3,044 research outputs found

    Stellar footprints of a variable G

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    Theories with varying gravitational constant GG have been studied since long time ago. Among them, the most promising candidates as alternatives of the standard General Relativity are known as scalar-tensor theories. They provide consistent descriptions of the observed universe and arise as the low energy limit of several pictures of unified interactions. Therefore, an increasing interest on the astrophysical consequences of such theories has been sparked over the last few years. In this essay we comment on two methodological approaches to study evolution of astrophysical objects within a varying-GG theory, and the particular results we have obtained for boson and white dwarf stars.Comment: This essay received Honorable Mention in the 1999 Essay Competition of the Gravity Research Foundatio

    Bouncing Universes with Varying Constants

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    We investigate the behaviour of exact closed bouncing Friedmann universes in theories with varying constants. We show that the simplest BSBM varying-alpha theory leads to a bouncing universe. The value of alpha increases monotonically, remaining approximately constant during most of each cycle, but increasing significantly around each bounce. When dissipation is introduced we show that in each new cycle the universe expands for longer and to a larger size. We find a similar effect for closed bouncing universes in Brans-Dicke theory, where GG also varies monotonically in time from cycle to cycle. Similar behaviour occurs also in varying speed of light theories

    Anisotropic Pressures at Ultra-stiff Singularities and the Stability of Cyclic Universes

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    We show that the inclusion of simple anisotropic pressures stops the isotropic Friedmann universe being a stable attractor as an initial or final singularity is approached when pressures can exceed the energy density. This shows that the situation with isotropic pressures, studied earlier in the context of cyclic and ekpyrotic cosmologies, is not generic, and Kasner-like behaviour occurs when simple pressure anisotropies are present. We find all the asymptotic behaviours and determine the dynamics when the anisotropic principal pressures are proportional to the density. We expect distortions and anisotropies to be significantly amplified through a simple cosmological bounce in cyclic or ekpyrotic cosmologies when ultra-stiff pressures are present.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figure

    Structure and stability of the Lukash plane-wave spacetime

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    We study the vacuum, plane-wave Bianchi VIIhVII{}_{h} spacetimes described by the Lukash metric. Combining covariant with orthonormal frame techniques, we describe these models in terms of their irreducible kinematical and geometrical quantities. This covariant description is used to study analytically the response of the Lukash spacetime to linear perturbations. We find that the stability of the vacuum solution depends crucially on the background shear anisotropy. The stronger the deviation from the Hubble expansion, the more likely the overall linear instability of the model. Our analysis addresses rotational, shear and Weyl curvature perturbations and identifies conditions sufficient for the linear growth of these distortions.Comment: Revised version, references added. To appear in Class. Quantum Gra

    New Isotropic and Anisotropic Sudden Singularities

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    We show the existence of an infinite family of finite-time singularities in isotropically expanding universes which obey the weak, strong, and dominant energy conditions. We show what new type of energy condition is needed to exclude them ab initio. We also determine the conditions under which finite-time future singularities can arise in a wide class of anisotropic cosmological models. New types of finite-time singularity are possible which are characterised by divergences in the time-rate of change of the anisotropic-pressure tensor. We investigate the conditions for the formation of finite-time singularities in a Bianchi type VII0VII_{0} universe with anisotropic pressures and construct specific examples of anisotropic sudden singularities in these universes.Comment: Typos corrected. Published versio

    Almost-homogeneity of the universe in higher-order gravity

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    In the R+αR2R+\alpha R^2 gravity theory, we show that if freely propagating massless particles have an almost isotropic distribution, then the spacetime is almost Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW). This extends the result proved recently in general relativity (α=0\alpha=0), which is applicable to the microwave background after photon decoupling. The higher-order result is in principle applicable to a massless species that decouples in the early universe, such as a relic graviton background. Any future observations that show small anisotropies in such a background would imply that the geometry of the early universe were almost FRW.Comment: 14 pages LaTeX, no figures; to appear in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Some Late-time Asymptotics of General Scalar-Tensor Cosmologies

