1,463 research outputs found

    The Herschel Virgo Cluster Survey. VI. The far-infrared view of M87

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    The origin of the far-infrared emission from the nearby radio galaxy M87 remains a matter of debate. Some studies find evidence of a far-infrared excess due to thermal dust emission, whereas others propose that the far-infrared emission can be explained by synchrotron emission without the need for an additional dust emission component. We present Herschel PACS and SPIRE observations of M87, taken as part of the science demonstration phase observations of the Herschel Virgo Cluster Survey. We compare these data with a synchrotron model based on mid-infrared, far-infrared, submm and radio data from the literature to investigate the origin of the far-infrared emission. Both the integrated SED and the Herschel surface brightness maps are adequately explained by synchrotron emission. At odds with previous claims, we find no evidence of a diffuse dust component in M87, which is not unexpected in the harsh X-ray environment of this radio galaxy sitting at the core of the Virgo cluster

    The Herschel Virgo Cluster Survey - V. Star-forming dwarf galaxies – dust in metal-poor environments

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    We present the dust properties of a small sample of Virgo cluster dwarf galaxies drawn from the science demonstration phase data set of the Herschel Virgo Cluster Survey. These galaxies have low metallicities (7.8 < 12 + log(O/H) < 8.3) and star-formation rates ≲10^(-1) M_☉ yr^(-1). We measure the spectral energy distribution (SED) from 100 to 500 μm and derive dust temperatures and dust masses. The SEDs are fitted by a cool component of temperature T ≲ 20 K, implying dust masses around 10^5 M_☉ and dust-to-gas ratios within the range 10^(-3)–10^(-2). The completion of the full survey will yield a larger set of galaxies, which will provide more stringent constraints on the dust content of star-forming dwarf galaxies

    The Herschel Virgo Cluster Survey - II. Truncated dust disks in H I-deficient spirals

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    By combining Herschel-SPIRE observations obtained as part of the Herschel Virgo Cluster Survey with 21 cm Hi data from the literature, we investigate the role of the cluster environment on the dust content of Virgo spiral galaxies. We show for the first time that the extent of the dust disk is significantly reduced in Hi-deficient galaxies, following remarkably well the observed “truncation” of the Hi disk. The ratio of the submillimetre-to-optical diameter correlates with the Hi-deficiency, suggesting that the cluster environment is able to strip dust as well as gas. These results provide important insights not only into the evolution of cluster galaxies but also into the metal enrichment of the intra-cluster medium

    The Herschel Virgo Cluster Survey - I. Luminosity function

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    We describe the Herschel Virgo Cluster Survey (HeViCS) and the first data obtained as part of the science demonstration phase (SDP). The data cover a central 4×4 sq deg region of the cluster. We use SPIRE and PACS photometry data to produce 100, 160, 250, 350 and 500 μm luminosity functions (LFs) for optically bright galaxies that are selected at 500 μm and detected in all bands. We compare these LFs with those previously derived using IRAS, BLAST and Herschel-ATLAS data. The Virgo cluster LFs do not have the large numbers of faint galaxies or examples of very luminous galaxies seen previously in surveys covering less dense environments

    The Herschel Virgo Cluster Survey. VII. Dust in cluster dwarf elliptical galaxies

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    We use the science demonstration phase data of the Herschel Virgo Cluster Survey to search for dust emission of early-type dwarf galaxies in the central regions of the Virgo cluster as an alternative way of identifying the interstellar medium. We present the first possible far-infrared detection of cluster early-type dwarf galaxies: VCC781 and VCC951 are detected at the 10σ level in the SPIRE 250 μm image. Both detected galaxies have dust masses of the order of 10^5 M_⊙ and average dust temperatures ≈20 K. The detection rate (less than 1%) is quite high compared to the 1.7% detection rate for Hi emission, considering that dwarfs in the central regions are more Hi deficient. We conclude that the removal of interstellar dust from dwarf galaxies resulting from ram pressure stripping, harassment, or tidal effects must be as efficient as the removal of interstellar gas

    The Herschel Virgo Cluster Survey. III. A constraint on dust grain lifetime in early-type galaxies

