1,065 research outputs found

    Economic Interpretations of Intergenerational Correlations

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    Economic theory offers interpretations of intergenerational correlations that are different from the theories of other disciplines, and have important policy implications. Our paper presents a subset of those theories, and shows how they are consistent with observed mobility patterns as they vary across countries, demographic groups, and economic status measure. The data may suggest that the economic approach overemphasizes credit constraints, although more work is needed to further develop some of the alternative economic models. We also show how, in the models, 'progressive' policy may reduce mobility depending on how the policy is administered and how mobility is measured.

    The Potential for Teaching Quantitative Reasoning across the Curriculum: Empirical Evidence

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    Educational theorists have argued that effective instruction in quantitative reasoning (QR) should extend across the curriculum. While a noble goal, it is not immediately evident that this is even possible. To assess the feasibility of this approach to QR instruction, I examine papers written by undergraduates for submission to a sophomore writing portfolio. I distinguish papers in which QR is central to the main thrust of the argument (“centrally relevant”) from those in which QR would strengthen the argument by providing context, enriching description, or presenting background (“peripherally relevant”). I find extensive potential for QR instruction across the curriculum. In 25% of papers QR was centrally relevant and in another roughly 20% QR was peripherally so. Of papers for which QR is centrally (peripherally) relevant, around 50% (95%) were written outside natural science courses. Moreover, 30% of papers written in arts, literature, and humanities courses were QR relevant

    Pairing-excitation versus intruder states in 68Ni and 90Zr

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    A discussion on the nature of the 0+ states in 68Ni (Z=28, N=40) is presented and a comparison is made with its valence counterpart 90Zr (Z=40, N=50). Evidence is given for a 0+ proton intruder state at only ~2.2 MeV excitation energy in 68Ni, while the analogous neutron intruder states in 90Zr reside at 4126 keV and 5441 keV. The application of a shell-model description of 0+ intruder states reveals that many pair-scattered neutrons across N=40 have to be involved to explain the low excitation energy of the proton-intruder configuration in 68Ni.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl

    How magic is the magic 68Ni nucleus?

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    We calculate the B(E2) strength in 68Ni and other nickel isotopes using several theoretical approaches. We find that in 68Ni the gamma transition to the first 2+ state exhausts only a fraction of the total B(E2) strength, which is mainly collected in excited states around 5 MeV. This effect is sensitive to the energy splitting between the fp shell and the g_{9/2}orbital. We argue that the small experimental B(E2) value is not strong evidence for the double-magic character of 68Ni.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Profit contribution information’s impact on internal integration

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    An exploratory quantitative study on the relationship between profit contribution information and firm-wide internal integration is presented. Specifically, the authors examine how profit contribution information availability impacts firm-wide internal integration and, subsequently, logistics performance. This study provides greater insight into the area; only a few studies have empirically examined the impact of profit contribution information within a firm. The primary implication is that firms should utilize specific types of information, i.e. profit contribution information, for making more informed operational and strategic decisions. The paper also underscores the managerial value of using profit contribution information in decision making and planning

    Dominant g(9/2)^2 neutron configuration in the 4+1 state of 68Zn based on new g factor measurements

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    The gg factor of the 41+4_1^+ state in 68^{68}Zn has been remeasured with improved energy resolution of the detectors used. The value obtained is consistent with the previous result of a negative gg factor thus confirming the dominant 0g9/20g_{9/2} neutron nature of the 41+4_1^+ state. In addition, the accuracy of the gg factors of the 21+2_1^+, 22+2_2^+ and 313_1^- states has been improved an d their lifetimes were well reproduced. New large-scale shell model calculations based on a 56^{56}Ni core and an 0f5/21pg9/20f_{5/2}1pg_{9/2} model space yield a theoretical value, g(41+)=+0.008g(4_1^+) = +0.008. Although the calculated value is small, it cannot fully explain the experimental value, g(41+)=0.37(17)g(4_1^+) = -0.37(17). The magnitude of the deduced B(E2) of the 41+4_1^+ and 21+2_1^+ transition is, however, rather well described. These results demonstrate again the importance of gg factor measurements for nuclear structure determination s due to their specific sensitivity to detailed proton and neutron components in the nuclear wave functions.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figs, submitted to PL

    Review of CFD Guidelines for Dispersion Modeling

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    This is the review of CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) guidelines for dispersion modeling in the USA, Japan and Germany. Most parts of this review are based on the short report of the special meeting on CFD Guidelines held at the International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering (CWE2014), University of Hamburg, June 2014. The objective of this meeting was to introduce and discuss the action program to make worldwide guidelines of CFD gas-dispersion modeling. The following six gas-dispersion guidelines including Verification and Validation (V&V) schemes are introduced by each author; (1) US CFD guidelines; (2) COST/ES1006; (3) German VDI (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure) guidelines; (4) Atomic Energy Society of Japan; (5) Japan Society of Atmospheric Environment; (6) Architectural Institute of Japan. All guidelines were summarized in the same format table shown in the main chapters in order to compare them with each other. In addition to the summary of guidelines, the overview of V&V schemes and many guidelines of CFD modeling in the USA are explained

    Cognitive conflicts in major depression : Between desired change and personal coherence

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    This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposesThe notion of intrapsychic conflict has been present in psychopathology for more than a century within different theoretical orientations. However, internal conflicts have not received enough empirical attention, nor has their importance in depression been fully elaborated. This study is based on the notion of cognitive conflict, understood as implicative dilemma (ID), and on a new way of identifying these conflicts by means of the Repertory Grid Technique. Our aim was to explore the relevance of cognitive conflicts among depressive patientsPeer reviewedFinal Published versio