20 research outputs found

    Determination of 13 toxic and physiological elements in herbs originating from China by ICPMS

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    The aim of the study was to develop an analytical procedure for determining 13 elements in 40 herbs and mixtures of herbs of Chinese origin by the ICPMS method after acidic digestion of samples. The correctness of the analytical procedure was verified by estimating the validation parameters. The traceability of a measurement result was established by the certified reference materials: Mixed Polish Herbs (INCT-MPH-2) Apple Leaves (1515 NIST) and Spinach Leaves (1570a NIST). Appropriate optimization has determined the sensitivity of determinations, precision, detection limits. The limits of detection were in the range 0.015-15 mg kg-1 for Co and Mg respectively, the precision was in the range 1% - 48% for Ba and Se, respectively, and the recoveries were in the range 69% - 101% for Ni and Mn, respectively. The determined content (mg kg-1) of elements in all samples was in the ranges: Mg (288-5755), V (<0.031-2.4), Mn (8.1-2095), Co (0.020-1.36), Ni (<1.1-6.9), Cu (<0.55-24), Zn (3.2-232), As (<0.096-1.4), Se (<0.15-0.85), Sr (1.1-277), Cd (<0.048-1.5), Ba (2.1-117) and Pb (<0.15-2.94). The content of As was higher than 0.25 mg kg-1 in 30% of the samples, the content of Cd was above the 0.2 mg kg-1 in 42.5% of the samples, and the content of Pb was above the value 0.3 mg kg-1 in 72.5% of the herbs. This means that the toxic elements were present in significant amounts able to cause toxic effects in the human body. Principal component analysis allowed us to distinguish 3 groups in which elements are well correlated: (i) V, As and Mg , (ii) Mn, Zn and Pb and (iii) Ni, Co and Cu

    Contents of Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb and Fe in rainwater effluents discharged to surface waters in the city of Pozna艅

