631 research outputs found

    Characterization and production of agglomerated cork stoppers for spirits based on a factor analysis method

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    The decision-making in the investment of a new line of stoppers based on agglomerated cork requires knowledge of the composition and its contribution to its performance. For this, it is necessary to observe the leading products on the market and to test a series of prototypes with different formulations. The development of manufacturing products made by cork, such as bottle stoppers, benefits strongly from accurate chemical and structural characterizations, correlated to the final material performance. A wise starting point to fulfill such requirement consist of comparing available products in the market to be compared with different prototypes with varying composition. This work presents a blind characterization of a series of cork samples through a non-supervised exploratory analysis designed to select agglomerated corks for spirits and still wines in the packaging industry. A total of 18 batches, with 3 of them being high-end commercial products, were used to build 15 different prototypes. They were subsequently characterized with the exact composition of microgranulated cork as the unknown variable. Statistical results based on 14 parameters related to the physic-thermo-mechanical properties indicate that the suitability of selecting the stopper relies on the study of only 4 or 5 of the initial parameters. Hence, it is shown that a reduced number of parameters may be considered to properly describe the mechanical behavior of agglomerated cork, allowing the wise choice of the most convenient material for the intended application. The factorial map reveals that the only sample batch manufactured based on the tested prototypes correlates with the three of the products supplied by the competence.This work was funded by the Junta de Andalucía (Research groups INNANOMAT, ref. TEP-946 and TMA, ref. TEP-181). Co-funding from UE is also acknowledged. The authors wish to thank “TORRENT INNOVA, S.A.”. MdlM acknowledges the Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellowship from MICINN (IJCI-2017–31507)

    Apoptotic microtubules delimit an active caspase free area in the cellular cortex during the execution phase of apoptosis

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    Apoptotic microtubule network (AMN) is organized during apoptosis, forming a cortical structure beneath plasma membrane, which has an important role in preserving cell morphology and plasma membrane permeability. The aim of this study was to examine the role of AMN in maintaining plasma membrane integrity during the execution phase of apoptosis. We demonstrated in camptothecin-induced apoptosis in H460 cells that AMN delimits an active caspase free area beneath plasma membrane that permits the preservation of cellular cortex and transmembrane proteins. AMN depolymerization in apoptotic cells by a short exposure to colchicine allowed active caspases to reach the cellular cortex and cleave many key proteins involved in plasma membrane structural support, cell adhesion and ionic homeostasis. Cleavage of cellular cortex and plasma membrane proteins, such as a-spectrin, paxilin, focal adhesion kinase (FAK), E-cadherin and integrin subunit b4 was associated with cell collapse and cell detachment. Otherwise, cleavage-mediated inactivation of calcium ATPase pump (PMCA-4) and Naþ/Ca2þ exchanger (NCX) involved in cell calcium extrusion resulted in calcium overload. Furthermore, cleavage of Naþ/Kþ pump subunit b was associated with altered sodium homeostasis. Cleavage of cell cortex and plasma membrane proteins in apoptotic cells after AMN depolymerization increased plasma permeability, ionic imbalance and bioenergetic collapse, leading apoptotic cells to secondary necrosis. The essential role of caspase-mediated cleavage in this process was demonstrated because the concomitant addition of colchicine that induces AMN depolymerization and the pan-caspase inhibitor z-VAD avoided the cleavage of cortical and plasma membrane proteins and prevented apoptotic cells to undergo secondary necrosis. Furthermore, the presence of AMN was also critical for proper phosphatidylserine externalization and apoptotic cell clearance by macrophages. These results indicate that AMN is essential to preserve an active caspase free area in the cellular cortex of apoptotic cells that allows plasma membrane integrity during the execution phase of apoptosis

    Bioengineered 3D models of human pancreatic cancer recapitulate in vivo tumour biology

