9 research outputs found

    Ranging patterns and site fidelity of Snubfin Dolphins in Yawuru Nagulagun/Roebuck Bay, Western Australia

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    For long-lived species such as marine mammals, having sufficient data on ranging patterns and space use in a timescale suitable for population management and conservation can be difficult. Yawuru Nagulagun/Roebuck Bay in the northwest of Western Australia supports one of the largest known populations of Australian snubfin dolphins (Orcaella heinsohni)—a species with a limited distribution, vulnerable conservation status, and high cultural value. Understanding the species’ use of this area will inform management for the long-term conservation of this species. We combined 11 years of data collected from a variety of sources between 2007 and 2020 to assess the ranging patterns and site fidelity of this population. Ranging patterns were estimated using minimum convex polygons (MCPs) and fixed kernel densities (weighted to account for survey effort) to estimate core and representative areas of use for both the population and for individuals. We estimated the population to range over a small area within the bay (103.05 km2). The Mean individual representative area of use (95% Kernel density contour) was estimated as 39.88 km2 (± 32.65 SD) and the Mean individual core area of use (50% Kernel density contour) was estimated as 21.66 km2 (±18.85 SD) with the majority of sightings located in the northern part of the bay less than 10 km from the coastline. Most individuals (56%) showed moderate to high levels of site fidelity (i.e., part-time or long-term residency) when individual re-sight rates were classified using agglomerative hierarchical clustering (AHC). These results emphasize the importance of the area to this vulnerable species, particularly the area within the Port of Broome that has been identified within the population’s core range. The pressures associated with coastal development and exposure to vessel traffic, noise, and humans will need to be considered in ongoing management efforts. Analyzing datasets from multiple studies and across time could be beneficial for threatened species where little is known on their ranging patterns and site fidelity. Combined datasets can provide larger sample sizes over an extended period of time, fill knowledge gaps, highlight data limitations, and identify future research needs to be considered with dedicated studies

    Ranging Patterns and Site Fidelity of Snubfin Dolphins in Yawuru Nagulagun/Roebuck Bay, Western Australia

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    For long-lived species such as marine mammals, having sufficient data on ranging patterns and space use in a timescale suitable for population management and conservation can be difficult. Yawuru Nagulagun/Roebuck Bay in the northwest of Western Australia supports one of the largest known populations of Australian snubfin dolphins (Orcaella heinsohni)—a species with a limited distribution, vulnerable conservation status, and high cultural value. Understanding the species’ use of this area will inform management for the long-term conservation of this species. We combined 11 years of data collected from a variety of sources between 2007 and 2020 to assess the ranging patterns and site fidelity of this population. Ranging patterns were estimated using minimum convex polygons (MCPs) and fixed kernel densities (weighted to account for survey effort) to estimate core and representative areas of use for both the population and for individuals. We estimated the population to range over a small area within the bay (103.05 km2). The Mean individual representative area of use (95% Kernel density contour) was estimated as 39.88 km2 (± 32.65 SD) and the Mean individual core area of use (50% Kernel density contour) was estimated as 21.66 km2 (±18.85 SD) with the majority of sightings located in the northern part of the bay less than 10 km from the coastline. Most individuals (56%) showed moderate to high levels of site fidelity (i.e., part-time or long-term residency) when individual re-sight rates were classified using agglomerative hierarchical clustering (AHC). These results emphasize the importance of the area to this vulnerable species, particularly the area within the Port of Broome that has been identified within the population’s core range. The pressures associated with coastal development and exposure to vessel traffic, noise, and humans will need to be considered in ongoing management efforts. Analyzing datasets from multiple studies and across time could be beneficial for threatened species where little is known on their ranging patterns and site fidelity. Combined datasets can provide larger sample sizes over an extended period of time, fill knowledge gaps, highlight data limitations, and identify future research needs to be considered with dedicated studies

    Beyond survivorship? A discursive analysis of how people with pancreatic cancer negotiate identity transitions in their health

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    We explored how people negotiate, and respond to, identity transitions following a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. Interviews with 19 people with pancreatic cancer were analysed using thematic discourse analysis. While discursively negotiating two transitions, “moving from healthy to ill” and “moving from active treatment to end-of-life care”, participants positioned themselves as “in control”, “optimistic” and managing their health and illness. In the absence of other discourses or “models” of life post-cancer, many people draw on the promise of survival. Moving away from “survivorship” may assist people with advanced cancer to make sense of their lives in a short timeframe

    Generation of stable PDX derived cell lines using conditional reprogramming

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    Abstract Efforts to develop effective cancer therapeutics have been hindered by a lack of clinically predictive preclinical models which recapitulate this complex disease. Patient derived xenograft (PDX) models have emerged as valuable tools for translational research but have several practical limitations including lack of sustained growth in vitro. In this study, we utilized Conditional Reprogramming (CR) cell technology- a novel cell culture system facilitating the generation of stable cultures from patient biopsies- to establish PDX-derived cell lines which maintain the characteristics of the parental PDX tumor. Human lung and ovarian PDX tumors were successfully propagated using CR technology to create stable explant cell lines (CR-PDX). These CR-PDX cell lines maintained parental driver mutations and allele frequency without clonal drift. Purified CR-PDX cell lines were amenable to high throughput chemosensitivity screening and in vitro genetic knockdown studies. Additionally, re-implanted CR-PDX cells proliferated to form tumors that retained the growth kinetics, histology, and drug responses of the parental PDX tumor. CR technology can be used to generate and expand stable cell lines from PDX tumors without compromising fundamental biological properties of the model. It offers the ability to expand PDX cells in vitro for subsequent 2D screening assays as well as for use in vivo to reduce variability, animal usage and study costs. The methods and data detailed here provide a platform to generate physiologically relevant and predictive preclinical models to enhance drug discovery efforts

    Vaginal Drug Delivery Systems for HIV Prevention

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    Microbicides have become a principal focus for HIV prevention strategies. The successful design of drug delivery systems for vaginal microbicide drug candidates brings with it a multitude of challenges. It is imperative that the chemical and physical characteristics of the drug candidate and its mechanism of action be clearly understood and considered to successfully deliver and target drug candidates efficiently. In addition, an understanding of the dynamic nature of the vaginal environment, the tissue and innate barriers present, as well as patient preferences are critical considerations in the design of effective microbicide products. Although the majority of drug candidates clinically evaluated to date have been delivered using conventional semisolid aqueous-based gel dosage forms, drug delivery system design has recently been extended to include advanced delivery systems such as vaginal rings, quick-dissolve films, and tablets. Ultimately, it may be necessary to develop multiple dosage platforms for a single active agent to provide users with options that can be used within the constraints of their social environment, personal choice, and environmental conditions