17 research outputs found
Utjecaj spola i dobi na neke hematološke pokazatelje Hercegovačkog magarca
Several haematological parameters in Herzegovinian donkeys based on gender and age were analysed in this study. The study included 30 clinically healthy donkeys (12 males and 18 females), between one and twenty years of age. Donkeys were grouped in three age classes: young (1-2 years, n=10), adult (3-6 years, n=12) and old donkeys (7-20 years, n=8). A total of seven haematological parameters were analysed. In both genders and in all age groups, the mean values of MCHC were slightly above the recommended reference intervals for donkeys in general. The mean values of HCT in females and in adult donkeys were lower than the reference intervals. The PLT mean values in female, and in young and old Herzegovinian donkeys were lower than the reference intervals. Gender significantly affected HCT and Hb values (p=0.049; p=0.046, respectively), which were significantly higher in males. Age significantly affected WBC and LYM count, which were lowest in young donkeys.U ovom smo radu analizirali vrijednosti nekih hematoloških pokazatelja Hercegovačkog magarca na temelju različitosti u odnosu na spol i dob. U istraživanje smo uključili 30 klinički zdravih magaraca oba spola (12 mužjaka i 18 ženki), dobi između jedne i dvadeset godina. Magarce smo podijelili u tri dobne skupine: mladi (1-2 godine, n=10), odrasli (3-6 godina, n=12) i stari magarci (7-20 godina, n=8). Ukupno smo analizirali sedam hematoloških pokazatelja. U oba smo spola i u svim dobnim skupinama uočili da su srednje vrijednosti prosječne koncentracije hemoglobina u krvi bile nešto iznad preporučenih referentnih vrijednosti objavljenih za magarce. U ženki i u odraslih magaraca zapazili smo niže srednje vrijednosti
hematokrita u odnosu na preporučene referentne vrijednosti za magarce. Uočili smo da su srednje vrijednosti trombocita u ženki te u mladih i starih Hercegovačkih magaraca bile niže u odnosu na preporučene referentne vrijednosti za magarce. Ustvrdili smo da je spol signifikantno utjecao na vrijednosti hematokrita i koncentracije hemoglobina (p=0,049; p=0,046), a vrijednosti su bile statistički značajno više u mužjaka. Zapazili smo da je dob signifikantno utjecala na vrijednosti leukocita i limfocita. U mladih magaraca smo uočili statistički značajno niže vrijednosti leukocita i limfocita u odnosu na stare magarce
Trodimenzionalna višeslojna spiralna kompjutorizirana tomografija u dijagnostici povezanosti vene azigos s kaudalnom šupljom venom u psa - prikaz slučaja
In a four-year old Australian Cattle Dog bitch, CT angiography of the communication of the azygos vein with the interrupted caudal vena cava, without portocaval shunting is described. The communication of the azygos vein with the discontinued caudal vena cava is usually an incidental finding which does not appear with portocaval shunting. CT angiography and 3D multiplanar reconstruction (MIP and VR) enable us to distinguish the processes regarding the direction and size of anomalies of the blood vessels. By means of imaging in two basic projections using the velocity ratio (VR) a significant enlargement and the communication of the caudal vena cava with a significantly enlarged azygos vein and its connection with the cranial vena cava is shown.U članku je u kuje australskog govedarskog psa, u dobi od četiri godine, opisana CT angiografija komunikacije vene azigos s prekinutom kaudalnom venom kavom bez portokavalnoga šanta. Veza vene azigos s diskontinuiranom kaudalnom venom kavom obično je slučajan nalaz koji se ne pojavljuje s portokavalnim šantom. CT angiografija i 3D multiplanarna rekonstrukcija (MIP i VR) omogućavaju da se razluče prava zbivanja u smjeru i veličini anomalije krvnih žila. Slikovno, u dvije osnovne projekcije iscrtavanjem volumena (VR) prikazano je znatno proširenje i komunikacija kaudalne vene kave sa znatno proširenom venom azigos i njenim spojem s kranijalnom venom kavom
Serumski biokemijski pokazatelji odraslih klinički zdravih bosanskih brdskih konja
