223 research outputs found

    Towards an explicit expression of the Seiberg-Witten map at all orders

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    The Seiberg-Witten map links noncommutative gauge theories to ordinary gauge theories, and allows to express the noncommutative variables in terms of the commutative ones. Its explicit form can be found order by order in the noncommutative parameter theta and the gauge potential A by the requirement that gauge orbits are mapped on gauge orbits. This of course leaves ambiguities, corresponding to gauge transformations, and there is an infinity of solutions. Is there one better, clearer than the others ? In the abelian case, we were able to find a solution, linked by a gauge transformation to already known formulas, which has the property of admitting a recursive formulation, uncovering some pattern in the map. In the special case of a pure gauge, both abelian and non-abelian, these expressions can be summed up, and the transformation is expressed using the parametrisation in terms of the gauge group.Comment: 17 pages. Latex, 1 figure. v2: minor changes, published versio

    c=1 Matrix Models: Equivalences and Open-Closed String Duality

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    We give an explicit demonstration of the equivalence between the Normal Matrix Model (NMM) of c=1 string theory at selfdual radius and the Kontsevich-Penner (KP) model for the same string theory. We relate macroscopic loop expectation values in the NMM to condensates of the closed string tachyon, and discuss the implications for open-closed duality. As in c<1, the Kontsevich-Miwa transform between the parameters of the two theories appears to encode open-closed string duality, though our results also exhibit some interesting differences with the c<1 case. We also briefly comment on two different ways in which the Kontsevich model originates.Comment: 27 pages, latex, 1 figure, typos, discussion added, acknowledgements update

    Noncritical String Correlators, Finite-N Matrix Models and the Vortex Condensate

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    We carry out a systematic study of correlation functions of momentum modes in the Euclidean c=1 string, as a function of the radius and to all orders in perturbation theory. We obtain simple explicit expressions for several classes of correlators in terms of special functions. The Normal Matrix Model is found to be a powerful calculational tool that computes c=1 string correlators even at finite N. This enables us to obtain a simple combinatoric formula for the 2n-point function of unit momentum modes, which after T-duality determines the vortex condensate. We comment on possible applications of our results to T-duality at c=1 and to the 2d black hole/vortex condensate problem.Comment: 38 pages, LaTe

    Kinematical Analogy for Marginal Dyon Decay

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    We describe a kinematical analogy for the marginal decay of 1/4-BPS dyons in 4-dimensional N=4 string compactifications. In this analogy, the electric and magnetic charges play the role of spatial momenta, the BPS mass plays the role of energy, and 1/2-BPS dyons correspond to massless particles. Using SO(12,1) "Lorentz" invariance and standard kinematical formulae in particle physics, we provide simple derivations of the curves of marginal stability. We also show how these curves map into the momentum ellipsoid, and propose some applications of this analogy.Comment: 10 pages, minor revision

    Hodge Duality Operation And Its Physical Applications On Supermanifolds

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    An appropriate definition of the Hodge duality ⋆\star operation on any arbitrary dimensional supermanifold has been a long-standing problem. We define a working rule for the Hodge duality ⋆\star operation on the (2+2)(2 + 2)-dimensional supermanifold parametrized by a couple of even (bosonic) spacetime variables xμ(μ=0,1)x^\mu (\mu = 0, 1) and a couple of Grassmannian (odd) variables θ\theta and θˉ\bar\theta of the Grassmann algebra. The Minkowski spacetime manifold, hidden in the supermanifold and parametrized by xμ(μ=0,1)x^\mu (\mu = 0, 1), is chosen to be a flat manifold on which a two (1+1)(1 + 1)-dimensional (2D) free Abelian gauge theory, taken as a prototype field theoretical model, is defined. We demonstrate the applications of the above definition (and its further generalization) for the discussion of the (anti-)co-BRST symmetries that exist for the field theoretical models of 2D- (and 4D) free Abelian gauge theories considered on the four (2+2)(2 + 2)- (and six (4+2)(4 + 2))-dimensional supermanifolds, respectively.Comment: LaTeX file, 25 pages, Journal-versio

