79 research outputs found

    Divergent Responses of Different Endothelial Cell Types to Infection with Candida albicans and Staphylococcus aureus

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    Endothelial cells are important in the pathogenesis of bloodstream infections caused by Candida albicans and Staphylococcus aureus. Numerous investigations have used human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) to study microbial-endothelial cell interactions in vitro. However, the use of HUVECs requires a constant supply of umbilical cords, and there are significant donor-to-donor variations in these endothelial cells. The use of an immortalized endothelial cell line would obviate such difficulties. One candidate in this regard is HMEC-1, an immortalized human dermal microvascular endothelial cell line. To determine if HMEC-1 cells are suitable for studying the interactions of C. albicans and S. aureus with endothelial cells in vitro, we compared the interactions of these organisms with HMEC-1 cells and HUVECs. We found that wild-type C. albicans had significantly reduced adherence to and invasion of HMEC-1 cells as compared to HUVECs. Although wild-type S. aureus adhered to and invaded HMEC-1 cells similarly to HUVECs, an agr mutant strain had significantly reduced invasion of HMEC-1 cells, but not HUVECs. Furthermore, HMEC-1 cells were less susceptible to damage induced by C. albicans, but more susceptible to damage caused by S. aureus. In addition, HMEC-1 cells secreted very little IL-8 in response to infection with either organism, whereas infection of HUVECs induced substantial IL-8 secretion. This weak IL-8 response was likely due to the anatomic site from which HMEC-1 cells were obtained because infection of primary human dermal microvascular endothelial cells with C. albicans and S. aureus also induced little increase in IL-8 production above basal levels. Thus, C. albicans and S. aureus interact with HMEC-1 cells in a substantially different manner than with HUVECs, and data obtained with one type of endothelial cell cannot necessarily be extrapolated to other types

    Multi-functional mechanisms of immune evasion by the streptococcal complement inhibitor C5a peptidase

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    The complement cascade is crucial for clearance and control of invading pathogens, and as such is a key target for pathogen mediated host modulation. C3 is the central molecule of the complement cascade, and plays a vital role in opsonization of bacteria and recruitment of neutrophils to the site of infection. Streptococcal species have evolved multiple mechanisms to disrupt complement-mediated innate immunity, among which ScpA (C5a peptidase), a C5a inactivating enzyme, is widely conserved. Here we demonstrate for the first time that pyogenic streptococcal species are capable of cleaving C3, and identify C3 and C3a as novel substrates for the streptococcal ScpA, which are functionally inactivated as a result of cleavage 7 amino acids upstream of the natural C3 convertase. Cleavage of C3a by ScpA resulted in disruption of human neutrophil activation, phagocytosis and chemotaxis, while cleavage of C3 generated abnormally-sized C3a and C3b moieties with impaired function, in particular reducing C3 deposition on the bacterial surface. Despite clear effects on human complement, expression of ScpA reduced clearance of group A streptococci in vivo in wildtype and C5 deficient mice, and promoted systemic bacterial dissemination in mice that lacked both C3 and C5, suggesting an additional complement-independent role for ScpA in streptococcal pathogenesis. ScpA was shown to mediate streptococcal adhesion to both human epithelial and endothelial cells, consistent with a role in promoting bacterial invasion within the host. Taken together, these data show that ScpA is a multi-functional virulence factor with both complement-dependent and independent roles in streptococcal pathogenesis

    Primjena i kompozicija individualiziranih zaštitnih elemenata linijske grafike u projektiranju novčanica

