20 research outputs found

    Antioxidants for the prevention and therapy of type 2 diabetes

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    Stres oksydacyjny w cukrzycy jest skutkiem wysokich stężeń glukozy i kwasów tłuszczowych. Odgrywa istotną rolę w patogenezie cukrzycy i jej powikłań. Jego patogenne działanie polega między innymi na hamowaniu syntezy insuliny w trzustkowych komórkach beta i hamowaniu przeniesienia sygnału insulinowego w komórkach docelowych. Działanie to przyczynia się do rozwoju insulinooporności oraz indukowania zmian w ścianach naczyń krwionośnych prowadzących do powikłań cukrzycy. Stwierdzono działanie antydiabetyczne takich przeciwutleniaczy, jak: witamina E, karotenoidy, różne polifenole. Właściwości przeciwutleniające wykazują rośliny lecznicze stosowane w medycynie ludowej różnych stron świata, dzięki czemu wiele z nich wykazuje działanie antydiabetyczne.Oxidative stress in diabetes is a result of high concentration levels of glucose and fatty acids. It plays a key role in the pathogenesis of diabetes and its complications. Its pathogenic action consists, among other things, in suppressing the synthesis of insulin in pancreatic β-cells, as well as in hampering the insulin signal transmission in target cells. This action contributes to the development of insulin resistance and induces changes in vascular walls, thus, causing diabetic complications. It was found that some antioxidants had anti-diabetic activity, for example: vitamin E, carotenoids, and various polyphenols. Medical plants used by folk medicine in different world regions have antioxidative features, and, therefore, many of those plants show anti-diabetic activity

    In vivo longitudinal variations in protein synthesis in developing ovine intestines

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    International audienc

    Protein synthesis during the three phaservation in the rat.

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    National audienc

    In vivo protein synthesis in the developing ruminant stomach

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    International audienc

    Respective influences of age and weaning on skeletal and visceral muscle protein synthesis in the lamb.

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    1. The influences of age and weaning on muscle protein synthesis were studied in vivo, by injecting a large dose of [3H]valine into 1-, 5- and 8-week-old suckling or 8-week-old weaned lambs. 2. The fractional rates of protein synthesis, in red- and white-fibre-type skeletal muscles or striated and smooth visceral muscles, were in 8-week-old suckling animals 24-37% of their values at 1 week of age. This developmental decline was related to decreased capacities for protein synthesis, i.e. RNA/protein ratios. 3. At 8 weeks of age, suckling and weaned lambs had similar fractional synthesis rates, capacities for protein synthesis and efficiencies of protein synthesis (i.e. rates of protein synthesis relative to RNA) in skeletal muscles. 4. In contrast, visceral-muscle fractional synthesis rates were lower in 8-week-old suckling lambs than in weaned animals, owing to decreased efficiencies of protein synthesis. It was concluded that developmental factors and the change to a solid diet, or weaning in itself, or both, affect differently skeletal and visceral muscle protein synthesis in the immature lamb

    Influences of age and weaning on in vivo pancreatic protein synthesis in the lamb.

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    International audienc