The Bosnian mountain horse, the only indigenous horse breed in Bosnia and Herzegovina, is an internationally recognized ancient breed and represents an important animal resource of this country. It belongs to the Warmblood horses. No data is available in the literature for serum biochemical parameters in the Bosnian mountain horse breed. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the mean values of certain biochemical parameters in Bosnian mountain horse, and to compare the obtained values with reference intervals for adult horses in general, adult Warmblood horses and values previously reported for other horse breeds. Blood samples were collected from 30 clinically healthy adult horses of both sexes at the Borike stud farm. Samples for biochemical analysis were processed using standard procedures with the Catalyst OneTM Chemistry Analyzer. The following mean values were comparable to previously published reference intervals in horses: glucose 4.96±1.30 mmol/L; urea 7.83±2.18 mmol/L; creatinine 112.05±29.75 μmol/L; phosphorus 0.91±0.22 mmol/L; calcium 2.93±0.18 mmol/L; total protein 72.45±5.75 g/L; albumin 28.91±3.27 g/L; globulin 43.50±5.49 g/L; alkaline phosphatase 170.90±54.70 U/L; total bilirubin 22.00±11.01 μmol/L; cholesterol 2.54±0.28 mmol/L and amylase 33.50±12.77 U/L. The obtained mean concentrations of urea and total protein were higher than those reported in any other Warmblood horses. Also, a higher mean concentration of globulin was found. However, all mean values were within the reference intervals for adult horses in general, adult Warmblood horses and previously published values for other horse breeds. Amylase activity was much lower than the recommended reference intervals for adult horses in general. The results obtained in this study indicate the need for further study to establish reference values of serum biochemical parameters in this Bosnian and Herzegovinian mountain horse breed.Bosanski brdski konj, jedina autohtona pasmina konja u Bosni i Hercegovini, je međunarodno priznata drevna pasmina i
predstavlja važan animalni resurs Bosne i Hercegovine. Spada u toplokrvne konje. U literaturi nisu dostupni podatci o vrijednostima biokemijskih pokazatelja za Bosanskog brdskog konja. Iz tog razloga, cilj ovog rada je bio istražiti srednje vrijednosti nekih biokemijskih pokazatelja Bosanskog brdskog konja, usporediti dobivene vrijednosti s referentnim vrijednostima za odrasle konje općenito, toplokrvne konje te s vrijednostima objavljenim za druge pasmine konja. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 30 klinički zdravih odraslih konja oba spola od kojih je uzorkovana krv na ergeli „Borike“. Uzorci su obrađeni standardnim postupkom koristeći The Catalyst OneTM Chemistry Analyzer. Navedene srednje vrijednosti su uspoređene s prethodno objavljenim referentnim intervalima za konje: glukoza 4,96±1,30 mmol/L; urea 7,83±2,18 mmol/L; kreatinin 112,05±29,75 μmol/L; fosfor 0,91± 0,22 mmol/L; kalcij 2,93 ± 0,18 mmol/L; ukupni protein 72,45±5,75 g/L; albumin 28,91±3,27 g/L; globulin 43,50±5,49 g/L; alkalna fosfataza 170,90±54,70 U/L; ukupni bilirubin 22,00±11,01 μmol/L; kolesterol 2,54±0,28 mmol/L i amilaza 33,50±12,77 U/L. Srednje vrijednosti ureje i ukupnih proteina su bile više u odnosu na vrijednosti nađene u drugim istraživanjima rađenim na toplokrvnim konjima. Utvrđena je i viša srednja vrijednost globulina. Međutim, sve srednje vrijednosti su bile unutar referentnih vrijednosti objavljenih za odrasle konje općenito, odrasle toplokrvne konje, kao i ranije objavljene vrijednosti za druge pasmine konja. Vrijednosti aktivnosti amilaze su bile značajno niže u odnosu na preporučene referentne vrijednosti za odrasle konje općenito. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na potrebu za daljim istraživanjima kako bi se ustvrdile referentne vrijednosti serum biokemijskih pokazatelja Bosanskog brdskog konja
Distribution and size of corpora lutea in dairy cows during puerperium
During puerperium phase in cows, uterus goes through involution process, while ovaries restore supressed cyclicity as a result of gestation. After 10-20 days postpartum (PP) luteinizing hormone (LH) levels begin to raise and renewal of cyclicity after parturition is probably most important factor for cows to successfuly conceive again. Almost 95% of dairy cows should restore ovarian cyclicity up to 50 days postpartum. LH surge is important for ovulation and luteinisation of granulosa and theca cells into luteal cells and proliferation of blood vessels. Up to 79% of newly formed corpora lutea have central vacuola, filled with fluid. The study involved the total of 54 Holstein-Friesian cows, during first 40 days of lactation. Examinations of the ovaries, were performed in the period from 10 to 40 days postpartum. Ovaries and corpora lutea were first palpated and then examined using portable diagnostic ultrasound linear scanner MyLab®30 VETGold portable ultrasound linear scanner with endorectal linear probe LV 513, 5-7.5 MHz (both Esaote SpA, Italy). The same equipment was used to monitor BCS, while lamenes was assessed using Zinpro Locomotion Score for dairy cows. The highest number of corpora lutea was observed after 20 and 30 days postpartum in experimental and control groups. More corpora lutea were observed in multiparous cows. Higher numbers of corpora lutea with similar average size were observed in right ovaries of cows in both groups, while corpora lutea were bigger in multiparous cows. Numbers and sizes of corpora lutea, may give an insight in quality of restoration of ovarian cyclicity and a solid base for prediction on future reproductive performances
