3,058 research outputs found

    Model of information diffusion

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    The system of cellular automata, which expresses the process of dissemination and publication of the news among separate information resources, has been described. A bell-shaped dependence of news diffusion on internet-sources (web-sites) coheres well with a real behavior of thematic data flows, and at local time spans - with noted models, e.g., exponential and logistic ones.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Identification of information tonality based on Bayesian approach and neural networks

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    A model of the identification of information tonality, based on Bayesian approach and neural networks was described. In the context of this paper tonality means positive or negative tone of both the whole information and its parts which are related to particular concepts. The method, its application is presented in the paper, is based on statistic regularities connected with the presence of definite lexemes in the texts. A distinctive feature of the method is its simplicity and versatility. At present ideologically similar approaches are widely used to control spam.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Ranking of nodes of networks taking into account the power function of its weight of connections

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    To rank nodes in quasi-hierarchical networks of social nature, it is necessary to carry out a detailed analysis of the network and evaluate the results obtained according to all the given criteria and identify the most influential nodes. Existing ranking algorithms in the overwhelming majority estimate such networks in general, which does not allow to clearly determine the influence of nodes among themselves. In the course of the study, an analysis of the results of known algorithms for ranking the nodes of HITS, PageRank and compares the obtained data with the expert evaluation of the network. For the effective analysis of quasi-hierarchical networks, the basic algorithm of HITS is modified, which allows to evaluate and rank nodes according to the given criteria (the number of input and output links among themselves), which corresponds to the results of expert evaluation. It is shown that the received method in some cases provides results that correspond to the real social relation, and the indexes of the authorship of the nodes - pre-assigned social roles.Comment: 11 pages, 2 fi

    On the role of autocorrelations in texts

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    The task of finding a criterion allowing to distinguish a text from an arbitrary set of words is rather relevant in itself, for instance, in the aspect of development of means for internet-content indexing or separating signals and noise in communication channels. The Zipf law is currently considered to be the most reliable criterion of this kind [3]. At any rate, conventional stochastic word sets do not meet this law. The present paper deals with one of possible criteria based on the determination of the degree of data compression.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 5 reference

    Diagram of measurement series elements deviation from local linear approximations

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    Method for detection and visualization of trends, periodicities, local peculiarities in measurement series (dL-method) based on DFA technology (Detrended fluctuation analysis) is proposed. The essence of the method lies in reflecting the values of absolute deviation of measurement accumulation series points from the respective values of linear approximation. It is shown that dL-method in some cases allows better determination of local peculiarities than wavelet-analysis. Easy-to-realize approach that is proposed can be used in the analysis of time series in such fields as economics and sociology.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    The automatic detection of the information operations event basis

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    The methodology of automatic detection of the event basis of information operations, reflected in thematic information flows, is described. The presented methodology is based on the technologies for identifying information operations, the formation of the terminological basis of the subject area, the application of cluster analysis with cluster centroids, determined by analyzing the terminology of the information flow. The clusters formed in this way reflect the main events occurring during the information operations and reveal the technique for their implementation.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Decomposing an information stream into the principal components

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    We propose an approach to decomposing a thematic information stream into principal components. Each principal component is related to a narrow topic extracted from the information stream. The essence of the approach arises from analogy with the Fourier transform. We examine methods for analyzing the principal components and propose using multifractal analysis for identifying similar topics. The decomposition technique is applied to the information stream dedicated to Brexit. We provide a comparison between the principal components obtained by applying the decomposition to Brexit stream and the related topics extracted by Google Trends.Comment: 14 pages; 4 figures; 4 table

    Self-similarity properties in a queuing network model

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    In this paper a model of subscriber telephone network based on the concept of cellular automata is elaborated. Some fractal properties inherent in the model are revealed that vary depending on parameters assigning its operation rules. The main advantage of the model in question is its compatibility with algorithmic methods - a finite set of formal rules, assigned on a finite set of elements (cells), allows precise realization in the form of algorithms.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Compactified Horizontal Visibility Graph for the Language Network

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    A compactified horizontal visibility graph for the language network is proposed. It was found that the networks constructed in such way are scale free, and have a property that among the nodes with largest degrees there are words that determine not only a text structure communication, but also its informational structure.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, 2 appendix table

    On the fractal nature of mutual relevance sequences in the Internet news message flows

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    In the task of information retrieval the term relevance is taken to mean formal conformity of a document given by the retrieval system to user's information query. As a rule, the documents found by the retrieval system should be submitted to the user in a certain order. Therefore, a retrieval perceived as a selection of documents formally solving the user's query, should be supplemented with a certain procedure of processing a relevant set. It would be natural to introduce a quantitative measure of document conformity to query, i.e. the relevance measure. Since no single rule exists for the determination of the relevance measure, we shall consider two of them which are the simplest in our opinion. The proposed approach does not suppose any restrictions and can be applied to other relevance measures.Comment: 6 pages, 56 figure
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