3 research outputs found

    Radijaciono-higijenska kontrola uvoznih namirnica i stočnih hraniva

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    The increasingly frequent use of nuclear energy in peacetime, experimental nuclear and thermo-nuclear explosions, as well as accidents in nuclear plants lead to an increased and unequal distribution of radioactive substances in the environment. Mankind is in this way threatened not only by environmental irradiation, but also by consuming contaminated food and water which contain radionuclides whose concentrations are above the level of natural radioactivity. From the aspect of the veterinary profession, the most important task is to organize the protection of domestic animals and their products from radioactive contamination. This work presents the results obtained by measurements of the activity level of 137Cs in products of animal origin and cattle feed, in samples obtained from border crossings in Yugoslavia and partly in Macedonia during the period from 1990 until 1999. Examined import samples were taken from cheese, prok, and corn and the activity level of 137Cs was within the permitted legal levels - less than 1 Bq/kg. However, powdered milk was found to contain an activity level of 137Cs from 1,22-7,27 Bq/kg, and saltwater fish from 1,10-3,30 Bq/kg, so that these products could not be released for sale under the Official Gazette of the FRY, Number 53/91.Sve češća upotreba nuklearne energije u mirnodopskim uslovima, eksperimentalne nuklearne i termonuklearne eksplozije, kao i akcidenti na nuklearnim postrojenjima, uzrokuju povećanje i neravnomernu raspodelu radioaktivnih supstancija u životnoj sredini. Na ovaj način čovek je ugrožen ne samo spoljašnjim zračenjem, već i potrošnjom kontaminirane hrane i vode koje sadrže radionuklide čije su koncentracije više od nivoa prirodne radioaktivnosti. Sa aspekta veterinarske struke, najvažniji zadatak predstavlja organizacija zaštite domaćih životinja i njihovih proizvoda od radioaktivne kontaminacije. U radu su prikazani rezultati dobijeni merenjem nivoa aktivnosti ¹³⁷Cs u proizvodima životinjskog porekla i stočnim hranivima, dobijeni sa graničnih prelaza u Jugoslaviji i jednim delom u Makedoniji, u periodu od 1990. do 1999. godine. U ispitivanim uzorcima iz uvoza: siru, svinjskom mesu i kukuruzu, nivo aktivnosti ¹³⁷Cs bio je u dozvoljenim granicama koje su propisane Zakonom, ispod 1 Bq/kg. U mleku u prahu, nivo aktivnosti ¹³⁷Cs bio je od 1.22 do 7.27 Bq/kg, a u morskoj ribi od 1.10 do 3.30 Bq/kg. Prema „Sl. list SFRJ“, N 53/91, ovi uzorci nisu mogli da budu pušteni u promet

    Radiation-hygiene control of imported foodstuffs and cattle feed

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    The increasingly frequent use of nuclear energy in peacetime, experimental nuclear and thermo-nuclear explosions, as well as accidents in nuclear plants lead to an increased and unequal distribution of radioactive substances in the environment. Mankind is in this way threatened not only by environmental irradiation, but also by consuming contaminated food and water which contain radionuclides whose concentrations are above the level of natural radioactivity. From the aspect of the veterinary profession, the most important task is to organize the protection of domestic animals and their products from radioactive contamination. This work presents the results obtained by measurements of the activity level of 137Cs in products of animal origin and cattle feed, in samples obtained from border crossings in Yugoslavia and partly in Macedonia during the period from 1990 until 1999. Examined import samples were taken from cheese, prok, and corn and the activity level of 137Cs was within the permitted legal levels - less than 1 Bq/kg. However, powdered milk was found to contain an activity level of 137Cs from 1,22-7,27 Bq/kg, and saltwater fish from 1,10-3,30 Bq/kg, so that these products could not be released for sale under the Official Gazette of the FRY, Number 53/91

    Radiation-hygiene control of imported foodstuffs and cattle feed

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    The increasingly frequent use of nuclear energy in peacetime, experimental nuclear and thermo-nuclear explosions, as well as accidents in nuclear plants lead to an increased and unequal distribution of radioactive substances in the environment. Mankind is in this way threatened not only by environmental irradiation, but also by consuming contaminated food and water which contain radionuclides whose concentrations are above the level of natural radioactivity. From the aspect of the veterinary profession, the most important task is to organize the protection of domestic animals and their products from radioactive contamination. This work presents the results obtained by measurements of the activity level of 137Cs in products of animal origin and cattle feed, in samples obtained from border crossings in Yugoslavia and partly in Macedonia during the period from 1990 until 1999. Examined import samples were taken from cheese, prok, and corn and the activity level of 137Cs was within the permitted legal levels - less than 1 Bq/kg. However, powdered milk was found to contain an activity level of 137Cs from 1,22-7,27 Bq/kg, and saltwater fish from 1,10-3,30 Bq/kg, so that these products could not be released for sale under the Official Gazette of the FRY, Number 53/91.Sve češća upotreba nuklearne energije u mirnodopskim uslovima, eksperimentalne nuklearne i termonuklearne eksplozije, kao i akcidenti na nuklearnim postrojenjima, uzrokuju povećanje i neravnomernu raspodelu radioaktivnih supstancija u životnoj sredini. Na ovaj način čovek je ugrožen ne samo spoljašnjim zračenjem, već i potrošnjom kontaminirane hrane i vode koje sadrže radionuklide čije su koncentracije više od nivoa prirodne radioaktivnosti. Sa aspekta veterinarske struke, najvažniji zadatak predstavlja organizacija zaštite domaćih životinja i njihovih proizvoda od radioaktivne kontaminacije. U radu su prikazani rezultati dobijeni merenjem nivoa aktivnosti ¹³⁷Cs u proizvodima životinjskog porekla i stočnim hranivima, dobijeni sa graničnih prelaza u Jugoslaviji i jednim delom u Makedoniji, u periodu od 1990. do 1999. godine. U ispitivanim uzorcima iz uvoza: siru, svinjskom mesu i kukuruzu, nivo aktivnosti ¹³⁷Cs bio je u dozvoljenim granicama koje su propisane Zakonom, ispod 1 Bq/kg. U mleku u prahu, nivo aktivnosti ¹³⁷Cs bio je od 1.22 do 7.27 Bq/kg, a u morskoj ribi od 1.10 do 3.30 Bq/kg. Prema „Sl. list SFRJ“, N 53/91, ovi uzorci nisu mogli da budu pušteni u promet