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    Patient-derived in vivo models of human cancer have become a reality, yet their turnaround time is inadequate for clinical applications. Therefore, tailored ex vivo models that faithfully recapitulate in vivo tumour biology are urgently needed. These may especially benefit the management of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), where therapy failure has been ascribed to its high cancer stem cell (CSC) content and high density of stromal cells and extracellular matrix (ECM). To date, these features are only partially reproduced ex vivo using organoid and sphere cultures. We have now developed a more comprehensive and highly tuneable ex vivo model of PDAC based on the 3D co-assembly of peptide amphiphiles (PAs) with custom ECM components (PA-ECM). These cultures maintain patient-specific transcriptional profiles and exhibit CSC functionality, including strong in vivo tumourigenicity. User-defined modification of the system enables control over niche-dependent phenotypes such as epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and matrix deposition. Indeed, proteomic analysis of these cultures reveals improved matrisome recapitulation compared to organoids. Most importantly, patient-specific in vivo drug responses are better reproduced in self-assembled cultures than in other models. These findings support the use of tuneable self-assembling platforms in cancer research and pave the way for future precision medicine approaches

    Development of sandwich ELISA and lateral flow immunoassay to detect almond in processed food

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    Almond (Prunus dulcis) represents a potential allergenic hazard that should be included in Allergen Control Plans. In this study, sandwich ELISA and lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA), using amandin (Pru du 6) as the target protein, were developed to detect almond in processed food and validated according to international guides. ELISA could detect 2 ng/mL and LFIA 30 ng/mL of pure amandin. No cross-reactivity was found on a panel of 50 food commodities with the exception of Pecan nut, Brazil nut and chestnut for which the cross-reactivity was lower than 0.02%. Furthermore, ELISA and LFIA were able to detect 0.12 and 0.70 ppm of almond protein in foods spiked with almond extract whereas 0.20 and 2.0 ppm could be detected in baked cookies incurred with almond, respectively. Both techniques could be applied for food manufacturers and control agencies for monitoring the presence of almond traces in food and working surfaces. © 2021 The Author(s

    Influence of the AlN interlayer thickness on the photovoltaic properties of in-rich AlInN on Si heterojunctions deposited by RF sputtering

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    8 pags., 5 figs., 1 tab.We report the influence of the AlN interlayer thickness (0-15 nm) on the photovoltaic properties of AlInN on Si heterojunction solar cells deposited by radio frequency sputtering. The poor junction band alignment and the presence of a 2-3 nm thick amorphous layer at the interface mitigates the response in devices fabricated by direct deposition of n-AlInN on p-Si(111). Adding a 4-nm-thick AlN buffer layer improves the AlInN crystalline quality and the interface alignment leading to devices with a conversion efficiency of 1.5% under 1-sun AM1.5G illumination. For thicker buffers the performance lessens due to inefficient tunnel transport through the AlN. These results demonstrate the feasibility of using In-rich AlInN alloys deposited by radio frequency sputtering as novel electron-selective contacts to Si-heterojunction solar cells.Support from projects NitPho (TEC2014-60483-R), ANOMALOS (TEC2015- 71127-C2-2-R), INFRASIL (TEC 2013-41730-R), SINFOTON (S2013/MIT 2790), MADRID-PV (2013/MAE-2780), PhotoAl (CCG2015/EXP-014), PAI research group (TEP-946 INNANOMAT), and FEDER-EU is acknowledged. TEM data were taken at DME-SC-ICyT-UCA. A. Nuñez- ˜ Cascajero thanks her grant to the University of Alcala and D. Montero acknowledges his contract ´ BES-2014-067585

    Influence of the AlN interlayer thickness on the photovoltaic properties of In-rich AlInN on Si heterojunctions deposited by RF sputtering

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    We report the influence of the AlN interlayer thickness (0-15 nm) on the photovoltaic properties of Al0.37In0.63N on Si heterojunction solar cells deposited by radio frequency sputtering. The poor junction band alignment and the presence of a 2-3 nm thick amorphous layer at the interface mitigates the response in devices fabricated by direct deposition of n-AlInN on p-Si(111). Adding a 4-nm-thick AlN buffer layer improves the AlInN crystalline quality and the interface alignment leading to devices with a conversion efficiency of 1.5% under 1-sun AM1.5G illumination. For thicker buffers the performance lessens due to inefficient tunnel transport through the AlN. These results demonstrate the feasibility of using In-rich AlInN alloys deposited by radio frequency sputtering as novel electron-selective contacts to Si-heterojunction solar cells

    Real-World Multicenter Experience of Immunosuppression Minimization Among 661 Liver Transplant Recipients.

