928 research outputs found

    Electrostatic Disorder-Induced Interactions in Inhomogeneous Dielectrics

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    We investigate the effect of quenched surface charge disorder on electrostatic interactions between two charged surfaces in the presence of dielectric inhomogeneities and added salt. We show that in the linear weak-coupling regime (i.e., by including mean-field and Gaussian-fluctuations contributions), the image-charge effects lead to a non-zero disorder-induced interaction free energy between two surfaces of equal mean charge that can be repulsive or attractive depending on the dielectric mismatch across the bounding surfaces and the exact location of the disordered charge distribution.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    The Poisson-Boltzmann Theory for Two Parallel Uniformly Charged Plates

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    We solve the nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann equation for two parallel and likely charged plates both inside a symmetric elecrolyte, and inside a 2 : 1 asymmetric electrolyte, in terms of Weierstrass elliptic functions. From these solutions we derive the functional relation between the surface charge density, the plate separation, and the pressure between plates. For the one plate problem, we obtain exact expressions for the electrostatic potential and for the renormalized surface charge density, both in symmetric and in asymmetric electrolytes. For the two plate problems, we obtain new exact asymptotic results in various regimes.Comment: 17 pages, 9 eps figure

    Long range polarization attraction between two different likely charged macroions

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    It is known that in a water solution with multivalent counterions (Z-ions), two likely charged macroions can attract each other due to correlations of Z-ions adsorbed on their surfaces. This "correlation" attraction is short-ranged and decays exponentially with increasing distance between macroions at characteristic distance A/2\pi, where A is the average distance between Z-ions on the surfaces of macroions. In this work, we show that an additional long range "polarization" attraction exists when the bare surface charge densities of the two macroions have the same sign, but are different in absolute values. The key idea is that with adsorbed Z-ions, two insulating macroions can be considered as conductors with fixed but different electric potentials. Each potential is determined by the difference between the entropic bulk chemical potential of a Z-ion and its correlation chemical potential at the surface of the macroion determined by its bare surface charge density. When the two macroions are close enough, they get polarized in such a way that their adjacent spots form a charged capacitor, which leads to attraction. In a salt free solution this polarization attractive force is long ranged: it decays as a power of the distance between the surfaces of two macroions, d. The polarization force decays slower than the van der Waals attraction and therefore is much larger than it in a large range of distances. In the presence of large amount of monovalent salt, when A/2\pi<< d<< r_s (r_s is the Debye-H\"{u}ckel screening radius), this force is still much stronger than the van der Waals attraction and the correlation attraction mentioned above.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures. Small change in the text, no change in result

    Casimir-Polder interatomic potential between two atoms at finite temperature and in the presence of boundary conditions

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    We evaluate the Casimir-Polder potential between two atoms in the presence of an infinite perfectly conducting plate and at nonzero temperature. In order to calculate the potential, we use a method based on equal-time spatial correlations of the electric field, already used to evaluate the effect of boundary conditions on interatomic potentials. This method gives also a transparent physical picture of the role of a finite temperature and boundary conditions on the Casimir-Polder potential. We obtain an analytical expression of the potential both in the near and far zones, and consider several limiting cases of interest, according to the values of the parameters involved, such as atom-atom distance, atoms-wall distance and temperature.Comment: 11 page

    Electroneutrality and Phase Behavior of Colloidal Suspensions

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    Several statistical mechanical theories predict that colloidal suspensions of highly charged macroions and monovalent microions can exhibit unusual thermodynamic phase behavior when strongly deionized. Density-functional, extended Debye-H\"uckel, and response theories, within mean-field and linearization approximations, predict a spinodal phase instability of charged colloids below a critical salt concentration. Poisson-Boltzmann cell model studies of suspensions in Donnan equilibrium with a salt reservoir demonstrate that effective interactions and osmotic pressures predicted by such theories can be sensitive to the choice of reference system, e.g., whether the microion density profiles are expanded about the average potential of the suspension or about the reservoir potential. By unifying Poisson-Boltzmann and response theories within a common perturbative framework, it is shown here that the choice of reference system is dictated by the constraint of global electroneutrality. On this basis, bulk suspensions are best modeled by density-dependent effective interactions derived from a closed reference system in which the counterions are confined to the same volume as the macroions. Linearized theories then predict bulk phase separation of deionized suspensions only when expanded about a physically consistent (closed) reference system. Lower-dimensional systems (e.g., monolayers, small clusters), depending on the strength of macroion-counterion correlations, may be governed instead by density-independent effective interactions tied to an open reference system with counterions dispersed throughout the reservoir, possibly explaining observed structural crossover in colloidal monolayers and anomalous metastability of colloidal crystallites.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures. Discussion clarified, references adde

