194 research outputs found


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    This review analyses The French Language in Russia: A Social, Political, Cultural, and Literary History, a book by an international research group (D. Offord, V. Rjéoutski, G. Argent). It deals with the peculiarities of French language use and attitudes towards it in the Russian Empire from Peter I to Alexander II. The book's authors consider the history of French language teaching and determine the functions of French at court, high society, diplomacy, administration, fiction, journalism, private correspondence, diaries, and memoirs. They also examine attacks on gallomania in Russian comedies and novels between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. D. Offord, V. Rjéoutski, and G. Argent argue that Russian society, despite the widespread use of the French language, was never monolingual. They claim that the Russian language developed due to active contacts with French and other languages in the political, social, cultural, and literary spheres. Thus, francophonie became one of the crucial factors of Russia's westernisation. Without questioning the relevance and importance of the conclusions, the reviewer points out the underestimation of historical inertia which let the French language shape the cultural image of Russian society until the Revolution of 1917. © 2020 Ural Federal University. All rights reserved

    Peculiarities of authorial masks used by W.M. Thackeray in his works

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    In this article authorial masks used by W.M. Thackeray in some of his works are considered. The main functions of authorial mask are mentioned. Some peculiarities of authorial masks worn by W.M. Thackeray are analyzed and examples are provided

    Peculiarities of authorial masks used by W.M. Thackeray in his works

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    In this article authorial masks used by W.M. Thackeray in some of his works are considered. The main functions of authorial mask are mentioned. Some peculiarities of authorial masks worn by W.M. Thackeray are analyzed and examples are provided

    Values confrontation in Francis Scott FitzgeraldТs "The Great Gatsby"

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    In this article it is emphasized F. S. Fitzgerald's contribution to the American literature and the autobiographical motives in his novels. Besides, the novel "The Great Gatsby" and confrontation of values in this novel are considered

    Values confrontation in Francis Scott FitzgeraldТs "The Great Gatsby"

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    In this article it is emphasized F. S. Fitzgerald's contribution to the American literature and the autobiographical motives in his novels. Besides, the novel "The Great Gatsby" and confrontation of values in this novel are considered

    Автоматизированная обучающая система «Множества» (исследования организации 1-й части проекта)

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    The issues of building an automated learning system “Sets” which will allow students to master one of the important topics of the discipline “Discrete Mathematics” and to develop logical and mathematical thinking in this direction are studied. The corresponding topic of the 1st part of the project includes materials related to the concept of a set, operations on sets, algebra of sets, proofs of statements for sets, and the derivation of formulas for the number of set elements. The system is based on a construction of the statements proof editor for a set and of the formulas derivation editor for the number of set elements, both editors are to be used for teaching. The first of these allows students to split the original statement into a number of simpler statements, taken together equivalent to the original statement, to choose a method of proving each simple statement and to conduct their step-by-step proof. The second editor allows (using the inclusion-exclusion principle and the formula of the number of complement elements) to derive a step-by-step formula for the number of set elements through the specified numbers of elements for sets from which the resulting set is constructed. An important part of the system is to monitor the correctness of all actions of students, and on this basis the entire learning system is developed. The logical supervision over the correctness of the selected action in the first editor is performed by a Boolean function created by the system and corresponding to this action and by checking it for identical truth. In the second editor, invariants such as characteristic strings of the set and of its number of elements are used for verification. The rest of the system is related to learning of set algebra and to preparation to editors usage. The main focus here is on the learning strategy in which testing the understanding of the learned material is rather rigorous and eliminating the random choice of answers. The division of the material into sections with verification of the success of teaching not only by tests, but also by exercises and tasks, allows students to master the complex logical and mathematical techniques of proving statements for sets and derivation of formulas for the number of set elements.Исследуются вопросы построения автоматизированной обучающей системы «Множества», которая позволит учащемуся освоить одну из важных тем дисциплины «Дискретная математика» и развить логико-математическое мышление в этом направлении. Соответствующая тема 1-й части проекта включает материал, связанный с понятием множества, операциями над множествами, алгеброй множеств, доказательствами утверждений для множеств, выводом формул для количества элементов множества. В основе системы лежит построение с целью использования для обучения редактора доказательства утверждений для множества и редактора вывода формул для количества элементов множества. Первый из них позволяет студенту разбить исходное утверждение на ряд более простых утверждений, в совокупности эквивалентных исходному утверждению, выбрать метод доказательства каждого простого утверждения и провести их пошаговое доказательство. Второй редактор позволяет, используя формулу включения и исключения и формулу количества элементов дополнения, вывести пошагово формулу для количества элементов множества через заданные количества элементов, связанных с ним множеств. Важной частью системы является контроль правильности всех действий студента, и на этой основе разработана вся система обучения. Логический контроль правильности выбранного действия в первом редакторе осуществляется созданием системой булевой функции, соответствующей этому действию, и проверкой ее на тождественную истинность. Во втором редакторе для контроля используются такие инварианты, как характеристическая строка множества и характеристическая строка количества элементов множества. Остальная часть системы связана с обучением алгебре множеств и подготовке к использованию редакторов. При этом основное внимание уделяется стратегии обучения, при которой проверка понимания усвоенного материала является довольно строгой, исключающей случайный выбор ответов. Разбиение материала на секции с контролем успешности обучения не только тестами, но и упражнениями и задачами, позволяет студенту овладеть сложным логико-математическим аппаратом доказательства утверждений для множеств и вывода формулы для количества элементов множества