1,060 research outputs found

    Generation and detection of axions using guided structures

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    We propose a new experimental technique to generate and detect axions in the lab with a good experimental sensitivity over a broad axion mass range. The scheme relies on using laser-based four-wave mixing, which is mediated by the hypothetical axion field. Intense pump and Stokes laser beams that are confined to a waveguide (i.e., for example, an optical fiber) with appropriately chosen frequencies resonantly drive axion generation. Under such a geometry, we predict the existence of guided axion waves, which we refer to as "axitons". These are solutions of the axion Klein-Gordon field equation that are spatially guided by the profiles of the driving pump and Stokes laser beams. These guided axitons can then couple to a nearby fiber and mix with another laser, affecting the propagation of a probe laser beam. A key advantage of the scheme is that the mass range of the hypothetical axion can be scanned by varying the frequencies of the pump and the Stokes laser beams. We predict that, using reasonable parameters, the technique will be able to detect axions in the mass range 10610^{-6} eV <m<< m< 10210^{-2} eV with a sensitivity at the level of 101210^{-12} GeV1^{-1} for the axion-photon coupling constant

    Evaluating the intensity of fire at the Acheulian site of Gesher Benot Ya'aqov—Spatial and thermoluminescence analyses

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    This manuscript presents an attempt to evaluate the intensity of fire through spatial patterning and thermoluminescence methodology. Previous studies of Layer II-6 Level 2 at the Acheulian site of Gesher Benot Ya‘aqov suggested that hominins differentiated their activities across space, including multiple activities around a hearth reconstructed on the basis of the distribution of burned flint artifacts. A transect of ~4 m was extended from the center of the reconstructed hearth of Level 2 to its periphery in order to examine the intensity of fire. Burned and unburned flint microartifacts were sampled along this transect. The results of earlier and current thermoluminescence (TL) analysis demonstrate a general agreement with the macroscopic determination of burning, indicating that the possibility of misinterpretation based on macroscopic observations is negligible. The TL signal from flint microartifacts close to the hearth’s center shows unambiguous signs of strong heating, whereas with increasing distance from the hearth the TL signal can be interpreted as a result of decreasing temperatures and/or shorter durations of exposure to fire in addition to a decreasing number of flints showing fire damage. Our study shows that TL analysis can identify some variation in fire intensity, which allows a more precise classification of burned flint microartifacts with respect to their heating history

    A multi-species functional embedding integrating sequence and network structure

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    A key challenge to transferring knowledge between species is that different species have fundamentally different genetic architectures. Initial computational approaches to transfer knowledge across species have relied on measures of heredity such as genetic homology, but these approaches suffer from limitations. First, only a small subset of genes have homologs, limiting the amount of knowledge that can be transferred, and second, genes change or repurpose functions, complicating the transfer of knowledge. Many approaches address this problem by expanding the notion of homology by leveraging high-throughput genomic and proteomic measurements, such as through network alignment. In this work, we take a new approach to transferring knowledge across species by expanding the notion of homology through explicit measures of functional similarity between proteins in different species. Specifically, our kernel-based method, HANDL (Homology Assessment across Networks using Diffusion and Landmarks), integrates sequence and network structure to create a functional embedding in which proteins from different species are embedded in the same vector space. We show that inner products in this space and the vectors themselves capture functional similarity across species, and are useful for a variety of functional tasks. We perform the first whole-genome method for predicting phenologs, generating many that were previously identified, but also predicting new phenologs supported from the biological literature. We also demonstrate the HANDL embedding captures pairwise gene function, in that gene pairs with synthetic lethal interactions are significantly separated in HANDL space, and the direction of separation is conserved across species. Software for the HANDL algorithm is available at http://bit.ly/lrgr-handl.Published versio

    Andean Land Use And Biodiversity: Humanized Landscapes In A Time Of Change

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    Some landscapes Cannot be understood without reference., to the kinds. degrees, kinds, degrees, and history of human-caused modifications to the Earth's surface. The tropical latitudes of the Andes represent one such place, with agricultural land-use systems appearing in the Early Holocene. Current land use includes both intensive and extensive grazing and crop- or tree-based agricultural systems found across virtually the, entire range of possible elevations and humidity regimes. Biodiversity found in or adjacent to such humanized landscapes will have been altered in abundance. composition, and distribution in relation to the resiliency of the native Species to harvest, hold cover modifications, and other deliberate or inadvertent human land uses. In addition, the geometries of land cover, resulting flout difference among the shapes, sizes, connectivities, and physical structures of the patches, corridors, and matrices that compose landscape mosaics, will constrain biodiversity, often in predictable ways. This article proposes a conceptual model that alter ins that the Continued persistence of native species may depend as much oil the shifting Of Andean landscape mosaics as on species characteristics, themselves. Furthermore, mountains such as the Andes display long gradients of environmental Conditions that after in relation to latitude, soil moisture, aspect, and elevation. Global environmental change will shift these, especially temperature and humidity regimes along elevational gradients, causing Changes outside the historical range of variation for some species. Both land-use systems and Conservation efforts will need to respond spatially to these shifts in the future, at both landscape and regional scales.Geography and the Environmen

    Public-Coin Statistical Zero-Knowledge Batch Verification against Malicious Verifiers

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    Suppose that a problem Π\Pi has a statistical zero-knowledge (SZK) proof with communication complexity mm. The question of batch verification for SZK asks whether one can prove that kk instances x1,,xkx_1,\ldots,x_k all belong to Π\Pi with a statistical zero-knowledge proof whose communication complexity is better than kmk \cdot m (which is the complexity of the trivial solution of executing the original protocol independently on each input). In a recent work, Kaslasi et al. (TCC, 2020) constructed such a batch verification protocol for any problem having a non-interactive SZK (NISZK) proof-system. Two drawbacks of their result are that their protocol is private-coin and is only zero-knowledge with respect to the honest verifier. In this work, we eliminate these two drawbacks by constructing a public-coin malicious-verifier SZK protocol for batch verification of NISZK. Similarly to the aforementioned prior work, the communication complexity of our protocol is (k+poly(m))polylog(k,m)\big(k+poly(m) \big) \cdot polylog(k,m)

    Multifocal Avian Influenza (H5N1) Outbreak

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    During March 2006, an outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1) occurred in multiple poultry farms in Israel. The epidemiologic investigation and review of outbreak mitigation efforts uncovered gaps in planning for and containing the outbreak, thus affording valuable lessons applicable to other countries in similar settings

    Effects of pressure on diffusion and vacancy formation in MgO from non-empirical free-energy integrations

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    The free energies of vacancy pair formation and migration in MgO were computed via molecular dynamics using free-energy integrations and a non-empirical ionic model with no adjustable parameters. The intrinsic diffusion constant for MgO was obtained at pressures from 0 to 140 GPa and temperatures from 1000 to 5000 K. Excellent agreement was found with the zero pressure diffusion data within experimental error. The homologous temperature model which relates diffusion to the melting curve describes well our high pressure results within our theoretical framework.Comment: 4 pages, latex, 1 figure, revtex, submitted to PR