1,389,800 research outputs found

    Distance and distance signless Laplacian spread of connected graphs

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    For a connected graph GG on nn vertices, recall that the distance signless Laplacian matrix of GG is defined to be Q(G)=Tr(G)+D(G)\mathcal{Q}(G)=Tr(G)+\mathcal{D}(G), where D(G)\mathcal{D}(G) is the distance matrix, Tr(G)=diag(D1,D2,…,Dn)Tr(G)=diag(D_1, D_2, \ldots, D_n) and DiD_{i} is the row sum of D(G)\mathcal{D}(G) corresponding to vertex viv_{i}. Denote by ρD(G),\rho^{\mathcal{D}}(G), ρminD(G)\rho_{min}^{\mathcal{D}}(G) the largest eigenvalue and the least eigenvalue of D(G)\mathcal{D}(G), respectively. And denote by qD(G)q^{\mathcal{D}}(G), qminD(G)q_{min}^{\mathcal{D}}(G) the largest eigenvalue and the least eigenvalue of Q(G)\mathcal{Q}(G), respectively. The distance spread of a graph GG is defined as SD(G)=ρD(G)βˆ’ΟminD(G)S_{\mathcal{D}}(G)=\rho^{\mathcal{D}}(G)- \rho_{min}^{\mathcal{D}}(G), and the distance signless Laplacian spread of a graph GG is defined as SQ(G)=qD(G)βˆ’qminD(G)S_{\mathcal{Q}}(G)=q^{\mathcal{D}}(G)-q_{min}^{\mathcal{D}}(G). In this paper, we point out an error in the result of Theorem 2.4 in "Distance spectral spread of a graph" [G.L. Yu, et al, Discrete Applied Mathematics. 160 (2012) 2474--2478] and rectify it. As well, we obtain some lower bounds on ddistance signless Laplacian spread of a graph

    The distinguishing index of graphs with at least one cycle is not more than its distinguishing number

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    The distinguishing number (index) D(G)D(G) (Dβ€²(G)D'(G)) of a graph GG is the least integer dd such that GG has an vertex (edge) labeling with dd labels that is preserved only by the trivial automorphism. It is known that for every graph GG we have Dβ€²(G)≀D(G)+1D'(G) \leq D(G) + 1. The complete characterization of finite trees TT with Dβ€²(T)=D(T)+1D'(T)=D(T)+ 1 has been given recently. In this note we show that if GG is a finite connected graph with at least one cycle, then Dβ€²(G)≀D(G)D'(G)\leq D(G). Finally, we characterize all connected graphs for which Dβ€²(G)≀D(G)D'(G) \leq D(G)

    Distinguishing number and distinguishing index of some operations on graphs

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    The distinguishing number (index) D(G)D(G) (Dβ€²(G)D'(G)) of a graph GG is the least integer dd such that GG has an vertex labeling (edge labeling) with dd labels that is preserved only by a trivial automorphism. We examine the effects on D(G)D(G) and Dβ€²(G)D'(G) when GG is modified by operations on vertex and edge of GG. Let GG be a connected graph of order nβ‰₯3n\geq 3. We show that βˆ’1≀D(Gβˆ’v)βˆ’D(G)≀D(G)-1\leq D(G-v)-D(G)\leq D(G), where Gβˆ’vG-v denotes the graph obtained from GG by removal of a vertex vv and all edges incident to vv and these inequalities are true for the distinguishing index. Also we prove that ∣D(Gβˆ’e)βˆ’D(G)βˆ£β‰€2|D(G-e)-D(G)|\leq 2 and βˆ’1≀Dβ€²(Gβˆ’e)βˆ’Dβ€²(G)≀2-1 \leq D'(G-e)-D'(G)\leq 2, where Gβˆ’eG-e denotes the graph obtained from GG by simply removing the edge ee. Finally we consider the vertex contraction and the edge contraction of GG and prove that the edge contraction decrease the distinguishing number (index) of GG by at most one and increase by at most 3D(G)3D(G) (3Dβ€²(G)3D'(G)).Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    On the second largest distance eigenvalue of a graph

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    Let GG be a simple connected graph of order nn and D(G)D(G) be the distance matrix of G.G. Suppose that Ξ»1(D(G))β‰₯Ξ»2(D(G))β‰₯β‹―β‰₯Ξ»n(D(G))\lambda_{1}(D(G))\geq\lambda_{2}(D(G))\geq\cdots\geq\lambda_{n}(D(G)) are the distance spectrum of GG. A graph GG is said to be determined by its DD-spectrum if with respect to the distance matrix D(G)D(G), any graph with the same spectrum as GG is isomorphic to GG. In this paper, we consider spectral characterization on the second largest distance eigenvalue Ξ»2(D(G))\lambda_{2}(D(G)) of graphs, and prove that the graphs with Ξ»2(D(G))≀17βˆ’3292β‰ˆβˆ’0.5692\lambda_{2}(D(G))\leq\frac{17-\sqrt{329}}{2}\approx-0.5692 are determined by their DD-spectra

