293 research outputs found

    The General Solution of Bianchi Type VIIhVII_h Vacuum Cosmology

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    The theory of symmetries of systems of coupled, ordinary differential equations (ODE) is used to develop a concise algorithm in order to obtain the entire space of solutions to vacuum Bianchi Einstein Field Equations (EFEs). The symmetries used are the well known automorphisms of the Lie algebra for the corresponding isometry group of each Bianchi Type, as well as the scaling and the time re-parametrization symmetry. The application of the method to Type VII_h results in (a) obtaining the general solution of Type VII_0 with the aid of the third Painlev\'{e} transcendental (b) obtaining the general solution of Type VIIhVII_h with the aid of the sixth Painlev\'{e} transcendental (c) the recovery of all known solutions (six in total) without a prior assumption of any extra symmetry (d) The discovery of a new solution (the line element given in closed form) with a G_3 isometry group acting on T_3, i.e. on time-like hyper-surfaces, along with the emergence of the line element describing the flat vacuum Type VII_0 Bianchi Cosmology.Comment: latex2e source file, 27 pages, 2 tables, no fiure

    A Non - Singular Cosmological Model with Shear and Rotation

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    We have investigated a non-static and rotating model of the universe with an imperfect fluid distribution. It is found that the model is free from singularity and represents an ever expanding universe with shear and rotation vanishing for large value of time.Comment: 10 pages, late

    Phytosociological study of Hirschfeldia incana (L.) Lagraze-Fossat (Cruciferae) communities in mainland Greece

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    Using numerical analysis, the phytosociological study of Hirschfeldia incana communities in mainland Greece allowed their classification into the Rapistro rugosi-Hirschfeldietum incanae ass. nov., a new subnitrophilous association of the Hordeion leporini alliance. Three subassociations were distinguished (anthemidetosum incrassatae, hedypnoidetosum creticae and cardarietosum drabae), the distribution of which seems to depend on latitudinal alteration of rainfall. The new association has its optimum growth in habitats with moderate human influence, specifically in abandoned cultivations and wastelands. With respect to its floristic composition, the Rapistro rugosi-Hirschfeldietum incanae is close to anthropogenic vegetation with a high degree of naturalness, particularly to the therophytic, subnitrophilous vegetation of the Thero-Brometalia (Stellarietea mediae) and the perennial, subnitrophilous vegetation of Carthametalia lanati (Artemisietea vulgaris)

    Bianchi type II,III and V diagonal Einstein metrics re-visited

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    We present, for both minkowskian and euclidean signatures, short derivations of the diagonal Einstein metrics for Bianchi type II, III and V. For the first two cases we show the integrability of the geodesic flow while for the third case a somewhat unusual bifurcation phenomenon takes place: for minkowskian signature elliptic functions are essential in the metric while for euclidean signature only elementary functions appear

    Towards Canonical Quantum Gravity for G1 Geometries in 2+1 Dimensions with a Lambda--Term

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    The canonical analysis and subsequent quantization of the (2+1)-dimensional action of pure gravity plus a cosmological constant term is considered, under the assumption of the existence of one spacelike Killing vector field. The proper imposition of the quantum analogues of the two linear (momentum) constraints reduces an initial collection of state vectors, consisting of all smooth functionals of the components (and/or their derivatives) of the spatial metric, to particular scalar smooth functionals. The demand that the midi-superspace metric (inferred from the kinetic part of the quadratic (Hamiltonian) constraint) must define on the space of these states an induced metric whose components are given in terms of the same states, which is made possible through an appropriate re-normalization assumption, severely reduces the possible state vectors to three unique (up to general coordinate transformations) smooth scalar functionals. The quantum analogue of the Hamiltonian constraint produces a Wheeler-DeWitt equation based on this reduced manifold of states, which is completely integrated.Comment: Latex 2e source file, 25 pages, no figures, final version (accepted in CQG

    Bianchi type-II cosmological model: some remarks

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    Within the framework of Bianchi type-II (BII) cosmological model the behavior of matter distribution has been considered. It is shown that the non-zero off-diagonal component of Einstein tensor implies some severe restriction on the choice of matter distribution. In particular for a locally rotationally symmetric Bianchi type-II (LRS BII) space-time it is proved that the matter distribution should be strictly isotropic if the corresponding matter field possesses only non-zero diagonal components of the energy-momentum tensor.Comment: 3 page

    Further results on non-diagonal Bianchi type III vacuum metrics

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    We present the derivation, for these vacuum metrics, of the Painlev\'e VI equation first obtained by Christodoulakis and Terzis, from the field equations for both minkowskian and euclidean signatures. This allows a complete discussion and the precise connection with some old results due to Kinnersley. The hyperk\"ahler metrics are shown to belong to the Multi-Centre class and for the cases exhibiting an integrable geodesic flow the relevant Killing tensors are given. We conclude by the proof that for the Bianchi B family, excluding type III, there are no hyperk\"ahler metrics.Comment: 21 pages, no figure

    Essential Constants for Spatially Homogeneous Ricci-flat manifolds of dimension 4+1

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    The present work considers (4+1)-dimensional spatially homogeneous vacuum cosmological models. Exact solutions -- some already existing in the literature, and others believed to be new -- are exhibited. Some of them are the most general for the corresponding Lie group with which each homogeneous slice is endowed, and some others are quite general. The characterization ``general'' is given based on the counting of the essential constants, the line-element of each model must contain; indeed, this is the basic contribution of the work. We give two different ways of calculating the number of essential constants for the simply transitive spatially homogeneous (4+1)-dimensional models. The first uses the initial value theorem; the second uses, through Peano's theorem, the so-called time-dependent automorphism inducing diffeomorphismsComment: 26 Pages, 2 Tables, latex2

    Vacuum Plane Waves in 4+1 D and Exact solutions to Einstein's Equations in 3+1 D

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    In this paper we derive homogeneous vacuum plane-wave solutions to Einstein's field equations in 4+1 dimensions. The solutions come in five different types of which three generalise the vacuum plane-wave solutions in 3+1 dimensions to the 4+1 dimensional case. By doing a Kaluza-Klein reduction we obtain solutions to the Einstein-Maxwell equations in 3+1 dimensions. The solutions generalise the vacuum plane-wave spacetimes of Bianchi class B to the non-vacuum case and describe spatially homogeneous spacetimes containing an extremely tilted fluid. Also, using a similar reduction we obtain 3+1 dimensional solutions to the Einstein equations with a scalar field.Comment: 16 pages, no figure