6 research outputs found

    Impact of quarry dust pollution on foliar epidermics of five species growing near stone crushing industry

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    Quarry dust is known to alter the stomatal index of most of the plants studies. But in some plants the stomatal index remains unaffected or undergo little changes. Study carried out on selected plant species growing in the vicinity revealed foliar epidermal responses to quarry dust pollution which differed from species to species. The data obtained from the seasonal study revealed the impact of crushing acivity, which has resulted in the alternation of anatomical features in various plant species. © Enviromedia Printed in India. All rights reserved

    Noise pollution in stone quarrying industry - A case study in Bangalore district, Karnataka, India

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    Noise pollution is any unwanted sound, which is unpleasant and objectionable to human health. Noise in the stone quarrying industry is regarded as a major annoyance and may lead to hearing loss and perhaps even cause adverse physiological and psychological effect. The consequences are significantly by way of a higher rate of accidents, general ill health and in industry possess occupational health hazards and decrease in productivity. It can interfere with communication, disturb sleep, lack of concentration, irritability and reduced efficiency. It is said that continues exposure to high noise levels causes headache, increase in blood pressure, nervous breakdown and finally leading to hearing loss and deafness. Though a substantial work has been carried out on the noise pollution aspect it still appears to be one of the relatively neglected areas of investigation in the field of stone quarry. Hence this paper is an attempt to evaluate the effect of noise on the working environment and to suggest possible control measures to minimize the effect in the study area. © Enviromedia Printed in India. All rights reserved

    Ground water quality evaluation stone quarry area

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    Stone quarrying is a small scale labor oriented industry which has provided JOBS to many people but at the same time it has brought a host of environmental pollution problems in the vicinity. The study is carried out to understand the ground water quality in the stone quarry area. The various parameters studied are pH, Temperature, Turbidity, Total dissolved solids, Total hardness, Calcium, Magnesium, Alkalinity, Chlorides, Fluorides, Sulphates, Phosphates and Nitrates. The present study aims to understand physico-chemical characteristics of ground water in the stone quarry area and its public utilization. © Enviromedia Printed in India. All rights reserved

    Impact of blasting in and around stone quarry area a case study in Bangalore and Kolar district, Karnataka, India

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    Stone quarrying is basically a labor oriented small scale industry which involves blasting, drilling and crushing activities. Due to unscientific and unplanned blasting activities the resulting environmental damage has become a growing concern to people in general and environmentalists in particular. With the introduction of sophisticated machinery in to the quarrying operations, the noise problem which was never considered to be serious in the past also needs the immediate attention of environmental managers. It has been established that noise interferes with speech communication and causes annoyance and distraction. With the increase in the scale of quarrying operations heavy blasting has to be restored which is resulting in ground vibrations causing damage to the structures in the vicinity besides causing irritation to the people residing near by. These operations create problems to both the community assocd. in the extn. of minerals and the local inhabitants by virtue of imbalance in environment like sound, vibration, fly rock and air blasts. This paper highlights various environmental problems assocd. with blasting operations and the methods to be adopted for mitigating the same