    On the lower bounds of Davenport constant

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    Let G=Cn1βŠ•β‹―βŠ•CnrG = C_{n_1} \oplus \cdots \oplus C_{n_r} with 1<n1βˆ£β‹―βˆ£nr1 < n_1 | \cdots | n_r be a finite abelian group. The Davenport constant D(G)\mathsf D(G) is the smallest integer tt such that every sequence SS over GG of length ∣S∣β‰₯t|S|\ge t has a non-empty zero-sum subsequence. It is a starting point of zero-sum theory but only has a trivial lower bound Dβˆ—(G)=n1+β‹―+nrβˆ’r+1\mathsf D^*(G) = n_1 + \cdots + n_r - r + 1, which equals D(G)\mathsf D(G) over pp-groups. We investigate the non-dispersive sequences over group CnrC_n^r, thereby revealing the growth of D(G)βˆ’Dβˆ—(G)\mathsf D(G)-\mathsf D^*(G) over non-pp-groups G=CnrβŠ•CknG = C_n^r \oplus C_{kn} with n,kβ‰ 1n,k \ne 1. We give a general lower bound of D(G)\mathsf D(G) over non-pp-groups and show that, let GG be abelian groups with exp⁑(G)=m\exp(G)=m and rank rr, fix m>0m>0 a non-prime-power, then for each N>0N>0 there exists an Ξ΅>0\varepsilon>0 such that if ∣G∣/mr<Ξ΅|G|/m^r<\varepsilon , then D(G)βˆ’Dβˆ—(G)>N\mathsf D(G)-\mathsf D^*(G)>N

    Recurrence relations and splitting formulas for the domination polynomial

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    The domination polynomial D(G,x) of a graph G is the generating function of its dominating sets. We prove that D(G,x) satisfies a wide range of reduction formulas. We show linear recurrence relations for D(G,x) for arbitrary graphs and for various special cases. We give splitting formulas for D(G,x) based on articulation vertices, and more generally, on splitting sets of vertices

    Jones type basic construction on field algebras of GG-spin models

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    Let GG be a finite group. Starting from the field algebra F{\mathcal{F}} of GG-spin models, one can construct the crossed product Cβˆ—C^*-algebra Fβ‹ŠD(G){\mathcal{F}}\rtimes D(G) such that it coincides with the Cβˆ—C^*-basic construction for the field algebra F{\mathcal{F}} and the D(G)D(G)-invariant subalgebra of F{\mathcal{F}}, where D(G)D(G) is the quantum double of GG. Under the natural D(G)^\widehat{D(G)}-module action on Fβ‹ŠD(G){\mathcal{F}}\rtimes D(G),the iterated crossed product Cβˆ—C^*-algebra can be obtained, which is Cβˆ—C^*-isomorphic to the Cβˆ—C^*-basic construction for Fβ‹ŠD(G){\mathcal{F}}\rtimes D(G) and the field algebra F{\mathcal{F}}. Furthermore, one can show that the iterated crossed product Cβˆ—C^*-algebra is a new field algebra and give the concrete structure with the order and disorder operators.Comment: 14 page

    Introduction to Domination Polynomial of a Graph

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    We introduce a domination polynomial of a graph G. The domination polynomial of a graph G of order n is the polynomial D(G, x) =\sum_{i=1}^n d(G, i)x^i, where d(G, i) is the number of dominating sets of G of size i. We obtain some properties of D(G, x) and its coefficients. Also we compute this polynomial for some specific graphs.Comment: 10 pages. Accepted http://www.combinatorialmath.ca/ArsCombinatoria/index.htm

    New skew Laplacian energy of a simple digraph

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    For a simple digraph GG of order nn with vertex set {v1,v2,…,vn}\{v_1,v_2,\ldots, v_n\}, let di+d_i^+ and diβˆ’d_i^- denote the out-degree and in-degree of a vertex viv_i in GG, respectively. Let D+(G)=diag(d1+,d2+,…,dn+)D^+(G)=diag(d_1^+,d_2^+,\ldots,d_n^+) and Dβˆ’(G)=diag(d1βˆ’,d2βˆ’,…,dnβˆ’)D^-(G)=diag(d_1^-,d_2^-,\ldots,d_n^-). In this paper we introduce SL~(G)=D~(G)βˆ’S(G)\widetilde{SL}(G)=\widetilde{D}(G)-S(G) to be a new kind of skew Laplacian matrix of GG, where D~(G)=D+(G)βˆ’Dβˆ’(G)\widetilde{D}(G)=D^+(G)-D^-(G) and S(G)S(G) is the skew-adjacency matrix of GG, and from which we define the skew Laplacian energy SLE(G)SLE(G) of GG as the sum of the norms of all the eigenvalues of SL~(G)\widetilde{SL}(G). Some lower and upper bounds of the new skew Laplacian energy are derived and the digraphs attaining these bounds are also determined.Comment: 13 page

    Irreducibility and components rigid in moduli of the Hilbert scheme of smooth curves

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    Denote by Hd,g,r\mathcal{H}_{d,g,r} the Hilbert scheme of smooth curves, that is the union of components whose general point corresponds to a smooth irreducible and non-degenerate curve of degree dd and genus gg in Pr\mathbb P^r. A component of Hd,g,r\mathcal{H}_{d,g,r} is rigid in moduli if its image under the natural map Ο€:Hd,g,rβ‡’Mg\pi:\mathcal{H}_{d,g,r} \dashrightarrow \mathcal{M}_{g} is a one point set. In this note, we provide a proof of the fact that Hd,g,r\mathcal{H}_{d,g,r} has no components rigid in moduli for g>0g > 0 and r=3r=3, from which it follows that the only smooth projective curves embedded in P3\mathbb P^3 whose only deformations are given by projective transformations are the twisted cubic curves. In case rβ‰₯4r \geq 4, we also prove the non-existence of a component of Hd,g,r\mathcal{H}_{d,g,r} rigid in moduli in a certain restricted range of dd, g>0g>0 and rr. In the course of the proofs, we establish the irreducibility of Hd,g,3\mathcal{H}_{d,g,3} beyond the range which has been known before.Comment: v2: added (ii) in Cor. 3.6; v3: minor typos correcte
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