64 research outputs found

    Stereotactic central/core ablative radiation therapy: results of a phase I study of a novel strategy to treat bulky tumor

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    PurposeBulky tumor remains as a challenge to surgery, chemotherapy and conventional radiation therapy. Hence, in efforts to overcome this challenge, we designed a novel therapeutic paradigm via strategy of Stereotactic Central/Core Ablative Radiation Therapy (SCART).), which is based on the principles of SBRT (stereotactic body radiation therapy and spatially fractionated radiation therapy (SFRT). We intend to safely deliver an ablative dose to the core of the tumor and with a low dose at tumor edge. The purpose of the phase 1 study was to determine dose-limiting toxicities (DLT)s and the Maximum Tolerated Dose (MTD) of SCART.Methods and materialsWe defined a SCART-plan volume inside the tumor, which is proportional to the dimension of tumor. VMAT/Cyberknife technique was adopted. In the current clinical trial; Patients with biopsy proven recurrent or metastatic bulky cancers were enrolled. The five dose levels were 15 Gy X1, 15Gy X3, 18GyX3, 21GyX3 and 24GyX3, while keeping the whole tumor GTV’s border dose at 5Gy each fraction. There was no restriction on concurrent systemic chemotherapy agents.Results21 patients were enrolled and underwent SCART. All 21 patients have eligible data for study follow-up. Radiotherapy was well tolerated with all treatment completed as scheduled. The dose was escalated for two patients to 24GyX3. No grade 3 or higher toxicity was observed in any of the enrolled patients. The average age of patients was 66 years (range: 14–85) and 13 (62%) patients were male. The median SCART dose was 18Gy (range: 15 - 24). Six out of the 18 patients with data for overall survival (OS) died, and the median time to death was 16.3 months (range: 1 - 25.6). The mean percent change for tumor shrinkage between first visit volumes and post-SCART volumes was 49.5% (SD: 40.89, p-value:0.009).ConclusionSCART was safely escalated to 24 GyX 3 fractions, which is the maximum Tolerated Dose (MTD) for SCART. This regimen will be used in future phase II trials

    Intergenomic Rearrangements after Polyploidization of Kengyilia thoroldiana (Poaceae: Triticeae) Affected by Environmental Factors

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    Polyploidization is a major evolutionary process. Approximately 70–75% species of Triticeae (Poaceae) are polyploids, involving 23 genomes. To investigate intergenomic rearrangements after polyploidization of Triticeae species and to determine the effects of environmental factors on them, nine populations of a typical polyploid Triticeae species, Kengyilia thoroldiana (Keng) J.L.Yang et al. (2n = 6x = 42, StStPPYY), collected from different environments, were studied using genome in situ hybridization (GISH). We found that intergenomic rearrangements occurred between the relatively large P genome and the small genomes, St (8.15%) and Y (22.22%), in polyploid species via various types of translocations compared to their diploid progenitors. However, no translocation was found between the relatively small St and Y chromosomes. Environmental factors may affect rearrangements among the three genomes. Chromosome translocations were significantly more frequent in populations from cold alpine and grassland environments than in populations from valley and lake-basin habitats (P<0.05). The relationship between types of chromosome translocations and altitude was significant (r = 0.809, P<0.01). Intergenomic rearrangements associated with environmental factors and genetic differentiation of a single basic genome should be considered as equally important genetic processes during species' ecotype evolution

    MicroRNAs Dynamically Remodel Gastrointestinal Smooth Muscle Cells

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    Smooth muscle cells (SMCs) express a unique set of microRNAs (miRNAs) which regulate and maintain the differentiation state of SMCs. The goal of this study was to investigate the role of miRNAs during the development of gastrointestinal (GI) SMCs in a transgenic animal model. We generated SMC-specific Dicer null animals that express the reporter, green fluorescence protein, in a SMC-specific manner. SMC-specific knockout of Dicer prevented SMC miRNA biogenesis, causing dramatic changes in phenotype, function, and global gene expression in SMCs: the mutant mice developed severe dilation of the intestinal tract associated with the thinning and destruction of the smooth muscle (SM) layers; contractile motility in the mutant intestine was dramatically decreased; and SM contractile genes and transcriptional regulators were extensively down-regulated in the mutant SMCs. Profiling and bioinformatic analyses showed that SMC phenotype is regulated by a complex network of positive and negative feedback by SMC miRNAs, serum response factor (SRF), and other transcriptional factors. Taken together, our data suggest that SMC miRNAs are required for the development and survival of SMCs in the GI tract

    Impact of early events and lifestyle on the gut microbiota and metabolic phenotypes in young school-age children

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    Abstract Background The gut microbiota evolves from birth and is in early life influenced by events such as birth mode, type of infant feeding, and maternal and infant antibiotics use. However, we still have a gap in our understanding of gut microbiota development in older children, and to what extent early events and pre-school lifestyle modulate the composition of the gut microbiota, and how this impinges on whole body metabolic regulation in school-age children. Results Taking advantage of the KOALA Birth Cohort Study, a long-term prospective birth cohort in the Netherlands with extensive collection of high-quality host metadata, we applied shotgun metagenomics sequencing and systematically investigated the gut microbiota of children at 6–9 years of age. We demonstrated an overall adult-like gut microbiota in the 281 Dutch school-age children and identified 3 enterotypes dominated by the genera Bacteroides, Prevotella, and Bifidobacterium, respectively. Importantly, we found that breastfeeding duration in early life and pre-school dietary lifestyle correlated with the composition and functional competences of the gut microbiota in the children at school age. The correlations between pre-school dietary lifestyle and metabolic phenotypes exhibited a striking enterotype dependency. Thus, an inverse correlation between high dietary fiber consumption and low plasma insulin levels was only observed in individuals with the Bacteroides and Prevotella enterotypes, but not in Bifidobacterium enterotype individuals in whom the gut microbiota displayed overall lower microbial gene richness, alpha-diversity, functional potential for complex carbohydrate fermentation, and butyrate and succinate production. High total fat consumption and elevated plasma free fatty acid levels in the Bifidobacterium enterotype are associated with the co-occurrence of Streptococcus. Conclusions Our work highlights the persistent effects of breastfeeding duration and pre-school dietary lifestyle in affecting the gut microbiota in school-age children and reveals distinct compositional and functional potential in children according to enterotypes. The findings underscore enterotype-specific links between the host metabolic phenotypes and dietary patterns, emphasizing the importance of microbiome-based stratification when investigating metabolic responses to diets. Future diet intervention studies are clearly warranted to examine gut microbe-diet-host relationships to promote knowledge-based recommendations in relation to improving metabolic health in children

    Random C 0 homeomorphism perturbations of hyperbolic sets

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