Primjena brucelinskog kožnog testa u serološki pozitivnih goveda
Brucellosis is an infectious disease that affects livestock and may be transmitted to humans. Cattle may become infected with Brucella spp. by various routes, and the pathogens induce both humoral and cellular immune responses in the host organism. The aim of this study was to determine the characteristics of the cellular immune response by using a brucellin allergen in serologically positive cows, and to differentiate cross- reactions from true positive animals, and to contribute to improvement of the overall diagnostics of bovine brucellosis in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Using the Rose Bengal Test (RBT) and Complement Fixation Test (CFT) as a combined reference standard (CRS), seropositive (n=15) and seronegative (n=14) groups were defined. Cows from both groups were subjected to the Brucellin Skin Test (BST). By comparing CRS and BST results, we estimated the relative sensitivity and specificity at 93.3% and 100% for BST, respectively. The ROC analysis indicated a good accuracy score for BST of 0.9, while the calculated kappa statistic of 0.94 indicated excellent diagnostic agreement between BST and CRS. The importance of BST application may be found in the increased efficacy of diagnostics of latent brucellosis in cow populations in the country and improving the discrimination of cross- reactions caused by microorganisms with a similar antigen response in host organisms.Bruceloza je zarazna bolest od koje obolijevaju i životinje i ljudi. Bolest se lako širi u stadu, a patogen u domaćinskom organizmu izaziva humoralni i stanični imunosni odgovor. Cilj ove studije bio je izazivanje stanične imunosti uporabom alergena u seropozitivnih životinja, otkrivanje lažno pozitivnih životinja i doprinos poboljšanju dijagnostike bruceloze goveda u Bosni i Hercegovini. Uporabom Rose Bengal Testa (RBT) i Reakcije vezanja komplementa (RVK) ujedinjenih kao udruženi referentni standard (URS) formirali smo dvije kontrolne grupe:seropozitivnu (n=15) i seronegativnu (n=14). Goveda obje kontrolne grupe ispitivane su brucelinskim kožnim testom (BKT). Usporedbom rezultata URS i BKT, ustanovili smo senzitivnost (93,3%) i specifičnost (100%) kožnog testa. Izračunata alergija ispod ROC krivulje za BST od 0,9 predstavlja dobar rezultat točnosti BKT, a kappa statistika (0,94) ukazuje na dobro podudaranje testova. Uvođenje ovog testa doprinijelo bi poboljšanju dijagnostike bruceloze poboljšanjem uspješnosti otkrivanja latentno inficiranih goveda i isključivanja lažno pozitivnih životinja kod seroloških unakrsnih reakcija sa sličnim antigenima
During the last several decades radiation therapy of superficial tumors by megavoltage electron beams has been widely applied in human and veterinary medicine. The objective of our research was to investigate clinical and pathohistological changes in the rabbit skin during a 90-day period after a single local electron beam irradiation of posterior extremity, and to investigate the impact of the single application dose of irradiation on dynamics and severity of acute skin changes in rabbits. Experimental trial was conducted on 18 adult New Zealand white rabbit males divided into 3 groups of 6 rabbits, whose left posterior extremity was irradiated with a single total dose of 55, 65 and 75 Gy, respectively, on the field size 10x10 cm, using 6 MeV beams.Clinical observation of the skin changes during the 90-day postradiation period in all the three experimental groups of rabbits singly irradiated by megavoltage electron beams in total doses of 55, 65 i 75 Gy resulted in occurrence of epilation, erythema, dry desquamation, edema, moist desquamation, secondary ulceration, and reparation. Severity of the main acute responses of the rabbit skin such as erythema, and dry and moist desquamation was proportional to the single high dose of megavoltage electron irradiation, and was reflected in time between irradiation to clinical symptoms as well as the duration of symptoms. Pathohistological changes in the rabbit skin and subcutaneous tissue were observed on the 20th, 50th, and 90th day upon irradiation, and their severity was growing in proportion with the dose (55, 65 i 75 Gy) following the dynamics and severity of the acute clinical skin changes.Key words: single irradiation by electron beams, early skin responses, rabbits</p
