36 research outputs found

    Proces readaptacji społecznej skazanych na przykładzie programu "Teatr, Mama, Tata i ja" w świetle analizy dokumentów

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    Artykuł niniejszy oparto o metodę analizy dokumentów, a dotyczy on programu readaptacji społecznej skazanych, polegającego na nawiązywaniu i wzmacnianiu więzi pomiędzy rodzicami a dziećmi. W artykule opisano cele programu, metody wykorzystywane w programie oraz sposoby i wyniki jego ewaluacji. Materiał badawczy poddany analizie stanowią zróżnicowane dokumenty zastane, przygotowane w procesie tworzenia i realizacji oraz ewaluacji programu, takie jak scenariusze zajęć, ankiety ewaluacyjne, arkusze obserwacyjne z lat 2016-2018. Artykuł opisuje innowacyjny program readaptacji osób osadzonych w zakładzie penitencjarnym, oparty o budowanie i wzmacnianie więzi między rodzicami a dziećmi. Współczesne programy readaptacji społecznej skazanych bazują na podstawowych środkach resocjalizacji wymienionych w art. 67 §3 kodeksu karnego wykonawczego z 1997, gdzie utrzymywanie kontaktów z rodziną i światem zewnętrznym wymienione jest obok: nauki, pracy, zajęć kulturalno-oświatowych i sportowych oraz terapii. Program "Teatr, Mama, Tata i ja" opiera się na współczesnym podejściu kognitywno-behawioralnym w psychologii i terapii, czerpie też z podejścia multisystemowego w terapii środowiskowej. Natomiast w kontekście ochrony praw dziecka oraz ochrony praw skazanych, zapewnienie kontaktów między rodzicami aresztowanymi lub odbywającymi karę pozbawienia wolności a ich dziećmi jest obowiązkiem instytucji penitencjarnej.The article is based on a method of analyzing documentation on a prisoner social rehabilitation programme, which is focused on repairing broken bonds and consolidating relationships between parents and children. The programme’s objectives are discussed here, along with its methodology and evaluation process. The research material comprises various documents developed as part of the planning, implementation and evaluation of the programme, including workshop plans and evaluation and observation sheets generated in 2016-2018. The innovative prisoner social rehabilitation programme is discussed in detail in this article on the basis of the building and consolidation of parental bonds. Most social rehabilitation programmes of this type are informed by the social rehabilitation methods listed in Art. 67 § 3 of the Penal Code (1997), in which maintaining contact with family and the outside world is listed next to learning, work, cultural and educational activities, sport and therapy. The "Theatre, Mummy, Daddy and Me" programme is based on contemporary cognitive and behavioural approaches in psychology and therapy, and addition also draws on a multi-systemic approach to environmental therapy. In the context of the need to secure children’s rights and protect prisoners’ rights, it is the obligation of penitentiary institutions to secure contact between the incarcerated parents and their children

    The good practices in the area of child's protection in process of re-socialisation and social re-adaptation of convicted parents

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    The aim of the paper is to describe good practices in area of child’s protection according to the principle of child’s wellbeing in a crisis situation, more specifically - imprisonment of one of the parents. The paper presents assumptions and effects of an innovative social project implemented in cooperation with Puppet and Actor Theatre and Detention Center in Kielce (2015-2019). The programme’s goal was to support social re-adaptation process of convicted women and men by empowering family bonds, focusing especially on parent-child relations. The research methods are: analysis of legal acts, analysis of workshop contents and participant observation

    Dzieci sieci 2.0. Kompetencje komunikacyjne młodych

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    Monografia, którą oddajemy w Państwa ręce, jest efektem drugiego już projektu badawczego realizowanego pod szyldem Dzieci sieci. Raport to wynik ośmiomiesięcznej pracy dziesięcioosobowego zespołu badaczek i badaczy, którzy zajęli się tematem kompetencji komunikacyjnych związanych z korzystaniem z internetu uczniów na trzecim etapie edukacyjnym. Celem projektu była diagnoza owych umiejętności oraz określenie stanu działań odnoszących się do omawianych kompetencji w zakresie edukacji prowadzonej w ramach formalnego systemu kształcenia. Zadanie Dzieci Sieci – kompetencje komunikacyjne młodych realizował Ośrodek Badań i Analiz Społecznych wspólnie z Instytutem Kultury Miejskiej w Gdańsku, a finansowało Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego. Omawiany projekt otrzymał dofinansowanie w programie Obserwatorium kultury, a działania badawcze trwały od marca do grudnia 2013 roku. Koordynatorem projektu jest Piotr Siuda, jego asystentem Grzegorz D. Stunża. W skład zespołu badawczego weszli również: Anna Justyna Dąbrowska, Marta Klimowicz, Emanuel Kulczycki, Damian Muszyński, Renata Piotrowska, Ewa Rozkosz, Marcin Sieńko oraz Krzysztof Stachura.Dofinansowano ze środków Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego

    The Genome Sequence of the North-European Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Unravels Evolutionary Adaptation Mechanisms in Plants

