67 research outputs found
Copper production in Majdanpek in sixties and seventies of the 16th century
In this paper the practice of mine Majdanpek during sixties and seventies of the XVI century has been investigated with an accent on copper production. The attention has been also given to various subjects from considering copper treatment and use to forbidden activities connected to copper illegal production and trade with Persia
Effect of Specially Programmed Physical and Health Education on Motor Fitness of Seven-Year-Old School Children
The efficacy of specially programmed physical and health education on the motor development
of first-grade pupils was analyzed in a sample of 633 children aged 7 years.
Pupils have been divided into control group consisting of 140 boys and 137 girls attending
standard program of physical and health education, and in experimental group
consisting of 184 boys and 172 girls attending specially programmed physical and health
education. A battery of 12 motor tests has been used on two occasions separated by nine
-month interval. Analysis of time-changes (by using the model of differences) pointed to
the significantly greater quantitative changes in experimental group compared with control
group of children. In boys, the changes are obtained for the tests of aerobic endurance,
static strength, flexibility, speed, explosive strength of sprint and throw type, and equilibrium,
and in girls, they are for aerobic endurance, static strength, explosive strength of
throw and sprint type, flexibility, repetitive strength, speed, and equilibrium
Phylogenetically Conditioned Possibilities of the Realization and of the Development of Complex Movements at the Age of 7 Years
Upon entering a school the seven-year olds ( 2 months) underwent a systematic, experimental,
specially programmed, eighteen-month-long transformational procedure.
The objective of the procedure was to develop the abilities and to observe the growth and
the development of children, both girls and boys. The data were processed by means of
discriminant analyses in each of the three control points. There was a total sample of
487 children. With regard to the phylogenetic characteristics of a human, it may be said
that the basic abilities connected with phylogenetic development may be clearly recognized,
precisely in such a way that children replicate this development throughout their
earliest childhood. Most probably, the basic ability was the ability to maintain a postural
balance, followed by the ability of movement control. Then came object manipulation
by upper extremities, followed by the significance of resistance to inertial forces
while moving, and ultimately the control of complex movements of the whole body
Changes in Crude Protein Content with Advancing Maturity in Lucerne
The main determinants of the quality of lucerne forage are digestibility and protein content (Julier et al., 2001) as well as crude fibre content. In the early vegetative phases, the crude protein content of the leaves and stems is the highest and crude fibre content the lowest (Katic et al., 2003). The aim of this study was to determine the rate of change in crude protein levels at different stages of growth and development
Liver cystic echinococcosis in humans ā a study of 30 cases
The aim of this study is to demonstrate the clinical manifestations and diagnostic approach to liver hydatid disease and suggest its treatment. The prospective study was carried out on 30 patients with liver hydatidosis. Hepatologic examinations were based on: medical history, physical examination, biochemical and serological tests, ultrasonography and computed tomography scanning. Twenty-five (83.3 %) patients underwent radical cyst resection, while in 5 (16.7 %) cases liver resection with left lobectomy was also performed. Hydatid cyst was histopathologically verified in all the patients. Our results showed that the patients with multiple cysts had impaired functional liver tests significantly more often than patients with unilocular cyst. In addition, ultrasonography and computed tomography scans are the valid imaging procedures in diagnosis. Radical, surgical resection of hepatic hydatid cysts is the goal of treatment
Uticaj intenziteta parazitske infekcije sa Strongyloides papillosus i terapije albendazolom na biohemijske parametre u krvi ovaca
The aim of this report was to study the biochemical parameters in sheep blood under conditions of various intensities of parasitic infection with Strongyloides papillosus, as well as after therapy with albendazole (ABZ). Investigations were performed on sheep of the WĆ¼rtemberg race (n = 30) in which were detected mild, moderate and high intensities of parasitic infection with S. papillosus. The control group (n = 10) was composed of sheep negative to parasitic infections. The degree and type of changes were monitored by determining the concentrations of glucose, total proteins, albumin, A/G ratio, AST, urea, total bilirubin, calcium, phosphorus, total LDH activity and isoenzymatic LDH1-5 distributions. On the basis of the obtained results, we determined, through isoenzymatic LDH distribution, that during parasitic infection with S. papillosus, there is ongoing damage to the liver, heart muscle and lung, while after therapy with ABZ, the liver suffers the most damage. The concentration of glucose, total proteins and albumin fell linearly with the rise in the intensity of parasitic infection (p LT 0.05), while after therapy with ABZ, the fall of these parameters was at a statistically significantly higher level (p LT 0.01). The activity of AST, concentration of urea and total bilirubin also rose linearly with the intensity of parasitic infection (p LT 0.05). After therapy with ABZ, the activity of AST and the concentration of total bilirubin were at a statistically significantly higher level (p LT 0.001), while the concentration of urea retained the same levels as in the case of parasitic infection. Values of calcium concentrations (p>0.05) and phosphorus (p LT 0.05) also fall linearly with the rise of the intesity of the parasitic infection. The trend in the concentration fall of these macroelements, continues also after treatment with albendazole (p LT 0.001). Having in mind our previous studies in the field of oxidative stress and phenomena lying behind these changes, we strongly recommend that in antiparasitic treatment protocols, beside antihelminthics, compounds with antioxidative properties should also be used.Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispitaju biohemijski parametri u krvi ovaca u uslovima razliÄitog intenziteta parazitske infekcije sa Strongyloides papillosus, kao i nakon terapije sa albendazolom (ABZ). Istraživanje je izvedeno na ovcama Wurtemberg rase (n = 30) kod kojih je utvrÄen blagi, srednji i visoki intenzitet parazitske infekcije sa S. papillosus. Kontrolnu grupu (n = 10) Äinile su ovce negativne na prisustvo parazitske infekcije. Stepen i vrsta promene praÄeni su odreÄivanjem koncentracije glukoze, ukupnih proteina, albumina, A/G ratio, AST, urea, ukupnog bilirubina, kalcijuma, fosfora, ukupne aktivnosti LDH i izoenzimske distribucije LDH1-5. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata utvrdili smo, preko izoenzimske distribucije LDH, da u toku parazitske infekcije sa S. papillosus dolazi do oÅ”teÄenja jetre, srÄanog miÅ”iÄa i pluÄa, dok nakon terapije sa ABZ jetra je organ koji je najviÅ”e oÅ”teÄen. Koncentracija glukoze, ukupnih proteina i albumina linearno je opadala sa rastom intenziteta parazitske infekcije (p LT 0.05), a nakon terapije sa ABZ pad koncentracije ovih parametara bio je na statistiÄki znaÄajnom veÄem nivou (p LT 0.01). Aktivnost AST, koncentracija uree i ukupnog bilirubina takoÄe su linearno rasle sa intenzitetom parazitske infekcije (p LT 0.05). Nakon terapije sa ABZ aktivnost AST i koncentracija ukupnog bilirubina bile su na statistiÄki znaÄajno veÄem nivou (p LT 0.001), dok je koncentracija uree zadržala iste nivoe kao u sluÄaju parazitske infekcije. Vrednosti koncentracija kalcijuma (p > 0.05) i fosfora (p LT 0.05) takoÄe linearno opadaju sa rastom intenziteta parazitske infekcije. Trend pada koncentracije ovih makroelemenata, nastavlja se i nakon terapije sa albendazolom (p LT 0.001). ImajuÄi u vidu naÅ”a prethodna istraživanja na polju oksidativnog stresa, fenomena koji se nalazi u osnovi ovih promena, strogo preporuÄujemo da se u antiparazitske protokole, pored antihelmintika koriste i preparati sa antioksidativnim osobinama
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