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    Passive early-type galaxies (ETGs) provide an ideal laboratory for studying the interplay between dust formation around evolved stars and its subsequent destruction in a hot gas. Using Spitzer-IRS and Herschel data we compare the dust production rate in the envelopes of evolved AGB stars with a constraint on the total dust mass. Early-type galaxies which appear to be truly passively evolving are not detected by Herschel. We thus derive a distance independent upper limit to the dust grain survival time in the hostile environment of ETGs of <46 ± 25 Myr for amorphous silicate grains. This implies that ETGs which are detected at far-infrared wavelengths have acquired a cool dusty medium via interaction. Given likely time-scales for ram-pressure stripping, this also implies that only galaxies with dust in a cool (atomic) medium can release dust into the intra-cluster medium

    The evolution of the star formation activity per halo mass up to redshift ~1.6 as seen by Herschel

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    Aims. Star formation in massive galaxies is quenched at some point during hierarchical mass assembly. To understand where and when the quenching processes takes place, we study the evolution of the total star formation rate per unit total halo mass (Σ(SFR)/M) in three different mass scales: low mass halos (field galaxies), groups, and clusters, up to a redshift z ≈ 1.6. Methods. We use deep far-infrared PACS data at 100 and 160 μm to accurately estimate the total star formation rate of the luminous infrared galaxy population of 9 clusters with mass ~10^(15) M_⊙, and 9 groups/poor clusters with mass ~5 × 10^(13) M_⊙. Estimates of the field Σ(SFR)/M are derived from the literature, by dividing the star formation rate density by the mean comoving matter density of the universe. Results. The field Σ(SFR)/M increases with redshift up to z ~ 1 and it is constant thereafter. The evolution of the Σ(SFR)/M – z relation in galaxy systems is much faster than in the field. Up to redshift z ~ 0.2, the field has a higher Σ(SFR)/M than galaxy groups and galaxy clusters. At higher redshifts, galaxy groups and the field have similar Σ(SFR)/M, while massive clusters have significantly lower Σ(SFR)/M than both groups and the field. There is a hint of a reversal of the SFR activity vs. environment at z ~ 1.6, where the group Σ(SFR)/M lies above the field Σ(SFR)/M − z relation. We discuss possible interpretations of our results in terms of the processes of downsizing, and star-formation quenching

    The Herschel Virgo Cluster Survey. IV. Resolved dust analysis of spiral galaxies

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    We present a resolved dust analysis of three of the largest angular size spiral galaxies, NGC 4501 and NGC 4567/8, in the Herschel Virgo Cluster Survey (HeViCS) science demonstration field. Herschel has unprecedented spatial resolution at far-infrared wavelengths and with the PACS and SPIRE instruments samples both sides of the peak in the far infrared spectral energy distribution (SED).We present maps of dust temperature, dust mass, and gas-to-dust ratio, produced by fitting modified black bodies to the SED for each pixel. We find that the distribution of dust temperature in both systems is in the range ~19–22 K and peaks away from the centres of the galaxies. The distribution of dust mass in both systems is symmetrical and exhibits a single peak coincident with the galaxy centres. This Letter provides a first insight into the future analysis possible with a large sample of resolved galaxies to be observed by Herschel

    A Large Mass of H_2 in the Brightest Cluster Galaxy in Zwicky 3146

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    We present the Spitzer/IRS mid-infrared spectrum of the infrared-luminous (L_(IR) = 4 × 10^(11) L_☉) brightest cluster galaxy (BCG) in the X-ray-luminous cluster Zwicky 3146 (Z3146; z = 0.29). The spectrum shows strong aromatic emission features, indicating that the dominant source of the infrared luminosity is star formation. The most striking feature of the spectrum, however, is the exceptionally strong molecular hydrogen (H_2) emission lines, which seem to be shock-excited. The line luminosities and inferred warm H_2 gas mass (~10^(10) M_☉) are 6 times larger than those of NGC 6240, the most H_2-luminous galaxy at z ≲ 0.05. Together with the large amount of cold H_2 detected previously (~10^(11) M_☉), this indicates that the Z3146 BCG contains disproportionately large amounts of both warm and cold H_2 gas for its infrared luminosity, which may be related to the intracluster gas cooling process in the cluster core