II) ions

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    Salvinia natans L. is a known bioaccumulator of metal ions from the aquatic environment. Exposure of plants to prolonged impact of toxins along with a large dose of the metal affects the physiological condition of the plants. The changes occurring in the plants in the phytoremediation process in contaminated medium culture of 5, 10, 15 and 20 mg Cu/dm3 show two basic physiological parameters: the assimilation pigment content (chlorophyll a and b) responsible for the production of energy in the process of photosynthesis, and the total protein level as the main constituent of the plant. Conducted studies confirmed a negative effect of high concentrations of copper(II) on Salvinia natans L. plants which in these conditions are capable to bioaccumulate metal from each contaminated culture medium

    Bioaccumulation capacities of copper(II) ions in Salvinia natans

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    Capacities of the pleustophytes in the purification of the aquatic environments in Polish climatic zone have been evaluated. Studies of bioaccumulation of copper(II) from culture media contaminated with 5, 10, 15 and 20 mg Cu/dm3 by the plants of Salvinia natans species were performed. The process was carried out for 14 days with the use of artificial plant-breeding species. The balance of the content of copper(II) in dry matter of plants and in the culture media was investigated. Capabilities of Salvinia natans to bioaccumulate copper(II) have been confirmed in all contaminated culture media

    The environmental pollution with copper and zinc along the communication routes in Wroc艂aw, Poland

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    Copper and zinc concentrations in soils and grasses near selected communication routes in Wroc艂aw, Poland have been determined. Environmental samples were collected from the surface layer of the soil profile within 3 m from the edge of the road. The analysis of metals in the mineralizates has been carried out by atomic absorptive spectroscopy (AAS). The conductivity and pH of the soil solutions were measured to evaluate the salinity of the soils and also their active and exchangeable acidity. There have been determined the parameters characterizing the content of metals in soils and grasses, the index of the enrichment of soils in zinc and copper (Wn), the bioaccumulation coefficient (WB), histograms of the frequency of metals occurrence in environmental samples. Also it was presented the Pearson鈥檚 r correlation coefficients for the relationships: Zn in soil/Cu in soil, Zn in grass/Cu in grass, Cu in grass/Cu in soil, Zn in grass/Zn in soil. The research does not indicate exceeding of the permissible content of copper and zinc in the environment. However, in all samples higher content of the metals compared to the geochemical background have been observed

    Content of mercury and cadmium in the stream of spent zinc-carbon batteries type R6, standard AA

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    Dyrektywa unijna dotycz膮ca baterii i akumulator贸w oraz ich odpad贸w zakazuje sprzeda偶y baterii i akumulator贸w zawieraj膮cych wi臋cej ni偶 0,0005% masy rt臋ci oraz 0,002% kadmu (z wyj膮tkiem baterii specjalnego przeznaczenia i ogniw guzikowych, w kt贸rych zawarto艣膰 rt臋ci nie powinna przekroczy膰 2% mas.). Jednak w strumieniu baterii cynkowo-w臋glowych trafiaj膮cych na polski rynek (a p贸藕niej do zak艂ad贸w przetw贸rczych) znajduje si臋 du偶a ilo艣膰 takich, na kt贸rych nie ma informacji o zawarto艣ci rt臋ci i kadmu. Ten stan rzeczy powoduje, i偶 przedsi臋biorstwa zajmuj膮ce si臋 recyklingiem odpad贸w bateryjnych zar贸wno metodami piro-, jak i hydrometalurgicznymi maj膮 problemy technologiczne podczas przer贸bki tych odpad贸w. W pracy przedstawiono pr贸b臋 oszacowania ilo艣ci tych dw贸ch metali w poszczeg贸lnych elementach baterii cynkowo-w臋glowych typu R6, standard AA oraz w strumieniu zu偶ytych baterii cynkowo-w臋glowych trafiaj膮cych do recyklingu.According to EU Directive 2006/66/EC it is prohibited to sale batteries and accumulators containing more than 0.0005 wt. % mercury by weight and 0.002 wt. % of cadmium (except for special purpose batteries and button cells, in which the content of mercury should not exceed 2% by weight). In the stream of zinc-carbon batteries reaching the Polish market (and later the processing plants) there is a large number of those which do not have information about the content of mercury and cadmium. The quantitative study of these two types of metals in particular elements of the zinc-carbon batteries type R6, standard AA and in the stream of spent zinc-carbon batteries for recycling was described. Obtained results are showing that overall cadmium content in individual elements of tested batteries, referenced to the total weight of the battery does not exceed the value permissible by the EU Directive in the amount of 0.002% by weight of Cd in each of the analyzed batteries. However the overall mercury content in individual elements of tested batteries, exceeds for three of them the value permissible by the EU Directive (Directive 2006/66/EC, 2006) in the amount of 0.0005% by weight of Hg