The possibility of radiologic imaging of traumatized angiostructure of the posterior limbs in dogs was investigated. Arteriographic visualization of the tubular bones in patients with traumatic fractures and patients who underwent conservative or surgical treatment of the fractures, was done. Puncture and catheterization of the femoral artery were possible only when the artery was surgically exposed. The “Urotrast 75” contrast was administered through a human i.v. cannula placed in the opposite leg up to the bifurcation of the abdominal aorta into the iliac arteries. Manual replacement of the cassettes and mechanical injection of the contrast resulted in a satisfactory quality of the arteriographs of the posterior extremities.Arteriography may be used in tubular bone fractures to show severity and localization of dislocation, stenosis, or discontinuation of the arterial blood flow in the traumatized area. Similarly, microvascular changes of the callus may be displayed. The described arteriographic method may also be applied in examination of vascular damage in other anatomic sites.Key words: arteriography, fracture, dog</p
<span style="font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;"> </span><p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-indent: 35.4pt; text-justify: inter-ideograph;" class="MsoNormal"><span style="line-height: 110%; font-family: "Times New Roman","serif"; font-size: 10pt;">Canine hip dysplasia (CHD) is a hereditary developmental anomaly, most frequent in large dog breeds. Clinical confirmation of the disorder is based on hip X-ray imaging. Twenty Tornjak dogs aged between 9-36 months, and weighted from 35-42 kg were examined for CHD. Scoring was performed according to six clearly defined radiographic parameters by Flueckiger method (5). Dysplastic changes of various severity were observed in 11 dogs, while in 9 dogs changes were absent. The study describes 4 CHD cases of varying degrees of severity. The results indicate the presence of CHD in Bosnian Tornjak. Determining the incidence of dysplasia in this autochthonous breed requires a more detailed study, which will enable determination of the prevalence of dysplasia and analysis of the relationship to other dog breeds.</span></p><span style="font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;"> </span><p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-justify: inter-ideograph;" class="MsoNormal"><span style="line-height: 110%; font-family: "Times New Roman","serif"; font-size: 10pt;"> </span></p><span style="font-family: Times New Roman;"><span style="font-size: small;"> </span><span style="line-height: 110%; font-family: "Times New Roman","serif"; font-size: 10pt; mso-fareast-font-family: "Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-fareast; mso-ansi-language: HR; mso-fareast-language: HR; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;"> </span>Key words: canine hip dysplasia, Bosnian Tornjak</span></span
The present study examined the protective effect of radioprotector amifostine (aminopropil-aminoethil-tiophosphate) in lethally irradiated swine. Its application in a tolerant dose of 150 mg/kg i.m. 30 minutes prior to irradiation prevents the emergence of radiation-induced haemorrhagic diathesis. All the irradiated animals protected by amifostine have survived a 30-day experimental period. Patomorpohological and patohistological changes in the bone marrow, microcirculation and the small intestine were descibed both in the unprotected and the amifostine-protected swine. No pathological changes in the bone marrow or the microcirculation of protected animals were reported while only the signs of mild catarrhal inflammation in the intestine were noted following lethal irradiation of the unprotected animals. The dose of 150 mg/kg of amifostine causes profuse vomiting and the transient increase in the number of leucocytes and erytrocytes within 24 hours. Based on the results obtained in experiments and the references found in the relevant literature it can be concluded that amifostine is a very effective radioprotective agent even when applied in heavy- biomass animals. Key words: radiation, protection, swine, amifostin