110 research outputs found

    Complexity of Equivalence and Learning for Multiplicity Tree Automata

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    We consider the complexity of equivalence and learning for multiplicity tree automata, i.e., weighted tree automata over a field. We first show that the equivalence problem is logspace equivalent to polynomial identity testing, the complexity of which is a longstanding open problem. Secondly, we derive lower bounds on the number of queries needed to learn multiplicity tree automata in Angluin's exact learning model, over both arbitrary and fixed fields. Habrard and Oncina (2006) give an exact learning algorithm for multiplicity tree automata, in which the number of queries is proportional to the size of the target automaton and the size of a largest counterexample, represented as a tree, that is returned by the Teacher. However, the smallest tree-counterexample may be exponential in the size of the target automaton. Thus the above algorithm does not run in time polynomial in the size of the target automaton, and has query complexity exponential in the lower bound. Assuming a Teacher that returns minimal DAG representations of counterexamples, we give a new exact learning algorithm whose query complexity is quadratic in the target automaton size, almost matching the lower bound, and improving the best previously-known algorithm by an exponential factor

    Private Multiplicative Weights Beyond Linear Queries

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    A wide variety of fundamental data analyses in machine learning, such as linear and logistic regression, require minimizing a convex function defined by the data. Since the data may contain sensitive information about individuals, and these analyses can leak that sensitive information, it is important to be able to solve convex minimization in a privacy-preserving way. A series of recent results show how to accurately solve a single convex minimization problem in a differentially private manner. However, the same data is often analyzed repeatedly, and little is known about solving multiple convex minimization problems with differential privacy. For simpler data analyses, such as linear queries, there are remarkable differentially private algorithms such as the private multiplicative weights mechanism (Hardt and Rothblum, FOCS 2010) that accurately answer exponentially many distinct queries. In this work, we extend these results to the case of convex minimization and show how to give accurate and differentially private solutions to *exponentially many* convex minimization problems on a sensitive dataset

    Secret-Sharing for NP

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    A computational secret-sharing scheme is a method that enables a dealer, that has a secret, to distribute this secret among a set of parties such that a "qualified" subset of parties can efficiently reconstruct the secret while any "unqualified" subset of parties cannot efficiently learn anything about the secret. The collection of "qualified" subsets is defined by a Boolean function. It has been a major open problem to understand which (monotone) functions can be realized by a computational secret-sharing schemes. Yao suggested a method for secret-sharing for any function that has a polynomial-size monotone circuit (a class which is strictly smaller than the class of monotone functions in P). Around 1990 Rudich raised the possibility of obtaining secret-sharing for all monotone functions in NP: In order to reconstruct the secret a set of parties must be "qualified" and provide a witness attesting to this fact. Recently, Garg et al. (STOC 2013) put forward the concept of witness encryption, where the goal is to encrypt a message relative to a statement "x in L" for a language L in NP such that anyone holding a witness to the statement can decrypt the message, however, if x is not in L, then it is computationally hard to decrypt. Garg et al. showed how to construct several cryptographic primitives from witness encryption and gave a candidate construction. One can show that computational secret-sharing implies witness encryption for the same language. Our main result is the converse: we give a construction of a computational secret-sharing scheme for any monotone function in NP assuming witness encryption for NP and one-way functions. As a consequence we get a completeness theorem for secret-sharing: computational secret-sharing scheme for any single monotone NP-complete function implies a computational secret-sharing scheme for every monotone function in NP

    Order-Revealing Encryption and the Hardness of Private Learning

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    An order-revealing encryption scheme gives a public procedure by which two ciphertexts can be compared to reveal the ordering of their underlying plaintexts. We show how to use order-revealing encryption to separate computationally efficient PAC learning from efficient (ϵ,δ)(\epsilon, \delta)-differentially private PAC learning. That is, we construct a concept class that is efficiently PAC learnable, but for which every efficient learner fails to be differentially private. This answers a question of Kasiviswanathan et al. (FOCS '08, SIAM J. Comput. '11). To prove our result, we give a generic transformation from an order-revealing encryption scheme into one with strongly correct comparison, which enables the consistent comparison of ciphertexts that are not obtained as the valid encryption of any message. We believe this construction may be of independent interest.Comment: 28 page

    Tight bounds for classical and quantum coin flipping

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    Coin flipping is a cryptographic primitive for which strictly better protocols exist if the players are not only allowed to exchange classical, but also quantum messages. During the past few years, several results have appeared which give a tight bound on the range of implementable unconditionally secure coin flips, both in the classical as well as in the quantum setting and for both weak as well as strong coin flipping. But the picture is still incomplete: in the quantum setting, all results consider only protocols with perfect correctness, and in the classical setting tight bounds for strong coin flipping are still missing. We give a general definition of coin flipping which unifies the notion of strong and weak coin flipping (it contains both of them as special cases) and allows the honest players to abort with a certain probability. We give tight bounds on the achievable range of parameters both in the classical and in the quantum setting.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures; v2: published versio

    Is Information-Theoretic Topology-Hiding Computation Possible?

