33 research outputs found

    Harmful lignicolous fungi on pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.)

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    Istraživanja su provedena od 2002. do 2004. godine u nizinskim šumama Pokupskog bazena i Lonjskog polja, koje predstavljaju tipična staništa hrasta lužnjaka, s ciljem dobivanja uvida u popis štetnih lignikolnih gljiva na hrastu lužnjaku. Ukupno je utvrđeno 11 vrsta lignikolnih gljiva koje napadaju dubeća stabla i 18 vrsta koje napadaju izrađene sortimente. Zbog povećane vlažnosti staništa u šumi hrasta lužnjaka s velikom žutilovkom prisutno je više različitih vrsta gljiva truležnica nego u šumi hrasta lužnjaka i običnoga graba. U toj zajednici posebno je bogat sloj prizemnog rašća (šaševi) koji u potpunosti prekrivaju tlo i zadržavaju vlagu pa se na otpalim granama i oborenom drvu stvaraju povoljni uvjeti za razvoj gljiva koje uzrokuju trulež. U toj zajednici također je prisutan i veći broj gljiva koje naseljavaju živa stabla. Mjere zaštite živih stabala i oborenog drva su ponajprije preventivne te uključuju održavanje šumske higijene i pažljivije postupanje kod radova iskorištavanja.Research aimed at drawing up a list of harmful lignicolous fungi on pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) was conducted in typical sites of pedunculate oak situated in the lowland forests of Pokupsko Basin and Lonjsko Polje. Lignicolous fungi, the most common causes of wood decay, inflict damage on standing trees and the produced wood assortments. Wood decay is related to stand age; consequently, it occurs more in older stands than in younger ones. In terms of resistance to decay, pedunculate oak belongs to medium resistant species. Heartwood formation substances (tannin) put up passive resistance to fungal attacks. As a result, the fungi spread very slowly and the decay progresses at a slow pace while the heartwood in the fallen tree is durable. In a fallen tree, the first to rot is the sapwood because it has lost the ability of active resistance and has favourable humidity. Fungi that attack standing trees are wound parasites that cause heartrot in the stem, the stem base or the root. The loss of technical value and a disturbed mechanical stability in the invaded trees make them vulnerable to breaks. After the fall or the death of the host, these fungi continue to live saprophytically on the remains, where they develop fruiting bodies. However, they never invade dead fallen trees. Fungi attacking the produced assortments are saprophytic organisms that predominantly colonise fallen branches and slash, but may also inflict damage on technical timber in favourable conditions. A total of 11 fungi species that attack standing trees and 8 species that attack the produced assortments were recorded

    Harmful lignicolous fungi on pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.)

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    Istraživanja su provedena od 2002. do 2004. godine u nizinskim šumama Pokupskog bazena i Lonjskog polja, koje predstavljaju tipična staništa hrasta lužnjaka, s ciljem dobivanja uvida u popis štetnih lignikolnih gljiva na hrastu lužnjaku. Ukupno je utvrđeno 11 vrsta lignikolnih gljiva koje napadaju dubeća stabla i 18 vrsta koje napadaju izrađene sortimente. Zbog povećane vlažnosti staništa u šumi hrasta lužnjaka s velikom žutilovkom prisutno je više različitih vrsta gljiva truležnica nego u šumi hrasta lužnjaka i običnoga graba. U toj zajednici posebno je bogat sloj prizemnog rašća (šaševi) koji u potpunosti prekrivaju tlo i zadržavaju vlagu pa se na otpalim granama i oborenom drvu stvaraju povoljni uvjeti za razvoj gljiva koje uzrokuju trulež. U toj zajednici također je prisutan i veći broj gljiva koje naseljavaju živa stabla. Mjere zaštite živih stabala i oborenog drva su ponajprije preventivne te uključuju održavanje šumske higijene i pažljivije postupanje kod radova iskorištavanja.Research aimed at drawing up a list of harmful lignicolous fungi on pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) was conducted in typical sites of pedunculate oak situated in the lowland forests of Pokupsko Basin and Lonjsko Polje. Lignicolous fungi, the most common causes of wood decay, inflict damage on standing trees and the produced wood assortments. Wood decay is related to stand age; consequently, it occurs more in older stands than in younger ones. In terms of resistance to decay, pedunculate oak belongs to medium resistant species. Heartwood formation substances (tannin) put up passive resistance to fungal attacks. As a result, the fungi spread very slowly and the decay progresses at a slow pace while the heartwood in the fallen tree is durable. In a fallen tree, the first to rot is the sapwood because it has lost the ability of active resistance and has favourable humidity. Fungi that attack standing trees are wound parasites that cause heartrot in the stem, the stem base or the root. The loss of technical value and a disturbed mechanical stability in the invaded trees make them vulnerable to breaks. After the fall or the death of the host, these fungi continue to live saprophytically on the remains, where they develop fruiting bodies. However, they never invade dead fallen trees. Fungi attacking the produced assortments are saprophytic organisms that predominantly colonise fallen branches and slash, but may also inflict damage on technical timber in favourable conditions. A total of 11 fungi species that attack standing trees and 8 species that attack the produced assortments were recorded

    Worldwide diversity of endophytic fungi and insects associated with dormant tree twigs

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    International trade in plants and climate change are two of the main factors causing damaging tree pests (i.e. fungi and insects) to spread into new areas. To mitigate these risks, a large-scale assessment of tree-associated fungi and insects is needed. We present records of endophytic fungi and insects in twigs of 17 angiosperm and gymnosperm genera, from 51 locations in 32 countries worldwide. Endophytic fungi were characterized by high-throughput sequencing of 352 samples from 145 tree species in 28 countries. Insects were reared from 227 samples of 109 tree species in 18 countries and sorted into taxonomic orders and feeding guilds. Herbivorous insects were grouped into morphospecies and were identified using molecular and morphological approaches. This dataset reveals the diversity of tree-associated taxa, as it contains 12,721 fungal Amplicon Sequence Variants and 208 herbivorous insect morphospecies, sampled across broad geographic and climatic gradients and for many tree species. This dataset will facilitate applied and fundamental studies on the distribution of fungal endophytes and insects in trees