692 research outputs found

    Stoponium Search at Photon Linear Collider

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    In some supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model fairly light superpartner of t-quark is predicted, which may form bound states ({\it stoponiums}) under certain conditions. We study prospects of search for stoponium at the future Photon Linear Collider. It is found that this machine could be the best machine for discovery and study of these resonances at some scenarios of supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model. In particular, if the hhhh decay channel is dominant stoponium could be observed at the beginning of PLC run with collision energy tuned at the stoponium mass. If this channel is kinematically closed stoponium could be discovered in gggg, γγ\gamma\gamma and ZZZZ decay channels but higher statistics are needed. Effects of the stoponium-Higgs mixing and degeneracy are briefly discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures added, corrections taken into account result in increasing of signal significanc

    Non-Universality of the Specific Heat in Glass Forming Systems

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    We present new simulation results for the specific heat in a classical model of a binary mixture glass-former in two dimensions. We show that in addition to the formerly observed specific heat peak there is a second peak at lower temperatures which was not observable in earlier simulations. This is a surprise, as most texts on the glass transition expect a single specific heat peak. We explain the physics of the two specific heat peaks by the micro-melting of two types of clusters. While this physics is easily accessible, the consequences are that one should not expect any universality in the temperature dependence of the specific heat in glass formers

    Accretion and outflow activity on the late phases of pre-main-sequence evolution. The case of RZ Piscium

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    RZ Psc is an isolated high-latitude post-T Tauri star that demonstrates a UX Ori-type photometric activity. The star shows very weak spectroscopic signatures of accretion, but at the same time possesses the unusual footprints of the wind in Na I D lines. In the present work we investigate new spectroscopic observations of RZ Psc obtained in 2014 during two observation runs. We found variable blueshifted absorption components (BACs) in lines of the other alcali metals, K I 7699 \AA\ and Ca II IR triplet. We also confirmed the presence of a weak emission component in the Hα\alpha line, which allowed us to estimate the mass accretion rate on the star as M˙≤\dot{M}\leq 7⋅10−127 \cdot 10^{-12}Msun yr−1^{-1}. We could not reveal any clear periodicity in the appearance of BACs in sodium lines. Nevertheless, the exact coincidence of the structure and velocities of the Na I D absorptions observed with the interval of about one year suggests that such a periodicity should exist

    Mechanical Properties of Glass Forming Systems

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    We address the interesting temperature range of a glass forming system where the mechanical properties are intermediate between those of a liquid and a solid. We employ an efficient Monte-Carlo method to calculate the elastic moduli, and show that in this range of temperatures the moduli are finite for short times and vanish for long times, where `short' and `long' depend on the temperature. By invoking some exact results from statistical mechanics we offer an alternative method to compute shear moduli using Molecular Dynamics simulations, and compare those to the Monte-Carlo method. The final conclusion is that these systems are not "viscous fluids" in the usual sense, as their actual time-dependence concatenates solid-like materials with varying local shear moduli

    Structure And Properties of Nanoparticles Formed under Conditions of Wire Electrical Explosion

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    Structure and properties of nanoparticles formed under conditions of wire electrical explosion were studied. It was shown that the state of WEE power particles can be characterized as a metastable state. It leads to an increased stability of nanopowders at normal temperatures and an increased reactivity during heating, which is revealed in the form of threshold phenomena.Comment: Submitted on behalf of TIMA Editions (http://irevues.inist.fr/tima-editions

    Higgs Boson Discovery Potential of LHC in the Channel pp→γγ+jetpp \to\gamma\gamma+jet

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    We discuss the SM Higgs discovery potential of LHC in the reaction pp→H+jet→γγ+jetpp\to H+ jet\to\gamma\gamma+jet when the jet is observed at sufficiently high EtE_t to be reliably identified. We conclude that this channel gives promising discovery possibilities for the Higgs boson mass range 100-140 GeV, during LHC operation at a low luminosity. With 30 fb−1^{-1} of accumulated data and for MH=120M_H=120 GeV about 100 signal events could be observed with the number of background events larger by a factor of 2 only, showing a signal significance S/B∼7S/\sqrt{B}\sim 7. We use the difference of distributions in the partonic subprocess energy s^\sqrt{\hat s} for the signal and background for a better separation of the signal.Comment: 15 pages including 6 figures, LaTeX, use epsfig.sty. To appear in Phys.Lett.B. In this replacement minor LaTeX improvements are mad

    High resolution spectroscopic study of red clump stars in the Galaxy: iron group elements

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    The main atmospheric parameters and abundances of the iron group elements (vanadium, chromium, iron, cobalt and nickel) are determined for 62 red giant "clump" stars revealed in the Galactic field by the Hipparcos orbiting observatory. The stars form a homogeneous sample with the mean value of temperature T=4750 +- 160K, of surface gravity log g = 2.41 +- 0.26 and the mean value of metallicity [Fe/H] = -0.04 +- 0.15 dex. A Gaussian fit to the [Fe/H] distribution produces the mean [Fe/H] = -0.01 dex and dispersion of [Fe/H] = 0.08 dex. The near-solar metallicity and small dispersion of [Fe/H] of clump stars of the Galaxy obtained in this work confirm the theoretical model of the Hipparcos clump by Girardi & Salaris (2001). This suggests that nearby clump stars are (in the mean) relatively young objects, reflecting mainly the near-solar metallicities developed in the local disk during the last few Gyrs of its history. We find iron group element to iron abundance ratios in clump giants to be close to solar.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA
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