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    Proces stvaranja novčanica je dugotrajan i složen, što rezultira kompleksnim rješenjima koja predstavljaju pravo remek djelo grafike. Novčanice su prožete brojnim detaljima i prenose različite informacije koje se analiziraju u teorijskom dijelu rada. Prvotno se postavljaju kriteriji po kojima se izrađuje detaljna analiza velikog broja zaštitnih i konceptualnih elemenata na primjerima novčanica. Time je prikazan okvirni povijesni pregled razvoja novčanica i utjecaji kojima je bio izložen. Analizira se međuovisnost dizajna o sigurnosnim značajkama, te se ispituje razina informiranosti javnosti o zaštitama na novčanicama. Zaključuje se koje metode zaštite su najučinkovitije, te kako šira javnost najčešće provjerava autentičnost novčanica. U eksperimentalnom dijelu rada se na temelju donesenih zaključaka iz teorijskog dijela izrađuje prototip novčanice koja je u najvećoj mjeri prožeta individualiziranim PostScript programskim rješenjima elemenata linijske grafike (rozete, mikrotekst, zaštitne linije, brojevi apoena), a od ostalih zaštita modeliran je individualizirani raster transformacijom matematičkog izraza u PostScript programski kod. Sve ostale zaštite tipične za novčanice simulirane su alatima za rastersku i vektorsku grafiku. U radu se ispituje utjecaj kompozicije zaštitnih elemenata na prepoznavanje autentičnosti novčanica, te efikasnost samih individualiziranih programskih rješenja

    Low Dose Iron Treatments Induce a DNA Damage Response in Human Endothelial Cells within Minutes

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    BACKGROUND:Spontaneous reports from patients able to report vascular sequelae in real time, and recognition that serum non transferrin bound iron may reach or exceed 10μmol/L in the blood stream after iron tablets or infusions, led us to hypothesize that conventional iron treatments may provoke acute vascular injury. This prompted us to examine whether a phenotype could be observed in normal human endothelial cells treated with low dose iron. METHODOLOGY:Confluent primary human endothelial cells (EC) were treated with filter-sterilized iron (II) citrate or fresh media for RNA sequencing and validation studies. RNA transcript profiles were evaluated using directional RNA sequencing with no pre-specification of target sequences. Alignments were counted for exons and junctions of the gene strand only, blinded to treatment types. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:Rapid changes in RNA transcript profiles were observed in endothelial cells treated with 10μmol/L iron (II) citrate, compared to media-treated cells. Clustering for Gene Ontology (GO) performed on all differentially expressed genes revealed significant differences in biological process terms between iron and media-treated EC, whereas 10 sets of an equivalent number of randomly selected genes from the respective EC gene datasets showed no significant differences in any GO terms. After 1 hour, differentially expressed genes clustered to vesicle mediated transport, protein catabolism, and cell cycle (Benjamini p = 0.0016, 0.0024 and 0.0032 respectively), and by 6 hours, to cellular response to DNA damage stimulus most significantly through DNA repair genes FANCG, BLM, and H2AFX. Comet assays demonstrated that 10μM iron treatment elicited DNA damage within 1 hour. This was accompanied by a brisk DNA damage response pulse, as ascertained by the development of DNA damage response (DDR) foci, and p53 stabilization. SIGNIFICANCE:These data suggest that low dose iron treatments are sufficient to modify the vascular endothelium, and induce a DNA damage response

    The emerging role of Ca2+ sensitivity regulation in promoting myogenic vasoconstriction

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    Growing evidence suggests that mechanisms which regulate the Ca2þ sensitivity of the contractile apparatus in vascular smooth muscle cells form the backbone of pressure-induced myogenic vaso-constriction. The modulation of Ca2þ sensitivity is suited to partially uncouple intracellular Ca2þ from constriction, thereby allowing the maintenance of tone with fully conserved function of other Ca2þ-dependent processes. Following a brief review of ‘classical ’ Ca2þ-dependent signalling pathways involved in the myogenic response, the present review describes the emerging mechanisms that promote myogenic vasoconstriction via modulation of Ca2þ sensitivity. For the purpose of this review, Ca2þ sensitivity reflects the dynamic equilibrium between myosin light-chain kinase and myosin light-chain phosphatase activities in terms of its impact on vascular tone. Several signalling pathways (PKC, RhoA/Rho kinase, ROS) which have been identified as prominent regulators of Ca2þ sensitivity will be discussed. Although Ca2þ sensitivity modulation is clearly an important component of the myo-genic response, attempts to integrate it into existing mechanistic models resulted in a two-phase model, with a predominant Ca2þ-dependent ‘initiation/trigger ’ phase followed by a Ca2þ-independent ‘maintenance ’ phase. We propose that the two-phase model is rather simplistic, because the literature reviewed here demonstrates that Ca2þ-dependent and-independent mechanisms do not operate in iso