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    We study the asymptotic behaviour of isotropic and homogeneous universes in general scalar-tensor gravity theories containing a p=-rho vacuum fluid stress and other sub-dominant matter stresses. It is shown that in order for there to be approach to a de Sitter spacetime at large 4-volumes the coupling function, omega(phi), which defines the scalar-tensor theory, must diverge faster than |phi_infty-phi|^(-1+epsilon) for all epsilon>0 as phi rightarrow phi_infty 0 for large values of the time. Thus, for a given theory, specified by omega(phi), there must exist some phi_infty in (0,infty) such that omega -> infty and omega' / omega^(2+epsilon) -> 0 as phi -> 0 phi_infty in order for cosmological solutions of the theory to approach de Sitter expansion at late times. We also classify the possible asymptotic time variations of the gravitation `constant' G(t) at late times in scalar-tensor theories. We show that (unlike in general relativity) the problem of a profusion of ``Boltzmann brains'' at late cosmological times can be avoided in scalar-tensor theories, including Brans-Dicke theory, in which phi -> infty and omega ~ o(\phi^(1/2)) at asymptotically late times.Comment: 14 page

    The Power of General Relativity

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    We study the cosmological and weak-field properties of theories of gravity derived by extending general relativity by means of a Lagrangian proportional to R1+δR^{1+\delta}. This scale-free extension reduces to general relativity when δ0\delta \to 0. In order to constrain generalisations of general relativity of this power class we analyse the behaviour of the perfect-fluid Friedmann universes and isolate the physically relevant models of zero curvature. A stable matter-dominated period of evolution requires δ>0\delta >0 or δ<1/4\delta <-1/4. The stable attractors of the evolution are found. By considering the synthesis of light elements (helium-4, deuterium and lithium-7) we obtain the bound 0.017<δ<0.0012.-0.017<\delta <0.0012. We evaluate the effect on the power spectrum of clustering via the shift in the epoch of matter-radiation equality. The horizon size at matter--radiation equality will be shifted by 1\sim 1% for a value of δ0.0005.\delta \sim 0.0005. We study the stable extensions of the Schwarzschild solution in these theories and calculate the timelike and null geodesics. No significant bounds arise from null geodesic effects but the perihelion precession observations lead to the strong bound δ=2.7±4.5×1019\delta =2.7\pm 4.5\times 10^{-19} assuming that Mercury follows a timelike geodesic. The combination of these observational constraints leads to the overall bound 0δ<7.2×10190\leq \delta <7.2\times 10^{-19} on theories of this type.Comment: 26 pages and 5 figures. Published versio

    Gravitational memory of natural wormholes

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    A traversable wormhole solution of general scalar-tensor field equations is presented. We have shown, after a numerical analysis for the behavior of the scalar field of Brans-Dicke theory, that the solution is completely singularity--free. Furthermore, the analysis of more general scalar field dependent coupling constants indicates that the gravitational memory phenomenon may play an important role in the fate of natural wormholes.Comment: 14 pages revtex, 1 ps figur

    On the Possibility of Anisotropic Curvature in Cosmology

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    In addition to shear and vorticity a homogeneous background may also exhibit anisotropic curvature. Here a class of spacetimes is shown to exist where the anisotropy is solely of the latter type, and the shear-free condition is supported by a canonical, massless 2-form field. Such spacetimes possess a preferred direction in the sky and at the same time a CMB which is isotropic at the background level. A distortion of the luminosity distances is derived and used to test the model against the CMB and supernovae (using the Union catalog), and it is concluded that the latter exhibit a higher-than-expected dependence on angular position. It is shown that future surveys could detect a possible preferred direction by observing ~ 20 / (\Omega_{k0}^2) supernovae over the whole sky.Comment: Extended SNe analysis and corrected some CMB results. Text also extended and references added. 8 pages, 5 figure