171 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Penerapan Program Adiwiyata Untuk Membentuk Perilaku Peduli Lingkungan Di Kalangan Siswa (Kasus: SMA Negeri 9 Tangerang Selatan Dan MA Negeri 1 Serpong)

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    Behavior of environmental awareness is still low, even among students. One effort to create behavior of environmental awareness among students through Adiwiyata program, which is integrate in formal education at all, levels of school. The problem is, application of Adiwiyata program can't guarantee to create behavior awareness. Based on that descriptions, purpose of this study is to evaluate implementation of Adiwiyata program, comparing student's behavior in two different school, and to analyze the relationship between Adiwiyata and behavior of environmental awareness from three aspect, knowledge, attitude, and action. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The result showed, Adiwiyata school have 48% students with high knowledge, 99% students with good attitudes, and 79% students with good action toward environment. In other hand, non Adiwiyata school have 33% students with high knowledge, 99% students with good attitudes, and 76% students with good action toward environment. Thus, there is relationship between implementation of Adiwiyata program to build knowledge, attitude and action toward environment.Keywords: Adiwiyata, behavior of environmental awareness, knowledge, attitude, actionCitation: Iswari, R.D, dan Utomo, S.W. (2017). Evaluasi Penerapan Program Adiwiyata Untuk Membentuk Perilaku Peduli Lingkungan di Kalangan Siswa (Kasus: SMA Negeri 9 Tangerang Selatan dan MA Negeri 1 Serpong). Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan, 15(1), 35-41, doi:10.14710/jil.15.1.35-4

    Teknologi Dan Teknik Sistem Komputasi Pervasif Dalam Sistem Layanan Kesehatan: Studi Literatur Sistematis

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    . Technology of pervasive computing can be applied in daily activities such as sport, education, game and public interest such as public health. In healthcare system, the issues about high cost and errors in reviewing of patient record are still a major topic for healthcare provider (hospital). The technology of pervasive computing was developed to address these issues. This study will discuss the technology to support healthcare system. The main purpose is that users need to know the technology and its characteristics in order to prevent fatal actions in its use. The integration of different kinds of technology such as mobile devices, wireless networks, sensors, and wearable technologies is able to give better healthcare service than the technology itself

    Fenomena Golput Pada Pilkada Pati 2011

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    Abstention phenomenon that occurs in the Pati Regional Head Election 2011 was ageneral election officer who has the highest number abstentions in Central Java at the time. Thestudy was conducted to analiyze the phenomenon of non-voters who happen to Pati Election2011 by using quantitative descriptive approach or talk about the frequency. This method is asurvey study in which the authors took a simple of the population and the use of questionnairesas the main data collection tool. Descriptive research is intended to careful measurement ofcertain social phenomena. Authors develop the concept and to compile fakt, but do not dopengjian hyphotesis, the result of the survey can also be used to hold a certain predictions aboutsocial phenomena.Abstensions of voter that occurs in Pati Election can be seen from the technical aspect,political aspect, ideological aspect and oersonal identity. This research found that the technicalaspect have to be main reason why Pati\u27s people unwilling to give vote. The technical aspect isconstraints that make people couldn\u27t voting, such as have other activities at the same timeelection day so could not come the polls. On the political aspects of behavior such as non-votershave no reason to believe the party, candidate/candidates or do not believe in change for thebetter. Meanwhile, if viewed from the aspect of one\u27s identity may be seen by religion, level ofeducation, age, gender and others. For example, if viewed in terms of religion for non-votersbecause someone decided that the party was not selected as candidate expected/ candidate, forexample in someone who is Christian tends not vote for a party that carried Islam as PPP, PKBwhile generally on the wing nationalist candidate or political party judged less respresentatif toaccommodate their asoirations, then the non-voters will be the final option is taken

    Kajian Penambahan Tepung Ampas Kelapa pada Pakan Ikan Bandeng (Chanos Chanos)

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    Ikan bandeng (Chanos chanos) merupakan salah satu komoditas perairan payau yang potensial untuk dibudidayakan. Penyediaan benih dan pakan yang baik secara kualitas maupun kuantitas sangat diperlukan demi meningkatkan produksi ikan bandeng. Ampas kelapa adalah limbah pertanian yang dapat digunakan sebagai campuran bahan baku pakan ikan melalui proses penepungan. Penggunaan tepung ampas kelapa ini diharapkan dapat mengurangi penggunaan bahan baku pakan impor yang harganya mahal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jumlah penambahan ampas kelapa yang optimal pada pakan untuk pertumbuhan ikan bandeng. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari – Maret 2017 bertempat di Desa Purworejo Kecamatan Pasir Sakti Kabupaten Lampung Timur. Penelitian menggunakan 4 perlakuan dengan 3 kali ulanganyaitu Perlakuan A (Pelet komersil), B (Pelet komersil + tepung ampas kelapa 10%), C (Pelet komersil + tepung ampas kelapa 20%) dan D (Pelet komersil + tepung ampas kelapa 30%). Parameter yang diamati yaitu laju pertumbuhan (pertumbuhan mutlak dan harian), efisiensi pakan, identifikasi dan kelimpahan fitoplankton serta parameter pendukung yaitu kualitas air. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa pada parameter laju pertumbuhan (pertumbuhan mutlak dan harian) serta efisiensi pakan perlakuan D berbeda nyata dengan perlakuan A, B, dan C. Akan tetapi perlakuan A, B dan C tidak berbeda nyata. Kesimpulan yang didapat bahwa penggunaan tepung ampas kelapa dengan jumlah maksimal 20% tidak memberikan pengaruh terhadap laju pertumbuhan dan efisiensi pakan pada ikan bandeng

    Alternatif Pondasi Terowongan Layang Dalam Laut Untuk Prasarana Transportasi

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    A Submerged Floating Tunnel (SFT) is a tunnel that floats in water, supported by its buoyancy specifically by employing the hydrostatic thrust. In order to construct the foundation of the SFT, soil investigation has to be performed in advance. The soil investigation includes identification of subsurface soil profile, geotechnical index properties and parameters. Results of the soil investigation were used to he analyze and develop alternatives of the foundations for anchoring the prototype of the SFT. This paper discusses the alternatives of the foundations based on soil condition and applied tension leg. The research will be of interest to many practicing engineers and researchers regarding the subject matter
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