68 research outputs found

    Methodological issues of clinical prediction models for shoulder pain in general practice

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    Horst, H.E. van der [Promotor]Vet, H.C.W. de [Promotor]Heymans, M.W. [Copromotor]Windt, D.A.W.M. van der [Copromotor

    Overwegingen bij de oplegging van de voorwaardelijke straf

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    . Met deze, enigszins selecte, steekproef was het mogelijk om de overwegingen van rechters in de strafmotiveringen bij verschillende typen delicten te achterhalen. De algemene voorwaarde van de voorwaardelijke straf, dat de gestrafte binnen twee jaar geen nieuw delict pleegt, wordt vaak ingezet als 'stok achter de deur'. Verder gebruiken rechters voorwaardelijke straffen om bijzondere voorwaarden op te leggen en zodoende de kans op recidive te verminderen. Dit gebeurt meestal in combinatie met een onvoorwaardelijk strafdeel. Uit de analyse van de uitspraken blijkt dat voorwaardelijke straffen vaker worden opgelegd bij bepaalde delicten en daders. Zo worden zedendelinquenten bijvoorbeeld vaak bijzondere voorwaarden opgelegd om behandeling en reclasseringstoezicht mogelijk te maken. Daarnaast wordt de voorwaardelijke straf ook wel gezien als een minder zware strafvariant dan de onvoorwaardelijke gevangenisstraf en als zodanig ingezet

    High Early Fluid Input After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Combined Report of Association With Delayed Cerebral Ischemia and Feasibility of Cardiac Output–Guided Fluid Restriction

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    Background: Guidelines on the management of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH) recommend euvolemia, whereas hypervolemia may cause harm. We investigated whether high early fluid input is associated with delayed cerebral ischemia (DCI), and if fluid input can be safely decreased using transpulmonary thermodilution (TPT). Methods: We retrospectively included aSAH patients treated at an academic intensive care unit (2007-2011; cohort 1) or managed with TPT (2011-2013; cohort 2). Local guidelines recommended fluid input of 3 L daily. More fluids were administered when daily fluid balance fell below +500 mL. In cohort 2, fluid input in high-risk patients was guided by cardiac output measured by TPT per a strict protocol. Associations of fluid input and balance with DCI were analyzed with multivariable logistic regression (cohort 1), and changes in hemodynamic indices after institution of TPT assessed with linear mixed models (cohort 2). Results: Cumulative fluid input 0 to 72 hours after admission was associated with DCI in cohort 1 (n=223; odds ratio [OR] 1.19/L; 95% confidence interval 1.07-1.32), whereas cumulative fluid balance was not. In cohort 2 (23 patients), using TPT fluid input could be decreased from 6.0 ± 1.0 L before to 3.4 ± 0.3 L; P =.012), while preload parameters and consciousness remained stable. Conclusion: High early fluid input was associated with DCI. Invasive hemodynamic monitoring was feasible to reduce fluid input while maintaining preload. These results indicate that fluid loading beyond a normal preload occurs, may increase DCI risk, and can be minimized with TPT

    Prediction of persistent shoulder pain in general practice: Comparing clinical consensus from a Delphi procedure with a statistical scoring system

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In prognostic research, prediction rules are generally statistically derived. However the composition and performance of these statistical models may strongly depend on the characteristics of the derivation sample. The purpose of this study was to establish consensus among clinicians and experts on key predictors for persistent shoulder pain three months after initial consultation in primary care and assess the predictive performance of a model based on clinical expertise compared to a statistically derived model.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A Delphi poll involving 3 rounds of data collection was used to reach consensus among health care professionals involved in the assessment and management of shoulder pain.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Predictors selected by the expert panel were: symptom duration, pain catastrophizing, symptom history, fear-avoidance beliefs, coexisting neck pain, severity of shoulder disability, multisite pain, age, shoulder pain intensity and illness perceptions. When tested in a sample of 587 primary care patients consulting with shoulder pain the predictive performance of the two prognostic models based on clinical expertise were lower compared to that of a statistically derived model (Area Under the Curve, AUC, expert-based dichotomous predictors 0.656, expert-based continuous predictors 0.679 vs. 0.702 statistical model).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The three models were different in terms of composition, but all confirmed the prognostic importance of symptom duration, baseline level of shoulder disability and multisite pain. External validation in other populations of shoulder pain patients should confirm whether statistically derived models indeed perform better compared to models based on clinical expertise.</p

    LRP10 interacts with SORL1 in the intracellular vesicle trafficking pathway in non-neuronal brain cells and localises to Lewy bodies in Parkinson's disease and dementia with Lewy bodies

