12 research outputs found

    Potential genotoxicity of Fusarium mycotoxins in Vicia and Pisum cytogenetic tests

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    Several fusarial toxins (DAS, DON, FUS-X and MON) were assayed for their genotoxic activity with Vicia faba var. minor and Pisum sativum used as eukaryotic, whole-organism, test systems. Four concentrations: 1, 5, 10 and 20 µg mL⁻¹ were applied for 24 hours, and three fixing times: 24, 48 and 72 hours after the beginning of the treatment. Nuclei and chromosomes in mitotic cells were stained by the Feulgen method. Generally, fusarial toxins in plant cells produced three types of effects: prevented proliferating cells from entering mitosis, caused mitotic alterations and were cytotoxic. Mitotic alterations included C-mitoses, a higher incidence of metaphases/anaphases, excessive condensation of chromosomes, multipolar spindles, disturbed anatelophases and micronuclei. Both type and range of each effect were related to plant species, toxin concentration and duration of the recovery period. The results obtained from our plant bioassays were compared with those reported from other assay systems

    Cytogenetic effects of Fusarium mycotoxins on root tip cells of rye [Secale cereale L.], wheat [Triticum aestivum L.] and field bean [Vicia faba L.var.minor]

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    The effects of fusarial toxins: DAS, T-2, DON, 3 Ac-DON, MON and ZEA, on actively dividing root tip cells of rye, wheat and field bean were investigated. Three concentrations: 1, 5 and 10 µg mL⁻¹ were applied for 24 hours. Nuclei and chromosomes were stained using the Feulgens method. It has been found that trichothecene mycotoxins (DAS, T-2, DON, 3 Ac-DON) had a profound effect on mitosis, as they decreased the mitotic index, produced excessive condensation of pro- and metaphase chromosomes, C-metaphascs and C-anaphases, and caused an accumulation of metaphases. The main effect of trichothecene mycotoxins, probably caused via their influence on protein synthesis, was abnormal functioning of the mitotic spindle

    Embryo development after interspecific hybridization of Lupinus albus L., L. mutabilis Sweet. and L. angustifolius L.

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    Embryo development of Lupinus albus L. and L. mutabilis Sweet. after pollination with L. angustifolius L. was studied. Observations of ovules revealed non-typical embryo development. From the 5th day after pollination, high number of degenerated ovules was found; the highest number was observed on 15 and 20 days after pollination. The period between the 10th and 15th day after pollination was the most suitable for isolation of embryos in all the examined combinations, with exception L. albus x L. angustifolius where optimal isolation time was between 15th and 20 th day after pollination. Embryos were obtained in each cross-pollination. Some of them developed in vitro into plantlets and grew in an artificial medium for some time, but most of them died due to non-typical development of the root system, stem, or both. The hybrid character of the survived plants requires confirmation

    Biologia kwitnienia i owocowania rutwicy wschodniej (Galega orientalis Lam.) w warunkach województwa warmińsko-mazurskiego

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    Badano kwitnienie i owocowanie fińskiej formy rutwicy wschodniej (Galega orientalis Lam.) w warunkach województwa warmińsko-mazurskiego. Realizowane badania obejmowały drugi, trzeci i czwarty rok wegetacji rutwicy. Wykazano, że rutwica wschodnia charakteryzuje się obfitością kwitnienia w sprzyjających warunkach środowiskowych, natomiast procent wykształconych strąków w stosunku do liczby kwiatów jest zmienny w latach (75,4%; 53,9%; 40,4%). Żywotność pyłku określona w warunkach laboratoryjnych była wysoka i wystarczająca do zapylenia wykształconych kwiatów. Badana populacja charakteryzowała się słabym wiązaniem nasion (3,10 średnia liczba nasion w strąku, 8,22 średnia liczba zalążków). Słabe wiązanie nasion mogło być spowodowane: niedostatecznym zapyleniem kwiatów przez owady zapylające (21,8% słupków z łagiewkami osiągającymi zalążnię), zróżnicowaną płodnością zalążków (występowanie degenerujących zalążków) oraz zaburzeniami fizjologicznymi spowodowanymi niedożywieniem zalążków (bardzo mała liczba nasion w strąkach z górnej części grona). Wartości elementów struktury plonu nasion były najniższe w drugim roku wegetacji rutwicy, co potwierdziła przeprowadzona analiza wariancji. Analiza biometryczna pojedynków rutwicy przeprowadzona w czwartym roku wegetacji wykazała dużą zmienność cech związanych z plonem zielonej masy i plonem nasion.Flowering and pod setting of Finnish form of fodder galega (Galega orientalis Lam.) grown in the province of Warmia and Masuria were analyzed. The study covered the second, third and fourth vegetative year of fodder galega. Galega orientalis Lam. was observed to produce abundant flowers when cultivated under favourable environmental conditions, but the percentage of pods set relative to the number of flowers was different in each year (75.4%. 53.9%, 40.4%). Pollen viability determined in laboratory was high and sufficient to pollinate the flowers set. Seed setting in tested population was poor (mean number of seeds per pod - 3.10, mean number of ovules - 8.22). Poor seed setting could be caused by: insufficient pollination of flowers by pollinating insects (21.8% of pistils with pollen tubes reaching the ovary), varied fertility of ovules (presence of degenerating ovules) and physiological disturbances resulting from the undernourishment of ovules (a very low number of seeds in pods in the upper part of a cluster). Values of seed yield components were the lowest in the second year of vegetation; the observation was confirmed by the analysis of variance. Biome- trical analysis of individual plants of fodder galega performed in the fourth year of vegetation showed high variability of traits related to both green matter and seed yields