38 research outputs found

    Note on the Preparation of Ethyl Cyclohexylidene-Cyanoacetate

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    Ethyl cyclohexylidene-cyanoacetate has been prepared by the condensation of ethyl cyanoacetate and cyclohexanone under pressure and in the presence of various catalysts i. e. sodium ethoxide, piperidirne pyridine , piperazine , acid amides, soluble salts of amines or quarternary ammonium bases with an organic acid, acetamide, and ammonium acetate and acetic acid

    Synthetic Studies in the Chloramphenicol Series. II * Synthesis of β-Ethoxy-α-Phthalimido-DL-Propiophenone**

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    When B-ethoxy-a-phthalimido-DL-propionyl chloride [I] was condensed with benzene in the presence of anhydrous aluminum chloride, B-ethoxy-a-phthalimido-DL-propiophenone [II] was obtained in a yield of 2.3%. Melting point 110° (under previous softening at 106°). [I] gave with diphenylcadmium the same ketone, which was isolated in the form of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrnzone, in a yield of 3.5 %. Melting point 192-195°

    2-Dimethylaminopropyl Esters of Some Substituted Acetic Acids

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    2-dimethylaminopropyl esters of folowing acids were prepared: benzoic, phenylacetic, diphenylacetic, B, B -diphenylrpropionic, a- phenylbutyric, acetylmandelic and benzilic

    A new Task for Pharmacists: Working at a Computer

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    Cilj je ovog rada bio utvrditi koliko rad s računalom utječe na promjene vidnih funkcija ljekarnika te na pojavu smetnji na vratnom dijelu kralježnice. U presječnom istraživanju ispitane su vidne funkcije i subjektivne smetnje pri radu 50 ljekarnika (srednja dob 41,8±11 godina), te 56 službenika (srednja dob 36,2±8,6 godina), koji 40 sati tjedno rade na računalu. Pri tome, ljekarnici pretežno stoje, a službenici sjede. Od subjektivnih smetnji pri radu, suzenje očiju i bolovi u vratnoj kralježnici bili su značajno češći u skupini ljekarnika (P0,05). Rezultati potkrepljuju odredbu Pravilnika o sigurnosti i zaštiti zdravlja pri radu s računalom (1) prema kojoj poslodavac mora planirati aktivnosti radnika na osobnom računalu tako da se rad periodički izmjenjuje s drugim aktivnostima. To se upravo događa pri obavljanju posla ljekarnika. Njegov rad s računalom se neprekidno izmjenjuje s obraćanjem klijentu, odnosno s izdavanjem lijeka. Za rješavanje poteškoća s kralježnicom treba tijekom svakog sata rada osigurati odmore u trajanju od najmanje 5 minuta te organizirati vježbe rasterećenja radi smanjenja statodinamičnoga napora.The aim of this study was to establish the effect of working at personal computers (PC) on vision and neck-pain in pharmacists. In this cross-sectional study, vision and subjective disturbances at work were examined in 50 pharmacists [mean age (41.8±11) years] and 56 offi ce workers [mean age (36.2±8.6) years] using PCs at work for 40 hours per week. Pharmacists work mostly in the standing position and office workers in the sitting position. Excessive lacrimation and neck-pain during work were more pronounced in pharmacists than in office workers (P0.05). Our results support the recommendations set by the Ordinance on Safety and Health Protection when Working with Personal Computers (1), that employer should make sure that work with screen interchanges regularly with other activities in order to diminish vision load at work. This also refers to the work of pharmacists because their activities involve continuous interchanges between serving customers, looking at PC screen, and issuing medicines. In addition, the pharmacists should take at least 5-minute breaks every hour and take relaxation exercises to diminish the strain for the spine

    Answer to the Letter

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    Comparison of outpatient utilization of psychopharmaceuticals between Croatia and Scandinavian countries (2001-2003)

