4 research outputs found

    Clientelism as civil society? Unpacking the relationship between clientelism and democracy at the local level in South Africa

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    This article, building on analyses from the global south, attempts to reframe democratic expectations by considering where previously maligned practices such as clientelism may hold moments of democracy. It does so by comparing the theory of civil society with that of clientelism, and its African counterpart neo-patrimonialism. It argues that clientelism as civil society may fulfil democratic tasks such as holding the (local) state accountable, strengthening civil and political liberties and providing channels of access for previously marginalised groups. Clientelism is not necessarily a reflection of imposed power relations but, at times, can demonstrate a conscious political strategy, to generate development, on the part of its protagonists.IS

    Squatter settlements and slums and sustainable development

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    Squatter settlement is defined as a low residential area, which has developed without legal right to the land or permission from the concerned authorities to build, and as a result, of their illegal status, infrastructure and services are usually inadequate (UN-Habitat 2003). On the other hand, slums are contiguous settlements where inhabitants are characterized by insecure residential status, inadequate access to safe water, inadequate access to sanitation and other basic infrastructure and services, poor housing quality, and overcrowding (UN-Habitat 2003). Both are form of informal settlements that are not formally planned