    Female mice display sex-specific differences in cerebrovascular function and subarachnoid haemorrhage-induced injuryResearch in context

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    Summary: Background: In male mice, a circadian rhythm in myogenic reactivity influences the extent of brain injury following subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH). We hypothesized that female mice have a different cerebrovascular phenotype and consequently, a distinct SAH-induced injury phenotype. Methods: SAH was modelled by pre-chiasmatic blood injection. Olfactory cerebral resistance arteries were functionally assessed by pressure myography; these functional assessments were related to brain histology and neurobehavioral assessments. Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) expression was assessed by PCR and Western blot. We compared non-ovariectomized and ovariectomized mice. Findings: Cerebrovascular myogenic reactivity is not rhythmic in females and no diurnal differences in SAH-induced injury are observed; ovariectomy does not unmask a rhythmic phenotype for any endpoint. CFTR expression is rhythmic, with similar expression levels compared to male mice. CFTR inhibition studies, however, indicate that CFTR activity is lower in female arteries. Pharmacologically increasing CFTR expression in vivo (3 mg/kg lumacaftor for 2 days) reduces myogenic tone at Zeitgeber time 11, but not Zeitgeber time 23. Myogenic tone is not markedly augmented following SAH in female mice and lumacaftor loses its ability to reduce myogenic tone; nevertheless, lumacaftor confers at least some injury benefit in females with SAH. Interpretation: Female mice possess a distinct cerebrovascular phenotype compared to males, putatively due to functional differences in CFTR regulation. This sex difference eliminates the CFTR-dependent cerebrovascular effects of SAH and may alter the therapeutic efficacy of lumacaftor compared to males. Funding: Brain Aneurysm Foundation, Heart and Stroke Foundation and Ted Rogers Centre for Heart Research

    Neuronal differentiation and growth control of neuro-2a cells after retroviral gene delivery of connexin43

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    This article is hosted on a website external to the CBCRA Open Access Archive. Selecting “View/Open” below will launch the full-text article in another browser window.Given the roles proposed for gap junctional intercellular communication in neuronal differentiation and growth control, we examined the effects of connexin43 (Cx43) expression in a neuroblastoma cell line. A vesicular stomatitis virus G protein (VSVG)-pseudotyped retrovector was engineered to co-express the green fluorescent protein (GFP) and Cx43 in the communication-deficient neuro-2a (N2a) cell line. The 293 GPG packaging cell line was used to produce VSVG-pseudotyped retrovectors coding for GFP, Cx43, or chimeric Cx43.GFP fusion protein. The titer of viral supernatant, as measured by flow cytometry for GFP fluorescence, was approximately 2.0 x 10(7) colony form units (CFU)/ml and was free of replication-competent retroviruses. After a 7-day treatment with retinoic acid (20 microm), N2a transformants (N2a-Cx43 and N2a-Cx43.GFP) maintained the expression of Cx43 and Cx43.GFP. Expression of both constructs resulted in functional coupling, as evidenced by electrophysiological and dye-injection analysis. Suppression of cell growth correlated with expression of both Cx43 or Cx43.GFP and retinoic acid treatment. Based on morphology and immunocytochemistry for neurofilament, no difference was observed in the differentiation of N2a cells compared with cells expressing Cx43 constructs. In conclusion, constitutive expression of Cx43 in N2a cells does not alter retinoic acid-induced neuronal differentiation but does enhance growth inhibition