10 research outputs found

    OGLE-2019-BLG-1470LABc : another microlensing giant planet in a binary system?

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    We report the discovery and analysis of a candidate triple-lens single-source (3L1S) microlensing event, OGLE-2019-BLG-1470. This event was first classified as a normal binary-lens single-source (2L1S) event, but a careful 2L1S modelling showed that it needs an additional lens or source to fit the observed data. It is found that the 3L1S model provides the best fit, but the binary-lens binary-source (2L2S) model is only disfavoured by Δχ2 ≃ 18. All of the feasible models include a planet with planet-to-host mass-ratios 10−3 ≲ q ≲ 10−2. A Bayesian analysis based on a Galactic model indicates that the planet is super-Jovian, and the projected host-planet separation is about 3 au. Specifically, for the best-fitting 3L1S model, the two stars have masses of M1=0.57+0.43−0.32M⊙⁠, and M2=0.18+0.15−0.10M⊙ with projected separation of 1.3+0.5−0.5 au, and the planetary mass is M3=2.2+1.8−1.3MJupiter⁠. For the 2L2S model, the masses of the host star and the planet are 0.55+0.44−0.31M⊙ and 4.6+3.7−2.6MJupiter⁠, respectively. By investigating the properties of all known microlensing planets in binary systems, we find that all planets in binary systems published by the KMTNet survey are located inside the resonant caustics range with q ≳ 2 × 10−3, indicating the incompleteness of the KMTNet sample for planets in binary systems. Thus, planets in binary systems cannot be included in the current study of the KMTNet mass-ratio function, and a systematic search for planetary anomalies in KMTNet microlensing light curves of binary systems is needed

    OGLE-2017-BLG-0448Lb: A Low Mass–Ratio Wide-orbit Microlensing Planet?

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    The gravitational microlensing technique is most sensitive to planets in a Jupiter-like orbit and has detected more than 200 planets. However, only a few wide-orbit ( s > 2) microlensing planets have been discovered, where s is the planet-to-host separation normalized to the angular Einstein ring radius, θ _E . Here, we present the discovery and analysis of a strong candidate wide-orbit microlensing planet in the event OGLE-2017-BLG-0448. The whole light curve exhibits long-term residuals to the static binary-lens single-source model, so we investigate the residuals by adding the microlensing parallax, microlensing xallarap, an additional lens, or an additional source. For the first time, we observe a complex degeneracy between all four effects. The wide-orbit models with s ∼ 2.5 and a planet-to-host mass ratio of q ∼ 10 ^−4 are significantly preferred, but we cannot rule out the close models with s ∼ 0.35 and q ∼ 10 ^−3 . A Bayesian analysis based on a Galactic model indicates that, despite the complicated degeneracy, the surviving wide-orbit models all contain a super-Earth-mass to Neptune-mass planet at a projected planet-host separation of ∼6 au and the surviving close-orbit models all consist of a Jovian-mass planet at ∼1 au. The host star is probably an M or K dwarf. We discuss the implications of this dimension-degeneracy disaster on microlensing light-curve analysis and its potential impact on statistical studies