14 research outputs found


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    Cây hoa Đồng tiền (Gerbera jamesonii) là một trong những loài hoa có giá trị kinh tế cao được trồng phổ biến ở nhiều quốc gia trên thế giới. Hoa đồng tiền được sử dụng làm hoa chậu, hoa cắt cành hay hoa trồng cảnh. Nhu cầu đặt ra cho vi nhân giống cây hoa Đồng tiền hiện nay là cải thiện hệ thống và môi trường nuôi cấy nhằm nâng cao chất lượng cây hoa Đồng tiền in vitro và đáp ứng nhu cầu cung cấp cây giống ở quy mô lớn. Nghiên cứu này được thực hiện nhằm khảo sát ảnh hưởng của than hoạt tính và nuôi cấy thoáng khí lên khả năng sinh trưởng và phát triển của cây hoa Đồng tiền in vitro và ex vitro. Kết quả cho thấy môi trường MS có bổ sung 30 g/l sucrose, 9 g/l agar và 1 g/l than hoạt tính ở điều kiện nuôi cấy thoáng khí là môi trường thích hợp cho sự sinh trưởng và phát triển cây hoa Đồng tiền. Vị trí của than hoạt tính trong môi trường nuôi cấy ít ảnh hưởng đến sự sinh trưởng và phát triển của cây hoa Đồng tiền in vitro. Cây hoa Đồng tiền nuôi cấy thoáng khí trên môi trường MS có bổ sung 1 g/l than hoạt tính khi chuyển ra điều kiện ex vitro có tỉ lệ sống sót rất cao (95 %)

    Biocontrol activity of Vibrio parahaemolyticusNT7 isolated from the shrimp acute hepatopancreatic necrosis syndrome (Ahpns) by Bacillus polyfermenticusF27 isolated from perionyx excavatus

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    cute Hepatopancreatic Necrosis Syndrome -AHPNSof cultured shrimp was first detected in China in 2009 and caused huge damage to shrimp farming in many countries including Vietnam. This study investigates the ability to inhibit Vibrio parahaemolyticuswhich causes hepatopancreatic necrosis of some Bacillusstrains. V. parahaemolyticusNT7 of this research was isolated from a white leg shrimp sample with hepatopancreatic necrosis in Ninh Thuan province and identified by biochemical methods. By the cross-steak and well-diffusion methods, the selected strain Bacillus polyfermenticusF27 showsthe largest diameter of 18.50 mm resistance to V.parahaemolyticus NT7.B. polyfermenticus F27strain caninhibitV. parahaemolyticus NT7. Besides, B. polyfermenticusF27 inhibits V. parahaemolyticusNT7 with co-cultured experiment and does not cause hemolysis. It is also safe for white leg shrimp seed with a 100% survival rate of the experimental treatments. The result of LD50 examination when infecting V.parahaemolyticus NT7 to white leg shrimp seed is 105CFU/ml. Through the host protectioncapability assessment of B. polyfermenticusF27, we found that itcanprotect white leg shrimp seed from V. parahaemolyticus.The findings show that strains of B. polyfermenticusF27 have the potential to produce probiotics for controland preventionof EMS/AHPNS of shrimps

    The effects of fresh Perionyx excavatus on growth and disease resistance of black tiger shirmp

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    In this research, we studied the affect of three different rates of Perionyx excavatus (10 %, 20 % and 30 %) to be added in the food stuff for black tiger shrimp in order to improve their growth and disease resistance. The study results showed that the most effectiveness has gained at the rate of 20% of Perionyx excavatus to be added in shrimp food. The study results also showed that experiment shrimp have better growth, healthy and less disease and gained 41.7% economic benefit higher than the control

    Probiotic Potential of Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Breast Milk

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    Background: Probiotic is viable microbe agent that beneficially affects the host possibly by improving the balance of the indigenous microflora. Many probiotic bacteria have been used as alternative treatment of some intestinal diseases such as diarrhoea, irritable bowel syndrome. Although probiotic strains can be isolated from many sources; for human applications the main criteria is being human origin.Breast milk is an important nutrient source for neonates. Lots of studies showed that this fluid has beneficial effects on the health of neonates. One reason of being beneficial is explaining by the microflora of human breast milk including beneficial lactic acid bacteria.Objectives: This work aimed to isolating and screening of potential probiotic properties of lactic acid bacteria strains from breast milk (milk of healthy mothers).Methods: Lactobacillus was isolated by MRS medium supplemented with CaCO3 to detect lactic acid. Probiotic characteristics were tested according to the guidelines of WHO/ FAO, which include: producing extracellular enzymes, resistance to low pH and bile salts, and safety aspects. Finally, these strains were identified according to Prokaryote – A Handbook on the Biology of Bacteria.Results: From 57 isolated strains from breast milk we selected 5 strains that showed antimicrobial activity against food poisoning bacteria, ability of producing extracellular enzymes and high ratio of L-lactic/D-lactic acid, resistance to low pH and bile salts, nonhemolytic and sensitive to tested antibiotics. The selected strains were identifed as species belong to Lactobacillus genus.Conclusion: In this work, 5 Lactobacillus strains have been selected and identified that meet the requirements for in vitro probiotic characteristic and safety tests according to the guidelines of WHO/ FAO. The results also showed that, breast milk is a source of potential probiotic strains

    Isolation and screening of nitrifying bacteria for water treatment in aquaculture

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    In this study, we have isolated and selected three nitrifying bacteria (AO10, NO2và NO6) that have high potential for application in aquaculture water treatment. The above mentioned nitrifying bacteria were isolated from fifteen aqua-culturing water samples of white shrimp and catfish ponds. In three selected strains, two of them AO10 and NO2 are Gram-negative rod bacteria, NO6 are Gram-positive rod bacteria, that have characteristics similar to group of heterotrophic nitrifying bacteria, belong to the genus Bacillus