    "Blue energy" from ion adsorption and electrode charging in sea- and river water

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    A huge amount of entropy is produced at places where fresh water and seawater mix, for example at river mouths. This mixing process is a potentially enormous source of sustainable energy, provided it is harnessed properly, for instance by a cyclic charging and discharging process of porous electrodes immersed in salt and fresh water, respectively [D. Brogioli, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 058501 (2009)]. Here we employ a modified Poisson-Boltzmann free-energy density functional to calculate the ionic adsorption and desorption onto and from the charged electrodes, from which the electric work of a cycle is deduced. We propose optimal (most efficient) cycles for two given salt baths involving two canonical and two grand-canonical (dis)charging paths, in analogy to the well-known Carnot cycle for heat-to-work conversion from two heat baths involving two isothermal and two adiabatic paths. We also suggest a slightly modified cycle which can be applied in cases that the stream of fresh water is limited.Comment: 7 Figure

    Paediatric spirometry guideline of the South African Thoracic Society: Part 1

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    Spirometry forms an important component in the diagnosis and management of pulmonary diseases in children. In the paediatric setting, there are different challenges in terms of performance and interpretation of good quality and reliable tests. An awareness of the physiological and developmental aspects that exist in children is necessary to improve the quality and reliability of spirometry. We reviewed the recommendations on the technical aspects of performing spirometry in children, from the available guidelines and clinical trials. The focus was on the indications, methods and the interpretation of lung function tests in children <12 years of age. Reliable lung function testing can be performed in children, but an awareness of the limitations, the use of incentives and a dedicated lung function technologist are necessary

    Resonant X-ray diffraction studies on the charge ordering in magnetite

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    Here we show that the low temperature phase of magnetite is associated with an effective, although fractional, ordering of the charge. Evidence and a quantitative evaluation of the atomic charges are achieved by using resonant x-ray diffraction (RXD) experiments whose results are further analyzed with the help of ab initio calculations of the scattering factors involved. By confirming the results obtained from X-ray crystallography we have shown that RXD is able to probe quantitatively the electronic structure in very complex oxides, whose importance covers a wide domain of applications.Comment: 4 pages 4 figures, accepted for publication in PR

    Direct test of defect mediated laser induced melting theory for two dimensional solids

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    We investigate by direct numerical solution of appropriate renormalization flow equations, the validity of a recent dislocation unbinding theory for laser induced freezing/melting in two dimensions. The bare elastic moduli and dislocation fugacities which are inputs to the flow equations are obtained for three different 2-d systems (hard disk, inverse 12th12^{th} power and the Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek potentials) from a restricted Monte Carlo simulation sampling only configurations {\em without} dislocations. We conclude that (a) the flow equations need to be correct at least up to third order in defect fugacity to reproduce meaningful results, (b) there is excellent quantitative agreement between our results and earlier conventional Monte Carlo simulations for the hard disk system and (c) while the qualitative form of the phase diagram is reproduced for systems with soft potentials there is some quantitative discrepancy which we explain.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Electromagnetic vacuum of complex media II: the Lamb shift and the total vacuum energy

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    We study the physical content of the electromagnetic vacuum energy of a random medium made of atomic electric dipoles. First, we evaluate the contribution of statistical fluctuations to the average total vacuum energy, which is made out of the integration of the variations of the Lamb shift with respect to the coupling constant. While the Lamb shift is a function of the electrical susceptibility only, the vacuum energy is generally not. Second, we make clear why the effective medium bulk energy does not account for the total vacuum energy of a molecular dielectric. Consequently, the Lamb shift does not derive from the effective medium bulk energy except at leading order in the molecular density. The local field factors provide natural cutoffs for the spectrum of the total vacuum energy at a wavelength of the order of the correlation length. Third, we investigate to what extent shifts in the spectrum of the dielectric constant may be attributed to the binding energy of a dielectric. In particular, in the continuum approximation we have found a relation between the electrostatic binding energy and the Lorentz-Lorenz shift. Nonetheless, we conclude that the knowledge of the spectrum of the refractive index is insufficient either to quantify the energy of radiative modes or to estimate the electrostatic binding energy of molecular clusters.Comment: Comments added, some sections rewritte
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