186 research outputs found

    Coexistence of Superconductivity and Spin Density Wave orderings in the organic superconductor (TMTSF)_2PF_6

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    The phase diagram of the organic superconductor (TMTSF)_2PF_6 has been revisited using transport measurements with an improved control of the applied pressure. We have found a 0.8 kbar wide pressure domain below the critical point (9.43 kbar, 1.2 K) for the stabilisation of the superconducting ground state featuring a coexistence regime between spin density wave (SDW) and superconductivity (SC). The inhomogeneous character of the said pressure domain is supported by the analysis of the resistivity between T_SDW and T_SC and the superconducting critical current. The onset temperature T_SC is practically constant (1.20+-0.01 K) in this region where only the SC/SDW domain proportion below T_SC is increasing under pressure. An homogeneous superconducting state is recovered above the critical pressure with T_SC falling at increasing pressure. We propose a model comparing the free energy of a phase exhibiting a segregation between SDW and SC domains and the free energy of homogeneous phases which explains fairly well our experimental findings.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, revised v: fig.9 added, section 4.2 rewritten, accepted v: sections 4&5 improve

    Influence of Quantum Hall Effect on Linear and Nonlinear Conductivity in the FISDW States of the Organic Conductor (TMTSF)_2PF_6

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    We report a detailed characterization of quantum Hall effect (QHE) influence on the linear and non-linear resistivity tensor in FISDW phases of the organic conductor (TMTSF)2PF6. We show that the behavior at low electric fields, observed for nominally pure single crystals with different values of the resistivity ratio, is fully consistent with a theoretical model, which takes QHE nature of FISDW and residual quasi-particle density associated with different crystal imperfection levels into account. The non-linearity in longitudinal and diagonal resistivity tensor components observed at large electric fields reconciles preceding contradictory results. Our theoretical model offers a qualitatively good explanation of the observed features if a sliding of the density wave with the concomitant destruction of QHE, switched on above a finite electric field, is taken into account.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, submitted to EPJ

    Effective Field Theory for Rydberg Polaritons

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    We develop an effective field theory (EFT) to describe the few- and many-body propagation of one dimensional Rydberg polaritons. We show that the photonic transmission through the Rydberg medium can be found by mapping the propagation problem to a non-equilibrium quench, where the role of time and space are reversed. We include effective range corrections in the EFT and show that they dominate the dynamics near scattering resonances in the presence of deep bound states. Finally, we show how the long-range nature of the Rydberg-Rydberg interactions induces strong effective NN-body interactions between Rydberg polaritons. These results pave the way towards studying non-perturbative effects in quantum field theories using Rydberg polaritons.Comment: 5+ pages main text, 3 figures; 5 pages supplemental, 1 figure; v2 - replaced discussion of N-body bound state preparation with discussion of effective range corrections and made other minor correction

    Collective Sideband Cooling in an Optical Ring Cavity

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    We propose a cavity based laser cooling and trapping scheme, providing tight confinement and cooling to very low temperatures, without degradation at high particle densities. A bidirectionally pumped ring cavity builds up a resonantly enhanced optical standing wave which acts to confine polarizable particles in deep potential wells. The particle localization yields a coupling of the degenerate travelling wave modes via coherent photon redistribution. This induces a splitting of the cavity resonances with a high frequency component, that is tuned to the anti-Stokes Raman sideband of the particles oscillating in the potential wells, yielding cooling due to excess anti-Stokes scattering. Tight confinement in the optical lattice together with the prediction, that more than 50% of the trapped particles can be cooled into the motional ground state, promise high phase space densities.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Dissipative Preparation of Spin Squeezed Atomic Ensembles in a Steady State

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    We present and analyze a new approach for the generation of atomic spin squeezed states. Our method involves the collective coupling of an atomic ensemble to a decaying mode of an open optical cavity. We demonstrate the existence of a collective atomic dark-state, decoupled from the radiation field. By explicitly constructing this state we find that it can feature spin squeezing bounded only by the Heisenberg limit. We show that such dark states can be deterministically prepared via dissipative means, thus turning dissipation into a resource for entanglement. The scaling of the phase sensitivity taking realistic imperfections into account is discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Cold Matter Assembled Atom-by-Atom

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    The realization of large-scale fully controllable quantum systems is an exciting frontier in modern physical science. We use atom-by-atom assembly to implement a novel platform for the deterministic preparation of regular arrays of individually controlled cold atoms. In our approach, a measurement and feedback procedure eliminates the entropy associated with probabilistic trap occupation and results in defect-free arrays of over 50 atoms in less than 400 ms. The technique is based on fast, real-time control of 100 optical tweezers, which we use to arrange atoms in desired geometric patterns and to maintain these configurations by replacing lost atoms with surplus atoms from a reservoir. This bottom-up approach enables controlled engineering of scalable many-body systems for quantum information processing, quantum simulations, and precision measurements.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, 3 movies as ancillary file

    Quantum nonlinear optics using cold Rydberg atoms

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    Although photons do no a ect each other in vacuum, interactions between individual photons could enable a wide variety of scienti c and engineering applications. Here we report on the creation of a quantum nonlinear medium with large photon-photon interactions at the single photon level. Our approach relies on Electromagnetically Induced Transparency (EIT) techniques, in which individual photons are coherently mapped onto strongly interacting Rydberg atoms. Under EIT conditions, photons traveling in the medium are best described as part-matter part-light quantum particles, called polaritons, which experience long-range interactions through the Rydberg blockade. In particular, we demonstrate coherent photon-photon interactions, akin to those associated with conventional massive particles, paving the way for novel photonics states and quantum simulation with light
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