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    Neurotropic drugs account for 15% of total drug utilization in Croatia. The aim was to estimate outpatient consumption of psychotropic drugs in Croatia in correlation with Scandinavian countries. Data on drug utilization in Croatia were collected and analyzed for the 2001-2003 period. Data were obtained from Zagreb Municipal Pharmacy and extrapolated to the total number of pharmacies. All drugs were classified according to Anatomical-Therapeutic-Chemical (ATC) drug classification system. These data were used to calculate a number of defined daily doses (DDD) and DDD per 1000 inhabitants per day (DDD/TID). Data of the Nordic Medico-Statistical Committee were used for Scandinavian countries. In Croatia, total utilization of psychopharmaceuticals of 144.9 DDD/TID in 2001, 148.9 DDD/TID in 2002 and 141.9 DDD/TID in 2003 exceeded that recorded in Scandinavian countries. Anxiolytics accounted for 90% of psycholeptic utilization in Croatia versus 22% in Sweden and 34% in Finland. The anxiolytic/antidepressant ratio decreased in Croatia by 35.19% (7.19 in 2001 and 4.66 in 2003), whereas in Scandinavian countries it showed a constant rate (0.7 in Finland, 0.4 in Denmark and Norway, and 0.3 in Sweden)

    Haematological, Biochemical and Bone Density Parameters in Vegetarians and Non-vegetarians

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    ABSTRACT Objective: The objective is to determine any possible differences between haematological, biochemical and bone mineral density in vegetarians (vegans and lacto ovovegetarians) and non-vegeterians. Methods: The examined group consisted of 100 individuals: 50 non-vegetarians and 50 vegetarians. The vegetarian group was further divided in 2 subgroups: 20 vegans and 30 lacto-ovovegetarians. In all participants, plasma levels of erythrocytes, haemoglobin, haematocrit, iron, low density lipoprotein, (LDL), high density lipoprotein (HDL) total cholesterol, triglycerides and glucose were measured. Quantitative ultrasound parameters of the right calcaneus were determined in all participants. Results: The results showed that lacto-ovovegetarians had statistically significantly higher red blood cell counts and haematocrit values than non-vegetarians. Vegans also had higher haematocrit values than non-vegetarians. Statistically significant differences were found between iron plasma levels in the examined groups. Iron levels were lower in non vegetarians than in vegans and lacto-ovovegetarians. Non-vegetarians had much higher levels of cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL than the other two groups, but there were no differences found between same values in vegans and lacto-ovovegetarians. Conclusion: A well planned and balanced vegetarian diet, with avoidance of risk factors, does not result in abnormalities in laboratory tests and bone status parameters. Parámetros de Densidad Ósea, Hematológica, y Bioquímica en Vegetarianos y no Vegetarianos RESUMEN Objetivo: El objetivo es determinar las diferencias entre la densidad hematológica, bioquímica y mineral ósea en vegetarianos (veganos y ovolactovegetarianos) y no vegetarianos. Métodos: El grupo examinado consistía en 100 individuos: 50 no vegetarianos y 50 vegetarianos. El grupo vegetariano estaba a su vez dividido en 2 subgrupos: 20 veganos y 30 ovolactovegetarianos. A todos los participantes se les midieron los niveles plasmáticos de eritrocitos, hemoglobina, hematocrito, hierro, lipoproteína de baja densidad (LDL), lipoproteína de alta densidad (HDL), colesterol total, triglicéridos, y glucosa. Se determinaron los parámetros cuantitativos de ultrasonidos del calcáneo derecho en todos los participantes. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron que los ovolactovegetarianos tuvieron conteos de glóbulos rojos y valores de hematocrito significativamente más altos en términos estadísticos, que los no vegetarianos. Los veganos también tuvieron valores de hematocrito más altos que los no vegetarianos. Se halló diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre los niveles séricos de hierro en los grupos examinados. Los niveles de hierro fueron más bajos en los no vegetarianos que en los veganos y los ovolactovegetarianos. Los no vegetarianos tuvieron niveles de colesterol, triglicéridos y LDL mucho más altos que los otros dos grupos, pero no se encontraron diferencias entre los mismos valores en los veganos y los ovolactovegetarianos. Conclusión: Podemos concluir que una dieta vegetariana bien planeada y equilibrada, que evite factores de riesgo, no trae consigo anormalidades en las pruebas de laboratorio y los parámetros del estado óseo