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    Loss-of-function variants in the low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 10 (LRP10) gene have been associated with autosomal-dominant Parkinson's disease (PD), PD dementia, and dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB). Moreover, LRP10 variants have been found in individuals diagnosed with progressive supranuclear palsy and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Despite this genetic evidence, little is known about the expression and function of LRP10 protein in the human brain under physiological or pathological conditions. To better understand how LRP10 variants lead to neurodegeneration, we first performed an in-depth characterisation of LRP10 expression in post-mortem brains and human-induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived astrocytes and neurons from control subjects. In adult human brain, LRP10 is mainly expressed in astrocytes and neurovasculature but undetectable in neurons. Similarly, LRP10 is highly expressed in iPSC-derived astrocytes but cannot be observed in iPSC-derived neurons. In astrocytes, LRP10 is present at trans-Golgi network, plasma membrane, retromer, and early endosomes. Interestingly, LRP10 also partially co-localises and interacts with sortilin-related receptor 1 (SORL1). Furthermore, although LRP10 expression and localisation in the substantia nigra of most idiopathic PD and DLB patients and LRP10 variant carriers diagnosed with PD or DLB appeared unchanged compared to control subjects, significantly enlarged LRP10-positive vesicles were detected in a patient carrying the LRP10 p.Arg235Cys variant. Last, LRP10 was detected in Lewy bodies (LB) at late maturation stages in brains from idiopathic PD and DLB patients and in LRP10 variant carriers. In conclusion, high LRP10 expression in non-neuronal cells and undetectable levels in neurons of control subjects indicate that LRP10-mediated pathogenicity is initiated via cell non-autonomous mechanisms, potentially involving the interaction of LRP10 with SORL1 in vesicle trafficking pathways. Together with the specific pattern of LRP10 incorporation into mature LBs, these data support an important mechanistic role for disturbed vesicle trafficking and loss of LRP10 function in neurodegenerative diseases

    Comparing the cumulative live birth rate of cleavage-stage versus blastocyst-stage embryo transfers between IVF cycles:a study protocol for a multicentre randomised controlled superiority trial (the ToF trial)

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    Introduction In vitro fertilisation (IVF) has evolved as an intervention of choice to help couples with infertility to conceive. In the last decade, a strategy change in the day of embryo transfer has been developed. Many IVF centres choose nowadays to transfer at later stages of embryo development, for example, transferring embryos at blastocyst stage instead of cleavage stage. However, it still is not known which embryo transfer policy in IVF is more efficient in terms of cumulative live birth rate (cLBR), following a fresh and the subsequent frozen-thawed transfers after one oocyte retrieval. Furthermore, studies reporting on obstetric and neonatal outcomes from both transfer policies are limited. Methods and analysis We have set up a multicentre randomised superiority trial in the Netherlands, named the Three or Fivetrial. We plan to include 1200 women with an indication for IVF with at least four embryos available on day 2 after the oocyte retrieval. Women are randomly allocated to either (1) control group: embryo transfer on day 3 and cryopreservation of supernumerary good-quality embryos on day 3 or 4, or (2) intervention group: embryo transfer on day 5 and cryopreservation of supernumerary good-quality embryos on day 5 or 6. The primary outcome is the cLBR per oocyte retrieval. Secondary outcomes include LBR following fresh transfer, multiple pregnancy rate and time until pregnancy leading a live birth. We will also assess the obstetric and neonatal outcomes, costs and patients' treatment burden. Ethics and dissemination The study protocol has been approved by the Central Committee on Research involving Human Subjects in the Netherlands in June 2018 (CCMO NL 64060.000.18). The results of this trial will be submitted for publication in international peer-reviewed and in open access journals. Trial registration number Netherlands Trial Register (NL 6857)

    Overview of data-synthesis in systematic reviews of studies on outcome prediction models

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    Background: Many prognostic models have been developed. Different types of models, i.e. prognostic factor and outcome prediction studies, serve different purposes, which should be reflected in how the results are summarized in reviews. Therefore we set out to investigate how authors of reviews synthesize and report the results of primary outcome prediction studies. Methods: Outcome prediction reviews published in MEDLINE between October 2005 and March 2011 were eligible and 127 Systematic reviews with the aim to summarize outcome prediction studies written in English were identified for inclusion. Characteristics of the reviews and the primary studies that were included were independently assessed by 2 review authors, using standardized forms. Results: After consensus meetings a total of 50 systematic reviews that met the inclusion criteria were included. The type of primary studies included (prognostic factor or outcome prediction) was unclear in two-thirds of the reviews. A minority of the reviews reported univariable or multivariable point estimates and measures of dispersion from the primary studies. Moreover, the variables considered for outcome prediction model development were often not reported, or were unclear. In most reviews there was no information about model performance. Quantitative analysis was performed in 10 reviews, and 49 reviews assessed the primary studies qualitatively. In both analyses types a range of different methods was used to present the results of the outcome prediction studies. Conclusions: Different methods are applied to synthesize primary study results but quantitative analysis is rarely performed. The description of its objectives and of the primary studies is suboptimal and performance parameters of the outcome prediction models are rarely mentioned. The poor reporting and the wide variety of data synthesis strategies are prone to influence the conclusions of outcome prediction reviews. Therefore, there is much room for improvement in reviews of outcome prediction studies. (aut.ref.
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