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    Progressing urbanization results in the potential increase of pollution sources such as wastes, industrial or municipal sewage, which may contain hazardous inorganic pollutants such as e.g. metal ions and their compounds. Urbanization has a negative effect also on soil, as a consequence of an increasing share of impermeable surfaces such as pavements, parking lots, housing developments and public buildings. The area of a hardened (impermeable) surface is exposed to intensive surface runoff during rain and as a result pollutants are transported through the storm drainage system directly to surface waters. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of metals contained in rainwater discharged from subcatchments of various land use types on the quality of surface waters (the Cybina River and the Antoninek reservoir) in the city of Pozna艅, as well as investigate whether metal contents in rainwater effluents depend on the relief and character of the immediate catchment. Investigations were conducted in 2009 along the lower section of the Cybina River. Water samples from the river and reservoir were collected each time when collecting rain water samples. Water and sewage samples were collected 15 times within a year. Analyses were conducted on 5 selected catchments (with different land uses) drained by storm water drainage system discharged to the Cybina River and the Antoninek reservoir. Water was collected from 13 sampling points (5 of which were sewer outfalls and 8 were situated on the river or the reservoir above and below the sewage discharge). Higher concentrations of all tested elements were recorded in rainwater in comparison to the water samples coming from the river or the reservoir. Canonical Variate Analysis (CVA) model presenting differences between water concentrations of Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb and Fe and environmental variables (rainfall intensity measured in a four-point scale, location as divided into industrial areas multi- and single-family housing as well as location of sewage discharge to the river on the reservoir) showed elevated concentrations of these elements especially in water collected directly from the storm water sewer. Elevated metal concentrations in storm system effluents did not have a significant effect on the content of these pollutants in the river or the reservoir. It could have been caused by the intensive immobilization of elemental ions in bottom deposits followed by the metal uptake by aquatic organisms, mainly plants.Post臋puj膮cy proces urbanizacji powoduje potencjalne zwi臋kszenie 藕r贸de艂 zanieczyszcze艅, jak odpady, 艣cieki przemys艂owe czy komunalne, kt贸re mog膮 zawiera膰 gro藕ne zanieczyszczenia nieorganiczne, m.in. jony metali oraz ich zwi膮zki. Proces ten oddzia艂uje niekorzystnie tak偶e na gleb臋, powoduj膮c zwi臋kszenie udzia艂u powierzchni nieprzepuszczalnych, jak chodniki, parkingi, budynki mieszkalne i u偶ytkowe. Teren o powierzchni utwardzonej (nieprzepuszczalnej) jest nara偶ony na intensywny sp艂yw powierzchniowy podczas deszczu i transport substancji zanieczyszczaj膮cych kanalizacj膮 deszczow膮 bezpo艣rednio do w贸d powierzchniowych. Celem bada艅 by艂o okre艣lenie wp艂ywu metali zawartych w wodzie deszczowej odp艂ywaj膮cej ze zlewni cz膮stkowych o r贸偶nym u偶ytkowaniu grunt贸w na jako艣膰 w贸d powierzchniowych (rzeki Cybiny i zbiornika Antoninek) na terenie Poznania, a tak偶e zbadanie, czy zawarto艣膰 metali w 艣ciekach deszczowych zale偶y od ukszta艂towania i rodzaju zlewni bezpo艣redniej. Badania prowadzono w 2009 r. wzd艂u偶 dolnego odcinka rzeki Cybiny. Pr贸bki wody pobierano z rzeki i ze zbiornika Antoninek podczas opad贸w deszczu, 15 razy w ci膮gu roku. Do bada艅 wybrano 5 zlewni (o odmiennym sposobie u偶ytkowania) odwadnianych kanalizacj膮 deszczow膮 uchodz膮c膮 do rzeki Cybiny i zbiornika Antoninek. Wod臋 pobierano z 13 stanowisk (5 to wyloty z kana艂贸w, 8 usytuowano na rzece lub zbiorniku powy偶ej i poni偶ej uj艣cia 艣ciek贸w). W wodzie deszczowej stwierdzono wi臋ksze st臋偶enie wszystkich badanych pierwiastk贸w w por贸wnaniu z wod膮 pochodz膮c膮 z rzeki lub zbiornika. Analiza CVA (Canonical Variate Analysis), kt贸ra umo偶liwia okre艣lenie zale偶no艣ci mi臋dzy st臋偶eniami Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb i Fe oraz zmiennymi 艣rodowiskowymi (intensywno艣膰 opad贸w atmosferycznych mierzona w 4-stopniowej skali, lokalizacja uwzgl臋dniaj膮ca tereny przemys艂owe, zabudowa wielo- i jednorodzinna, lokalizacja punkt贸w poboru wody deszczowej) jednoznacznie wskaza艂a na wy偶sze st臋偶enie badanych pierwiastk贸w w wodzie pobranej bezpo艣rednio z kolektor贸w deszczowych. Podwy偶szone st臋偶enie metali w 艣ciekach deszczowych nie wp艂yn臋艂o znacz膮co na zawarto艣膰 tych zanieczyszcze艅 w rzece i zbiorniku. Mog艂o to by膰 spowodowane intensywn膮 immobilizacj膮 jon贸w pierwiastk贸w w osady denne, a nast臋pnie pobraniem metali przez organizmy wodne, g艂贸wnie ro艣liny

    Zawarto艣膰 Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb i Fe w 艣ciekach deszczowych odprowadzanych do w贸d powierzchniowych miasta Poznania

