1,340 research outputs found

    A Gauge Theory that mixes Bosonic and Fermionic Gauge Fields

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    Using a gauge symmetry derived by applying the Dirac constraint formalism to supergravity with cosmological term in 2+1 dimensions, we construct a gauge theory with many characteristics of Yang-Mills theory. The gauge transformation mixes two Bosonic fields and one Fermionic field

    The Non-Abelian Gauge Field Propagator in a Plane Wave Background Field

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    Employing methods introduced by Schwinger in quantum electrodynamics, we compute the propagator for a non-Abelian gauge field in a plane wave background field. In the long distance limit a mass-like term for the gauge field is induced by this interaction

    Ghosts from Ghosts in the BRST Formalism

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    We show that the Hamiltonian HQ introduced in the course of BRST analysis of a gauge theory may in fact be associated with an action that itself is gauge invariant. This action can then be treated using the BRST formalism. We illustrate this by considering the spinning particle and the first order Einstein-Hilbert action in 1 + 1 dimensions