65 research outputs found
Studi Kecermatan Alat Ukur Kebulatan (Roundness Tester Mechine) Produksi Laboratorium Pengukuran Universitas Riau
Accuracy is the closeness or the accuracy of the measurement results with the actual value. Accuracy can also mean a measure of the closeness results of the analysis of the actual invitation analyte levels. Accuracy is vital that must be fulfilled and owned by any measurement tool, use the measuring instrument that has high accuracy and good will produce accurate measurement data and other wise use measuring devices are not accurate, do not meet the standards of the results obtained will not be accurate. This study aims to determine the value of the mandrel roundness deviation, roundness accuracy Measuring Equipment (Roundness Tester Machine) and large deviations in the roundness measuring instrument (Roundness TesterMachine) (instrument error) and the operator or gauges (human error). From the results, the large stroundness deviation value for minimum circumscribed circle is 0,474 mm, maximum inscribed circle 0,417 mm, minimum zone circle 0,495 mm, least squares circle 0,207 mm, for the value of sphericity (roundness) for the smallest outer for minimum circumscribed circleis 0,003 mm, maximum inscribed circle 0,003 mm, minimum zone circle is 0,003 mm, least squares is 0,001 mm. Value accuracy roundness measuring instrument (Roundness TesterMachine) in position 1 = 0,006 mm, position 2 = 0,006 mm, position 3 = 0,011 mm, position 4 = 0,018 mm, position 5 = 0,003 mm, position 6 = 0,018 mm, position 7 = 0,021 mm, position 8 = 0,031 mm, position 9 = 0,002 mm, position 10 = 0,001 mm and error measuring instrument (instrument error) is the largest 0,02944 mm or 18,871% and the smallest deviation is 0,00029 mm or 0,225%. Operator error or measuring (Human Error) for first test (human) 22%, second test 5,33%, third test 182%, fourth test 187%, fifth test 58%
Pembuatan E-Commerce Untuk “Lugz Shoes Collezione”
LUGZ Shoes Collezione is a store that sells products such as shoes as the main product and stand in Malang since July 23, 2005. To resolve an issue which a customer is not able to use some of the functions on the website, then in this thesis an user-friendly E-Commerce website for LUGZ Shoes Collezione is made.This website is made by using HTML and PHP programming language for the pages, AJAX and Javascript for the functions, and MySQL for the database. The features which are developed in this website include: a login system for the access rights, the tracking system to track the status of the purchased goods and payment systems to conduct online transactions.The result of making this website is customers can easily see the products sold and make purchases of products on the website at the same time then make the payment confirmation online. Administrators can also perform Tracking order, so there is interaction between the store and online shoppers
Industry, Brand, and the Role of Digital Medium
Rapid growth in information technology forces various industries and business owners to think strategically to reach public attention. This condition also brings the logical consequence of using online medium as their primary marketing tools. Various online medium or usually called as social media such as Twitter, Path, and Facebook have been used by numerous industries as tools to communicate their ideas, brands, and promotion to the public. Along with this condition, industries need to think strategically to develop contemporary marketing communication strategy. This research is a case analysis focusing on examining marketing communication strategy of a brand. One brand identified is Pocari Sweat, Japanese isotonic drink brand. This brand is selected due to the availability of our computer devices to track the tweets. From this study, we have concluded that in this disruption era, marketing communication strategy can be known and identified by others only by tracking their digital footprint
Teacher of Christian Religion Education, Quality of Education and the Future of the Morality of the Nation of the First
This paper aims to provide an understanding that Christian Education teachers have a significant role in improving the quality of education and the future of national morality. The development of globalization and modernization makes teachers must be ready and contribute in preparing the nation's young generation in entering the era of globalization and modernization. At least there are two roles that must be possessed by the Christian Religious Education teacher, namely participating in realizing quality education and maintaining the nation's morality. With this writing, it is expected that every Christian Education teacher will become more aware and more enthusiastic in carrying out his duties and vocation as a teacher of Christian Religious Education