    A new approach to the analysis of a noncommutative Chern-Simons theory

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    A novel approach to the analysis of a noncommutative Chern--Simons gauge theory with matter coupled in the adjoint representation has been discussed. The analysis is based on a recently proposed closed form Seiberg--Witten map which is exact in the noncommutative parameter.Comment: 9 pages latex, some new results added. To be published in Modern Physics Letters

    Non-BPS Brane Cosmology

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    We study cosmology on a BPS D3-brane evolving in the 10D SUGRA background describing a non-BPS brane. Initially the BPS brane is taken to be a probe whose dynamics we determine in the non-compact non-BPS background. The cosmology observed on the brane is of the FRW type with a scale factor S(Ď„)S(\tau). In this mirage cosmology approach, there is no self-gravity on the brane which cannot inflate. Self-gravity is then included by compactifying the background space-time. The low energy effective theory below the compactification scale is shown to be bi-metric, with matter coupling to a different metric than the geometrically induced metric on the brane. The geometrical scale factor on the brane is now S(Ď„)a(Ď„)S(\tau) a(\tau) where a(Ď„)a(\tau) arises from brane self-gravity. In this non-BPS scenario the brane generically inflates. We study the resulting inflationary scenario taking into account the fact that the non-BPS brane eventually decays on a time-scale much larger than the typical inflationary time-scale. After the decay, the theory ceases to be bi-metric and COBE normalization is used to estimate the string scale which is found to be of order 101410^{14} GeV.Comment: 20 pages, JHEP3.cl

    Topological Chern-Simons Sigma Model

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    We consider topological twisting of recently constructed Chern-Simons-matter theories in three dimensions with N=4 or higher supersymmetry. We enumerate physically inequivalent twistings for each N, and find two different twistings for N=4, one for N=5,6, and four for N=8. We construct the two types of N=4 topological theories, which we call A/B-models, in full detail. The A-model has been recently studied by Kapustin and Saulina. The B-model is new and it consists solely of a Chern-Simons term of a complex gauge field up to BRST-exact terms. We also compare the new theories with topological Yang-Mills theories and find some interesting connections. In particular, the A-model seems to offer a new perspective on Casson invariant and its relation to Rozansky-Witten theory.Comment: 31 pages, no figure; v2. references adde

    String Interactions in PP-Waves

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    We argue that string interactions in a PP-wave spacetime are governed by an effective coupling g_{eff}=g_s(\mu p^+\apm)f(\mu p^+ \apm) where f(\mu p^+ \apm) is proportional to the light cone energy of the string states involved in the interaction. This simply follows from generalities of a Matrix String description of this background. geffg_{eff} nicely interpolates between the expected result (gsg_s) for flat space (small \mu p^+\apm) and a recently conjectured expression from the perturbative gauge theory side (large \mu p^+\apm).Comment: 8 page

    PP Wave Limit and Enhanced Supersymmetry in Gauge Theories

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    We observe that the pp wave limit of AdS5Ă—M5AdS_5\times M^5 compactifications of type IIB string theory is universal, and maximally supersymmetric, as long as M5M^5 is smooth and preserves some supersymmetry. We investigate a specific case, M5=T1,1M^5=T^{1,1}. The dual N=1{\cal N}=1 SCFT, describing D3-branes at a conifold singularity, has operators that we identify with the oscillators of the light-cone string in the universal pp-wave background. The correspondence is remarkable in that it relies on the exact spectrum of anomalous dimensions in this CFT, along with the existence of certain exceptional series of operators whose dimensions are protected only in the limit of large `t Hooft coupling. We also briefly examine the singular case M5=S5/Z2M^5=S^5/Z_2, for which the pp wave background becomes a Z2Z_2 orbifold of the maximally supersymmetric background by reflection of 4 transverse coordinates. We find operators in the corresponding N=2{\cal N}=2 SCFT with the right properties to describe both the untwisted and the twisted sectors of the closed string.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX; v2: added more detail to a derivation, and a preprint number; v3: minor corrections, some remarks and references adde
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