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6 research outputs found
Diffusion in a system of a few distinguishable fermions in a one-dimensional double-well potential
Blume D.
Dutta O.
+8 more
Kazimierz Rzażewski
Lindgren E.
Mariusz Gajda
Merzbacher E.
Pȩcak D.
Sowiński T.
Tomasz Sowiński
Xin-Wei C.
Publication venue
'IOP Publishing'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Quantum correlations in one-dimensional Wigner molecules
A. Majtey
A. Poszwa
+33 more
A. Singha
A.V. Gorshkov
B. Szafran
C. Schilling
C. Schilling
C.L. Benavides-Riveros
C.L. Benavides-Riveros
D. Pȩcak
D. Pȩcak
D. Pȩcak
D. Wang
D.F.V. James
D.J. Wineland
E. Cuestas
E. Wigner
E.Y. Andrei
F. Deuretzbacher
F. Tennie
J. Dobrzyniecki
J.S. Meyer
K. Balzer
K.J.H. Giesbertz
L. Guo
M. Garagiola
N.T. Ziani
O. Osenda
P. Kościk
P. Kościk
Przemysław Kościk
R. Grobe
S. Kalliakos
T. Dornheim
Y.C. Lin
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
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Exact density profiles and symmetry classification for strongly interacting multi-component Fermi gases in tight waveguides
Anna Minguzzi
Bess Fang
+14 more
Deuretzbacher F
Frahm H
Grining T
Hamermesh M
He P
Jean Decamp
Katriel J
Lindgren E J
Loft N J S
Mathias Albert
Orignac E
Pacome Armagnat
Patrizia Vignolo
Pȩcak D
Publication venue
'IOP Publishing'
Publication date
Field of study
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Strongly Interacting One-dimensional Systems with Small Mass Imbalance
A-M Visuri
AG Volosniev
+38 more
AG Volosniev
Artem G. Volosniev
AS Dehkharghani
D Pȩcak
D Pȩcak
F Deuretzbacher
F Deuretzbacher
F Deuretzbacher
F Serwane
G Zürn
GE Astrakharchik
I Ferrier-Barbut
J Levinsen
J Lindgren
JB McGuire
JSN Loft
KA Matveev
L Yang
L Yang
M Olshanii
MD Girardeau
MD Girardeau
MES Andersen
MÁ Garcia-March
NJS Loft
NL Harshman
NT Zinner
O Gamayun
OV Marchukov
OV Marchukov
S Bose
S Murmann
SE Gharashi
SE Gharashi
T Grining
W Cheng-Hsun
X Cui
X Cui
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Doubly Excited Resonance States of Helium Atom: Complex Entropies
A Burgers
A Kuroś
+46 more
A Merwe Van der
Arkadiusz Kuroś
AS Dehkharghani
BR Junker
CH Lin
CH Lin
CH Lin
CH Lin
CH Lin
CH Lin
D Pȩcak
F Tennie
F Xu
FM Pont
HT Peng
I Nagy
J Dehesa
Jayanta K. Saha
JP Coe
JPR Cuartas
K Boguslawski
MA García-March
MC Tichy
ML Glasser
N Moiseyev
N Moiseyev
N Nielsen
NL Harshman
P Kościk
P Kościk
P Kościk
P Kościk
Przemysław Kościk
RJ Yaüez
RO Esquivel
S López-Rosa
T Berggren
T Sowiński
TS Hofer
WP Reinhardt
YC Lin
YC Lin
YC Lin
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Computation of local exchange coefficients in strongly interacting one-dimensional few-body systems: local density approximation and exact results
A. Adams
A. Recati
+118 more
A. Wenz
A.G. Volosniev
A.G. Volosniev
A.G. Volosniev
A.G. Volosniev
A.S. Dehkharghani
A.S. Dehkharghani
Aksel S. Jensen
Alex A.S. Kalaee
B. Fang
B. Paredes
B. Wilson
C.N. Yang
D. Pȩcak
D. Rubeni
D.S. Petrov
D.T. Son
Dmitri V. Fedorov
E. Haller
E. Haller
E. Tempfli
E.J. Lindgren
Emil H. Eriksen
F. Deuretzbacher
F. Deuretzbacher
F. Deuretzbacher
F. Nur Ünal
F. Serwane
G. De Rosi
G. E. Astrakharchik
G. Orso
G. Pagano
G. Zürn
G. Zürn
G.E. Astrakharchik
G.E. Astrakharchik
G.E. Astrakharchik
G.M. Nikolopoulos
H. Moritz
I. Bloch
I. Brouzos
I. Brouzos
I. Brouzos
I.V. Tokatly
J. Levinsen
J. Maldacena
Jonatan M. Midtgaard
K. Balasubramanian
K.A. Matveev
K.A. Matveev
L. Guan
L. Guan
L. Yang
L.W. Tonks
M. Chenaeu
M. Christandl
M. Christandl
M. Colomé-Tatché
M. Lewenstein
M. Ogata
M. Olshanii
M.A. Baranov
M.A. Garcia-March
M.A. Garcia-March
M.A. Garcia-March
M.A. Garcia-March
M.A. Garcia-March
M.D. Girardeau
M.D. Girardeau
M.D. Girardeau
M.D. Girardeau
M.D. Girardeau
N.J.S. Loft
N.L. Harshman
N.L. Harshman
N.L. Harshman
N.P. Mehta
N.T. Zinner
N.T. Zinner
Nikolaj T. Zinner
Oleksandr V. Marchukov
P. D’Amico
P. D’Amico
P. Massignan
P.O. Bugnion
R. Lundmark
R.E. Barfknecht
S. Bose
S. Bose
S. Campbell
S. Hild
S. Murmann
S. Murmann
S. Trotzky
S. Zöllner
S. Zöllner
S. Zöllner
S. Zöllner
S.E. Gharashi
S.E. Gharashi
S.E. Gharashi
T. Esslinger
T. Fukuhara
T. Fukuhara
T. Fukuhara
T. Graß
T. Grining
T. Kinoshita
T. Kinoshita
T. Sowiński
T. Sowiński
T. Stöferle
X. Cui
X.-J. Liu
X.-W. Guan
X.-W. Guan
X.-W. Guan
Y. Nishida
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
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