Solusi analitik dari distribusi potensial dalam bola 3 Dimensi dengan syarat batas campuran berasal dari model sika didapatkan sebagai sistem persamaan linear tak hingga. Masalah syarat batas campuran ini, berasal dari Tomografi Elektrik yang dikenal sebagai Complete Electrode Model(Model Elektroda Lengkap)
Using equity premium survey data to estimate future wealth
We present the first systematic methods for combining different experts' responses to equity premium surveys. These techniques are based on the observation that the survey data are approximately gamma distributed. This distribution has convenient analytical properties that enable us to address three important problems that investment managers must face. First, we construct probability density functions for the future values of equity index tracker funds. Second, we calculate unbiased and minimum least square error estimators of the future value of these funds. Third, we derive optimal asset allocation weights between equities and the risk-free asset for risk-averse investors. Our analysis allows for both herding and biasedness in expert responses. We show that, unless investors are highly uncertain about expert biases or forecasts are very highly correlated, many investment decisions can be based solely on the mean of the survey data minus any expected bias. We also make recommendations for the design of future equity premium surveys
Estetika Gerak Ekor Orcaella Brevirostris dalam Teknik Bakar Raku
Pesut dengan nama latinOrcaella brevirostris adalah sejenis hewan mamalia yang sering disebut lumba-lumba air tawar. Tidak seperti mamalia air lain yakni lumba-lumba dan ikan paus yang hidup di laut, pesut hidup di sungai-sungai daerah tropis.Mamalia air tawar ini mempunyai kepala berbentuk setengah lingkaran dengan kedua matanya yang kecil. Tubuh pesut berwarna abu-abu sampai biru hitam. Sirip punggung kecil dan membundar di belakang pertengahan punggung. Dahi tinggi dan membundar setengah lingkaran, tidak ada paruh. Pesut bergerak dalam kawanan. Walaupun pandangannya tidak begitu tajam dan Kenyataan bahwa pesut hidup dalam air yang mengandung lumpur, namun pesut merupakan hewan yang ahli dalam mendeteksi dan menghindari rintangan yang ada di depan. Mereka menggunakan ultrasonik untuk melakukan lokasi gema seperti yang dilakukan oleh kerabatnya di laut. Pesut sangat gemar memunculkan diri ke atas permukaan air dan melompat menunjukan keindahan tubuhnya. Gerak ekor yang gemulai akan terlihat ketika muncul diatas permukaan air. Keindahan ini akan diwujudkan dalam karya keramik artistik dengan teknik bakar raku
Deskripsi phantom EIT 16-elektroda yang tersusun dari rangkaian resistor
Pemanfaatan Nikotin Pada Daun Tembakau Untuk Memproduksi Bioinsektisida Dengan Proses Ekstraksi Cair-cair
Produksi tembakau di Indonesia sangat melimpah, tetapi hanya bermanfaat sebagai industry rokok saja yang dampaknya buruk bagi kesehatan manusia. Tembakau mengandung alkaloid nikotin yang berdampak buruk bagi manusia juga sangat beracun untuk serangga sehingga nikotin dapat dimanfaatkan oleh manusia sebagai bioinsektisida. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan variabel variabel yang berpengaruh dalam proses ekstraksi daun tembakau dalam USAha untuk mengambil nikotin di dalamnya dan mendapatkan kondisi optimum proses ekstraksi daun tembakau. Metode penelitian yang diterapkan dalam penelitian ini memiliki tiga tahap utama, yaitu persiapan bahan baku daun tembakau yang akan diekstrak, tahap maserasi, dan tahap ekstraksi daun tembakau dengan sktraksi cair-cair. Variabel berubah dalam penelitian ini adalah temperatur ekstraksi (40 dan 60oC), volume solvent (150 dan 250 ml), pH solvent (6 dan 7), dan jenis solvent (etanol dan methanol). Analisa hasil kualitatif nikotin dari ekstrak daun tembakau menggunakan metode Gas Cromathography Mass Spectrophotometry (GC-MS). Kondisi optimum dilakukan dengan menggunakan Response Surface Method (RSM) dengan software statistica 10. Hasil ekstraksi optimum didapat pada temperatur 64oC dengan pH solvent 5,6
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