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    BACKGROUND Long-term morbidity and mortality in liver transplant recipients is frequently secondary to immunosuppression toxicity. However, data are scarce regarding immunosuppression minimization in clinical practice. MATERIAL AND METHODS In this cross-sectional, multicenter study, we reviewed the indications of immunosuppression minimization (defined as tacrolimus levels below 5 ng/mL or cyclosporine levels below 50 ng/mL) among 661 liver transplant recipients, as well as associated factors and the effect on renal function. RESULTS Fifty-three percent of the patients received minimized immunosuppression. The median time from transplantation to minimization was 32 months. The most frequent indications were renal insufficiency (49%), cardiovascular risk (19%), de novo malignancy (8%), and cardiovascular disease (7%). The factors associated with minimization were older age at transplantation, longer post-transplant follow-up, pre-transplant diabetes mellitus and renal dysfunction, and the hospital where the patients were being followed. The patients who were minimized because of renal insufficiency had a significant improvement in renal function (decrease of the median serum creatinine level, from 1.50 to 1.34 mg/dL; P=0.004). Renal function significantly improved in patients minimized for other indications, too. In the long term, glomerular filtration rate significantly decreased in non-minimized patients and remained stable in minimized patients. CONCLUSIONS Immunosuppression minimization is frequently undertaken in long-term liver transplant recipients, mainly for renal insufficiency. Substantial variability exists regarding the use of IS minimization among centers

    Hepatocarcinoma sobre hígado ectópico peritoneal

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    El hepatocarcinoma (HCC) sobre hígado ectópico es una entidad rara. La mayoría de los casos son asintomáticos y se descubren de manera casual en una autopsia o laparoscopia. En ocasiones producen clínica como dolor abdominal o hemorragia intraabdominal. Se realiza revisión de la literatura y se presenta el caso de una mujer de 68 años diagnosticada de hepatocarcinoma sobre hígado ectópico peritoneal a raíz de un estudio por hipertransaminasemia leve asintomática. Ectopic hepatocellular carcinoma is a rare entity. Most cases are asymptomatic and are occasionally found during autopsy or laparoscopy. They may sometimes cause relevant clinical problems such as abdominal pain or intra-abdominal bleeding. In this clinical case report, we review the literature in order to decipher the case of a 68-year-old female with an ectopic hepatocellular carcinoma that arose from the peritoneum. The patient was diagnosed after being studied due to a mild asymptomatic hypertransaminasemia

    Coenzyme Q10 therapy

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    For a number of years, coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) was known for its key role in mitochondrial bioenergetics; later studies demonstrated its presence in other subcellular fractions and in blood plasma, and extensively investigated its antioxidant role. These 2 functions constitute the basis for supporting the clinical use of CoQ10. Also, at the inner mitochondrial membrane level, CoQ10 is recognized as an obligatory cofactor for the function of uncoupling proteins and a modulator of the mitochondrial transition pore. Furthermore, recent data indicate that CoQ 10 affects the expression of genes involved in human cell signaling, metabolism and transport, and some of the effects of CoQ10 supplementation may be due to this property. CoQ10 deficiencies are due to autosomal recessive mutations, mitochondrial diseases, aging-related oxidative stress and carcinogenesis processes, and also statin treatment. Many neurodegenerative disorders, diabetes, cancer, and muscular and cardiovascular diseases have been associated with low CoQ10 levels as well as different ataxias and encephalomyopathies. CoQ10 treatment does not cause serious adverse effects in humans and new formulations have been developed that increase CoQ10 absorption and tissue distribution. Oral administration of CoQ10 is a frequent antioxidant strategy in many diseases that may provide a significant symptomatic benefit.This work was supported by grants (FIS PI10/00543, FIS EC08/00076) from the Ministerio de Sanidad, Spain, and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER-Unión Europea); Servicio Andaluz de Salud-Junta de Andalucía (SAS 111242); Proyecto de Investigación de Excelencia de la Junta de Andalucía (CTS-5725); and by AEPMI (Asociación de Enfermos de Patología Mitocondrial), FEEL (Fundación Española de Enfermedades Lisosomales) and ALBA Andalucía (Federación Andaluza de Fibromialgia y Fatiga Crónica).Peer Reviewe