40 research outputs found

    Transglutaminase Type 2 Regulates ER-Mitochondria Contact Sites by Interacting with GRP75

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    Transglutaminase type 2 (TG2) is a multifunctional enzyme that plays a key role in mitochondria homeostasis under stressful cellular conditions. TG2 interactome analysis reveals an enzyme interaction with GRP75 (glucose-regulated protein 75). GRP75 localizes in mitochondria-associated membranes (MAMs) and acts as a bridging molecule between the two organelles by assembling the IP3R-GRP75-VDAC complex, which is involved in the transport of Ca2+ from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to mitochondria. We demonstrate that the TG2 and GRP75 interaction occurs in MAMs. The absence of the TG2-GRP75 interaction leads to an increase of the interaction between IP3R-3 and GRP75; a decrease of the number of ER-mitochondria contact sites; an impairment of the ER-mitochondrial Ca2+ flux; and an altered profile of the MAM proteome. These findings indicate TG2 is a key regulatory element of the MAMs

    Cdk2 Is Required for p53-Independent G2/M Checkpoint Control

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    The activation of phase-specific cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks) is associated with ordered cell cycle transitions. Among the mammalian Cdks, only Cdk1 is essential for somatic cell proliferation. Cdk1 can apparently substitute for Cdk2, Cdk4, and Cdk6, which are individually dispensable in mice. It is unclear if all functions of non-essential Cdks are fully redundant with Cdk1. Using a genetic approach, we show that Cdk2, the S-phase Cdk, uniquely controls the G2/M checkpoint that prevents cells with damaged DNA from initiating mitosis. CDK2-nullizygous human cells exposed to ionizing radiation failed to exclude Cdk1 from the nucleus and exhibited a marked defect in G2/M arrest that was unmasked by the disruption of P53. The DNA replication licensing protein Cdc6, which is normally stabilized by Cdk2, was physically associated with the checkpoint regulator ATR and was required for efficient ATR-Chk1-Cdc25A signaling. These findings demonstrate that Cdk2 maintains a balance of S-phase regulatory proteins and thereby coordinates subsequent p53-independent G2/M checkpoint activation

    Prevalence of inflammatory bowel disease among coeliac disease patients in a Hungarian coeliac centre

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    BACKGROUND: Celiac disease, Crohn disease and ulcerative colitis are inflammatory disorders of the gastrointestinal tract with some common genetic, immunological and environmental factors involved in their pathogenesis. Several research shown that patients with celiac disease have increased risk of developing inflammatory bowel disease when compared with that of the general population. The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of inflammatory bowel disease in our celiac patient cohort over a 15-year-long study period. METHODS: To diagnose celiac disease, serological tests were used, and duodenal biopsy samples were taken to determine the degree of mucosal injury. To set up the diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease, clinical parameters, imaging techniques, colonoscopy histology were applied. DEXA for measuring bone mineral density was performed on every patient. RESULTS: In our material, 8/245 (3,2 %) coeliac disease patients presented inflammatory bowel disease (four males, mean age 37, range 22-67), 6/8 Crohn's disease, and 2/8 ulcerative colitis. In 7/8 patients the diagnosis of coeliac disease was made first and inflammatory bowel disease was identified during follow-up. The average time period during the set-up of the two diagnosis was 10,7 years. Coeliac disease serology was positive in all cases. The distribution of histology results according to Marsh classification: 1/8 M1, 2/8 M2, 3/8 M3a, 2/8 M3b. The distribution according to the Montreal classification: 4/6 Crohn's disease patients are B1, 2/6 Crohn's disease patients are B2, 2/2 ulcerative colitis patients are S2. Normal bone mineral density was detected in 2/8 case, osteopenia in 4/8 and osteoporosis in 2/8 patients. CONCLUSIONS: Within our cohort of patients with coeliac disease, inflammatory bowel disease was significantly more common (3,2 %) than in the general population

    Influence of turbulence-chemistry interaction for n-heptane spray combustion under diesel engine conditions with emphasis on soot formation and oxidation

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    The influence of the turbulence-chemistry interaction (TCI) for n-heptane sprays under diesel engine conditions has been investigated by means of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. The conditional moment closure approach, which has been previously validated thoroughly for such flows, and the homogeneous reactor (i.e. no turbulent combustion model) approach have been compared, in view of the recent resurgence of the latter approaches for diesel engine CFD. Experimental data available from a constant-volume combustion chamber have been used for model validation purposes for a broad range of conditions including variations in ambient oxygen (8-21% by vol.), ambient temperature (900 and 1000 K) and ambient density (14.8 and 30 kg/m3). The results from both numerical approaches have been compared to the experimental values of ignition delay (ID), flame lift-off length (LOL), and soot volume fraction distributions. TCI was found to have a weak influence on ignition delay for the conditions simulated, attributed to the low values of the scalar dissipation relative to the critical value above which auto-ignition does not occur. In contrast, the flame LOL was considerably affected, in particular at low oxygen concentrations. Quasi-steady soot formation was similar; however, pronounced differences in soot oxidation behaviour are reported. The differences were further emphasised for a case with short injection duration: in such conditions, TCI was found to play a major role concerning the soot oxidation behaviour because of the importance of soot-oxidiser structure in mixture fraction space. Neglecting TCI leads to a strong over-estimation of soot oxidation after the end of injection. The results suggest that for some engines, and for some phenomena, the neglect of turbulent fluctuations may lead to predictions of acceptable engineering accuracy, but that a proper turbulent combustion model is needed for more reliable results. © 2014 Taylor & Francis

    Unstructured LES-CMC modelling of turbulent premixed bluff body flames close to blow-off

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    A finite volume Large Eddy Simulation-Conditional Moment Closure formulation (CMC) was employed to turbulent premixed bluff body CH 4 -air flames at conditions far from (A1) and close to (A4) blow-off. The unstructured topology of the CMC grid allowed refinement in regions where turbulence inhomogeneity is expected providing an improved description of the turbulence-chemistry interaction phenomenon non-negligible at conditions investigated in this study. The simulations effectively reproduced the general trends especially considering the challenging conditions at very lean mixtures where the characteristic 'M'-shaped morphology of flame A4 and the significant increase in flame brush thickness compared to flame A1 was accurately replicated although overall flame heights were under-predicted. For flame A4 close to blow-off the calculation generally presented appreciable quantities of CH 2 O throughout the recirculation zone with isolated pockets of OH surrounded by high heat release in agreement with experimental findings. The simulation confirmed that in regions experimentally void of both CH 2 O and OH large quantities of partially reacted fluid were observed which entered the recirculation zone from the top