    Zawarto艣膰 rt臋ci i kadmu w strumieniu zu偶ytych baterii cynkowo-w臋glowych

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    According to EU Directive 2006/66/EC it is prohibited to sale batteries and accumulators containing more than 0.0005 wt. % mercury by weight and 0.002 wt. % of cadmium (except for special purpose batteries and button cells, in which the content of mercury should not exceed 2 % by weight). In the stream of zinc-carbon batteries reaching the Polish market (and later the processing plants) one can find a large number of such that do not have information about the content of mercury and cadmium. The quantitative study of these two types of metals in particular parts of the zinc-carbon batteries type R6, standard AA, and in the stream of spent zinc-carbon batteries for recycling was described. Obtained results are showing that overall cadmium content in individual elements of tested batteries, referenced to the total weight of the battery does not exceed the value permissible by the EU Directive in the amount of 0.002 % by weight of Cd in each of the analyzed batteries. However, the overall mercury content in individual parts of tested batteries for three of them exceeds the value permissible by the EU Directive (Directive 2006/66/EC, 2006), showing the amount of 0.0005 % of Hg by weight.Dyrektywa unijna dotycz膮ca baterii i akumulator贸w oraz ich odpad贸w [1] zakazuje sprzeda偶y baterii i akumulator贸w zawieraj膮cych wi臋cej ni偶 0,0005 % wagowych rt臋ci oraz 0,002 % kadmu (z wyj膮tkiem baterii specjalnego przeznaczenia i ogniw guzikowych, w kt贸rych zawarto艣膰 rt臋ci nie powinna przekroczy膰 2 % wagowych). Jednak w strumieniu baterii cynkowo-w臋glowych trafiaj膮cych na polski rynek (a p贸藕niej do zak艂ad贸w przetw贸rczych) znajduje si臋 du偶a ilo艣膰 takich, na kt贸rych nie ma informacji o zawarto艣ci rt臋ci i kadmu. Ten stan rzeczy powoduje, i偶 przedsi臋biorstwa zajmuj膮ce si臋 recyklingiem odpad贸w bateryjnych metodami piro-, jak i hydrometalurgicznymi maj膮 problemy technologiczne podczas przer贸bki tych odpad贸w. W pracy przedstawiono pr贸b臋 oszacowania ilo艣ci tych dw贸ch metali w poszczeg贸lnych elementach baterii cynkowo-w臋glowych typu R6, standard AA oraz w strumieniu zu偶ytych baterii cynkowo-w臋glowych trafiaj膮cych do recyklingu

    Accumulation of mercury in the biomass of selected pleustophytes

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    Application of phytoremediation process for the purification of the environment, particularly of surface water (running or standing) may be a future alternative to existing standard purification methods, in particular for heavy metal removal. Numerous hyperaccumulators are known which can be used for the purification of water, soil or sediment such as Salvinia or Lemna lemnids, occurring in temperate climates, and thus on the territory of Poland. Ability of mercury accumulation by Salvinia natans and Lemna minor was analyzed. The phytoremediation ability of lemnids was compared depending on their origin - commercial (artificial) cultures and those obtained from the natural environment. Phytoremediation process was carried out for a period of 14 days for the concentration of 0.15 mg Hg/dm3 and 0.2 mg Hg/dm3. It was found that both Salvinia natans and Lemna minor show a significant increase in biomass in the presence of mercury, even up to 76% for Lemna minor and 40% for Salvinia natans. The result of this increase was incorporation a considerable amount of mercury in the tissues of plant. The quantity of mercury in plants biomass was in the range of 41.16-115.28 mg Hg/kg DM, while in the control samples - only 0.2-0.6 mg Hg/kg DM