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    Progressing urbanization results in the potential increase of pollution sources such as wastes, industrial or municipal sewage, which may contain hazardous inorganic pollutants such as e.g. metal ions and their compounds. Urbanization has a negative effect also on soil, as a consequence of an increasing share of impermeable surfaces such as pavements, parking lots, housing developments and public buildings. The area of a hardened (impermeable) surface is exposed to intensive surface runoff during rain and as a result pollutants are transported through the storm drainage system directly to surface waters. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of metals contained in rainwater discharged from subcatchments of various land use types on the quality of surface waters (the Cybina River and the Antoninek reservoir) in the city of Pozna艅, as well as investigate whether metal contents in rainwater effluents depend on the relief and character of the immediate catchment. Investigations were conducted in 2009 along the lower section of the Cybina River. Water samples from the river and reservoir were collected each time when collecting rain water samples. Water and sewage samples were collected 15 times within a year. Analyses were conducted on 5 selected catchments (with different land uses) drained by storm water drainage system discharged to the Cybina River and the Antoninek reservoir. Water was collected from 13 sampling points (5 of which were sewer outfalls and 8 were situated on the river or the reservoir above and below the sewage discharge). Higher concentrations of all tested elements were recorded in rainwater in comparison to the water samples coming from the river or the reservoir. Canonical Variate Analysis (CVA) model presenting differences between water concentrations of Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb and Fe and environmental variables (rainfall intensity measured in a four-point scale, location as divided into industrial areas multi- and single-family housing as well as location of sewage discharge to the river on the reservoir) showed elevated concentrations of these elements especially in water collected directly from the storm water sewer. Elevated metal concentrations in storm system effluents did not have a significant effect on the content of these pollutants in the river or the reservoir. It could have been caused by the intensive immobilization of elemental ions in bottom deposits followed by the metal uptake by aquatic organisms, mainly plants.Post臋puj膮cy proces urbanizacji powoduje potencjalne zwi臋kszenie 藕r贸de艂 zanieczyszcze艅, jak odpady, 艣cieki przemys艂owe czy komunalne, kt贸re mog膮 zawiera膰 gro藕ne zanieczyszczenia nieorganiczne, m.in. jony metali oraz ich zwi膮zki. Proces ten oddzia艂uje niekorzystnie tak偶e na gleb臋, powoduj膮c zwi臋kszenie udzia艂u powierzchni nieprzepuszczalnych, jak chodniki, parkingi, budynki mieszkalne i u偶ytkowe. Teren o powierzchni utwardzonej (nieprzepuszczalnej) jest nara偶ony na intensywny sp艂yw powierzchniowy podczas deszczu i transport substancji zanieczyszczaj膮cych kanalizacj膮 deszczow膮 bezpo艣rednio do w贸d powierzchniowych. Celem bada艅 by艂o okre艣lenie wp艂ywu metali zawartych w wodzie deszczowej odp艂ywaj膮cej ze zlewni cz膮stkowych o r贸偶nym u偶ytkowaniu grunt贸w na jako艣膰 w贸d powierzchniowych (rzeki Cybiny i zbiornika Antoninek) na terenie Poznania, a tak偶e zbadanie, czy zawarto艣膰 metali w 艣ciekach deszczowych zale偶y od ukszta艂towania i rodzaju zlewni bezpo艣redniej. Badania prowadzono w 2009 r. wzd艂u偶 dolnego odcinka rzeki Cybiny. Pr贸bki wody pobierano z rzeki i ze zbiornika Antoninek podczas opad贸w deszczu, 15 razy w ci膮gu roku. Do bada艅 wybrano 5 zlewni (o odmiennym sposobie u偶ytkowania) odwadnianych kanalizacj膮 deszczow膮 uchodz膮c膮 do rzeki Cybiny i zbiornika Antoninek. Wod臋 pobierano z 13 stanowisk (5 to wyloty z kana艂贸w, 8 usytuowano na rzece lub zbiorniku powy偶ej i poni偶ej uj艣cia 艣ciek贸w). W wodzie deszczowej stwierdzono wi臋ksze st臋偶enie wszystkich badanych pierwiastk贸w w por贸wnaniu z wod膮 pochodz膮c膮 z rzeki lub zbiornika. Analiza CVA (Canonical Variate Analysis), kt贸ra umo偶liwia okre艣lenie zale偶no艣ci mi臋dzy st臋偶eniami Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb i Fe oraz zmiennymi 艣rodowiskowymi (intensywno艣膰 opad贸w atmosferycznych mierzona w 4-stopniowej skali, lokalizacja uwzgl臋dniaj膮ca tereny przemys艂owe, zabudowa wielo- i jednorodzinna, lokalizacja punkt贸w poboru wody deszczowej) jednoznacznie wskaza艂a na wy偶sze st臋偶enie badanych pierwiastk贸w w wodzie pobranej bezpo艣rednio z kolektor贸w deszczowych. Podwy偶szone st臋偶enie metali w 艣ciekach deszczowych nie wp艂yn臋艂o znacz膮co na zawarto艣膰 tych zanieczyszcze艅 w rzece i zbiorniku. Mog艂o to by膰 spowodowane intensywn膮 immobilizacj膮 jon贸w pierwiastk贸w w osady denne, a nast臋pnie pobraniem metali przez organizmy wodne, g艂贸wnie ro艣liny