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    Topology-hiding computation (THC) is a form of multi-party computation over an incomplete communication graph that maintains the privacy of the underlying graph topology. Existing THC protocols consider an adversary that may corrupt an arbitrary number of parties, and rely on cryptographic assumptions such as DDH. In this paper we address the question of whether information-theoretic THC can be achieved by taking advantage of an honest majority. In contrast to the standard MPC setting, this problem has remained open in the topology-hiding realm, even for simple privacy-free functions like broadcast, and even when considering only semi-honest corruptions. We uncover a rich landscape of both positive and negative answers to the above question, showing that what types of graphs are used and how they are selected is an important factor in determining the feasibility of hiding topology information-theoretically. In particular, our results include the following. We show that topology-hiding broadcast (THB) on a line with four nodes, secure against a single semi-honest corruption, implies key agreement. This result extends to broader classes of graphs, e.g., THB on a cycle with two semi-honest corruptions. On the other hand, we provide the first feasibility result for information-theoretic THC: for the class of cycle graphs, with a single semi-honest corruption. Given the strong impossibilities, we put forth a weaker definition of distributional-THC, where the graph is selected from some distribution (as opposed to worst-case). We present a formal separation between the definitions, by showing a distribution for which information theoretic distributional-THC is possible, but even topology-hiding broadcast is not possible information-theoretically with the standard definition. We demonstrate the power of our new definition via a new connection to adaptively secure low-locality MPC, where distributional-THC enables parties to reuse a secret low-degree communication graph even in the face of adaptive corruptions

    Revisiting Fairness in MPC: Polynomial Number of Parties and General Adversarial Structures

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    We investigate fairness in secure multiparty computation when the number of parties n=poly(λ)n = poly(\lambda) grows polynomially in the security parameter, λ\lambda. Prior to this work, efficient protocols achieving fairness with no honest majority and polynomial number of parties were known only for the AND and OR functionalities (Gordon and Katz, TCC\u2709). We show the following: --We first consider symmetric Boolean functions F:{0,1}n{0,1}F : \{0,1\}^n \to \{0,1\}, where the underlying function fn/2,n/2:{0,,n/2}×{0,,n/2}{0,1}f_{n/2,n/2}: \{0, \ldots, n/2\} \times \{0, \ldots, n/2\} \to \{0,1\} can be computed fairly and efficiently in the 22-party setting. We present an efficient protocol for any such FF tolerating n/2n/2 or fewer corruptions, for n=poly(λ)n = poly(\lambda) number of parties. --We present an efficient protocol for nn-party majority tolerating n/2+1n/2+1 or fewer corruptions, for n=poly(λ)n = poly(\lambda) number of parties. The construction extends to n/2+cn/2+c or fewer corruptions, for constant cc. --We extend both of the above results to more general types of adversarial structures and present instantiations of non-threshold adversarial structures of these types. These instantiations are obtained via constructions of projective planes and combinatorial designs

    Almost-Optimally Fair Multiparty Coin-Tossing with Nearly Three-Quarters Malicious

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    An α\alpha-fair coin-tossing protocol allows a set of mutually distrustful parties to generate a uniform bit, such that no efficient adversary can bias the output bit by more than α\alpha. Cleve [STOC 1986] has shown that if half of the parties can be corrupted, then, no rr-round coin-tossing protocol is o(1/r)o(1/r)-fair. For over two decades the best known mm-party protocols, tolerating up to tm/2t\geq m/2 corrupted parties, were only O(t/r)O(t/\sqrt{r})-fair. In a surprising result, Moran, Naor, and Segev [TCC 2009] constructed an rr-round two-party O(1/r)O(1/r)-fair coin-tossing protocol, i.e., an optimally fair protocol. Beimel, Omri, and Orlov [Crypto 2010] extended the results of Moran et al.~to the {\em multiparty setting} where strictly fewer than 2/3 of the parties are corrupted. They constructed a 22k/r2^{2^k}/r-fair rr-round mm-party protocol, tolerating up to t=m+k2t=\frac{m+k}{2} corrupted parties. Recently, in a breakthrough result, Haitner and Tsfadia [STOC 2014] constructed an O(log3(r)/r)O(\log^3(r)/r)-fair (almost optimal) three-party coin-tossing protocol. Their work brings forth a combination of novel techniques for coping with the difficulties of constructing fair coin-tossing protocols. Still, the best coin-tossing protocols for the case where more than 2/3 of the parties may be corrupted (and even when t=2m/3t=2m/3, where m>3m>3) were θ(1/r)\theta(1/\sqrt{r})-fair. We construct an O(log3(r)/r)O(\log^3(r)/r)-fair mm-party coin-tossing protocol, tolerating up to tt corrupted parties, whenever mm is constant and t<3m/4t<3m/4

    How to Correct Errors in Multi-Server PIR

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    Suppose that there exist a user and \ell servers S1,,SS_1, \ldots, S_{\ell}. Each server SjS_j holds a copy of a database x=(x1,,xn){0,1}nx=(x_1, \ldots, x_n) \in \{0,1\}^n, and the user holds a secret index i0{1,,n}i_0 \in \{1, \ldots, n\}. A b error correcting \ell server PIR (Private Information Retrieval) scheme allows a user to retrieve xi0x_{i_0} correctly even if and bb or less servers return false answers while each server learns no information on i0i_0 in the information theoretic sense. Although there exists such a scheme with the total communication cost O(n1/(2k1)×klog)O(n^{1/(2k-1)} \times k\ell \log{\ell}) where k=2bk=\ell-2b, the decoding algorithm is very inefficient. In this paper, we show an efficient decoding algorithm for this bb error correcting \ell server PIR scheme. It runs in time O(3)O(\ell^3)