29 research outputs found

    Sinteza backstepping regulatora za praćenje maksimalne proizvodnje energije u fotonaponskim sustavima

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    This work presents a new control method to track the maximum power point of a grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) system. A backstepping controller is designed to be applied to a buck-boost DC-DC converter in order to achieve an optimal PV array output voltage. This nonlinear control is based on Lyapunov functions assuring the local stability of the system. Control reference voltages are initially estimated by a regression plane, avoiding local maximum and adjusted with a modified perturb and observe method (P&O). Thus, the maximum power extraction of the generating system is guaranteed. Finally, a DC-AC converter is controlled to supply AC current in the point of common coupling (PCC) of the electrical network. The performance of the developed system has been analyzed by means a simulation platform in Matlab/Simulink helped by SymPowerSystem Blockset. Results testify the validity of the designed control method.Ovaj rad predstavlja novu metodu upravljanja za slije.enje točke maksimalne snage fotonaponskog (PV) sustava. Dana je sinteza backstepping regulatora za primjenu u silazno-uzlaznom DC-DC pretvaraču za postizanje optimalnog izlaznog napona PV-a. Ova je nelinearna metoda upravljanja zasnovana na Ljapunovim funkcijama osiguravajući tako lokalnu stabilnost sustava. Upravljačke reference napona prvo su estimirane korištenjem regresijske ravnine izbjegavajući lokalne maksimume, a zatim podešene tzv. modificiranom perturbiraj i uoči metodom (P&O). Prema tome, zagarantirano je maksimalno izvlačenje energije iz sustava proizvodnje. Naposlijetku, DC-AC pretvaračem upravlja se na način da osigurava željena izmjenična struja u točki zajedničkog spoja (PCC) elektroenergetske mreže. Ponašanje razvijenog sustava analizirano je kroz simulacije provedene u Matlab/Simulink okruženju uz korištenje SymPowerSystem biblioteke

    Quasi‐resonant LED driver with capacitive isolation

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    High-frequency-operated converters based on transmission lines

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    Pulsed power generation by means of transmission lines

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    Transformer matrix of some transmission lines topologies

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    Transmission line based energy recovery circuits and their application in copper vapor laser systems

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    A flexible and wearable energy harvester with an efficient and fast-converging analog MPPT

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    peer reviewedThis paper presents a flexible energy harvesting system with an analog maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithm that operates using the output current. The proposed MPPT circuit is simplified as only one parameter needs to be measured and is implemented by fully analog design. Simulation and experiment results validate that the proposed MPPT algorithm has a tracking efficiency of 93.7% with a fast converging speed. The energy harvesting system is implemented and tested with a flexible solar panel, and thus can be used in wearable devices. © 2016 IEEE