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    Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.), a widely cultivated crop, has originated from Eastern Himalayas and secondary domestication regions includes highly divergent climate conditions e.g. temperate and subtropical. We wanted to uncover adaptive genome differences between the cucumber cultivars and what sort of evolutionary molecular mechanisms regulate genetic adaptation of plants to different ecosystems and organism biodiversity. Here we present the draft genome sequence of the Cucumis sativus genome of the North-European Borszczagowski cultivar (line B10) and comparative genomics studies with the known genomes of: C. sativus (Chinese cultivar – Chinese Long (line 9930)), Arabidopsis thaliana, Populus trichocarpa and Oryza sativa. Cucumber genomes show extensive chromosomal rearrangements, distinct differences in quantity of the particular genes (e.g. involved in photosynthesis, respiration, sugar metabolism, chlorophyll degradation, regulation of gene expression, photooxidative stress tolerance, higher non-optimal temperatures tolerance and ammonium ion assimilation) as well as in distributions of abscisic acid-, dehydration- and ethylene-responsive cis-regulatory elements (CREs) in promoters of orthologous group of genes, which lead to the specific adaptation features. Abscisic acid treatment of non-acclimated Arabidopsis and C. sativus seedlings induced moderate freezing tolerance in Arabidopsis but not in C. sativus. This experiment together with analysis of abscisic acid-specific CRE distributions give a clue why C. sativus is much more susceptible to moderate freezing stresses than A. thaliana. Comparative analysis of all the five genomes showed that, each species and/or cultivars has a specific profile of CRE content in promoters of orthologous genes. Our results constitute the substantial and original resource for the basic and applied research on environmental adaptations of plants, which could facilitate creation of new crops with improved growth and yield in divergent conditions

    Within and beyond the stringent response-RSH and (p)ppGpp in plants

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    Plant RSH proteins are able to synthetize and/or hydrolyze unusual nucleotides called (p)ppGpp or alarmones. These molecules regulate nuclear and chloroplast transcription, chloroplast translation and plant development and stress response. Homologs of bacterial RelA/SpoT proteins, designated RSH, and products of their activity, (p)ppGpp-guanosine tetra-and pentaphosphates, have been found in algae and higher plants. (p)ppGpp were first identified in bacteria as the effectors of the stringent response, a mechanism that orchestrates pleiotropic adaptations to nutritional deprivation and various stress conditions. (p)ppGpp accumulation in bacteria decreases transcription-with exception to genes that help to withstand or overcome current stressful situations, which are upregulated-and translation as well as DNA replication and eventually reduces metabolism and growth but promotes adaptive responses. In plants, RSH are nuclei-encoded and function in chloroplasts, where alarmones are produced and decrease transcription, translation, hormone, lipid and metabolites accumulation and affect photosynthetic efficiency and eventually plant growth and development. During senescence, alarmones coordinate nutrient remobilization and relocation from vegetative tissues into seeds. Despite the high conservancy of RSH protein domains among bacteria and plants as well as the bacterial origin of plant chloroplasts, in plants, unlike in bacteria, (p)ppGpp promote chloroplast DNA replication and division. Next, (p)ppGpp may also perform their functions in cytoplasm, where they would promote plant growth inhibition. Furthermore, (p)ppGpp accumulation also affects nuclear gene expression, i.a., decreases the level of Arabidopsis defense gene transcripts, and promotes plants susceptibility towards Turnip mosaic virus. In this review, we summarize recent findings that show the importance of RSH and (p)ppGpp in plant growth and development, and open an area of research aiming to understand the function of plant RSH in response to stress

    Supporting the social re-adaptation of prisoners on the basis of the programme "Theatre, Mummy, Daddy, and Me"

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    Celem artykułu jest prezentacja innowacyjnego programu readaptacji skazanych w zakładzie karnym nakierowanego na budowanie i wzmacnianie więzi z dziećmi. Program "Teatr, Mama, Tata i Ja" realizowany jest od 2015 r. do chwili obecnej przez zespół Teatru Lalki i Aktora "Kubuś" i pracowników Aresztu Śledczego w Kielcach dla osób odbywających karę pozbawienia wolności. Współczesne programy resocjalizacji wykorzystują podstawowe środki resocjalizacji wymienione w polskim Kodeksie karnym wykonawczym z 1998 r. Obok nauki, pracy, zajęć kulturalno-oświatowych i sportowych oraz oddziaływań terapeutycznych regulacje prawne wskazują na kontakty z rodziną i osobami bliskimi. Programy te uwzględniają prawo skazanych do utrzymywania kontaktów z rodziną na mocy prawa międzynarodowego i krajowego, a w zakresie metodycznym są adekwatne do najbardziej aktualnego podejścia kognitywno-behawioralnego w terapii (cognitive-behavioural therapy) i działaniach korekcyjnych. Realizacja kontaktów dzieci z rodzicami jest obowiązkiem rodziców w kontekście zabezpieczenia praw dziecka, a po stronie instytucji korekcyjnej leży obowiązek zapewnienia skazanym realizacji ich praw w czasie odbywania kary pozbawienia wolności. Artykuł ma charakter empiryczny, wykorzystuje bowiem metody analizy dokumentów oraz obserwacji uczestniczącej.The article presents an innovative programme for the re-adaptation of inmates confined in correctional facilities which focusses on building and consolidating their bonds with their children. In Poland, contemporary social rehabilitation programmes are based on measures listed in the Polish Executive Penal Code of 1998 (Executive Penal Code, 1997, Art. 67 § 3). Apart from studying, working, cultural and educational activities, and therapeutic interventions, the Code also mentions contact with family members and relatives. These rehabilitation programmes include the right of convicts, under international and national law, to maintain contact with their families, while methodologic-ally they are compliant with the most current cognitive-behavioural approach to therapy and cor-rective measures. They also draw on the multi-systemic approach, in a general sense. In the context of safeguarding children’s rights, contact between parents and children is the responsibility of the parents, but in the case of prisoners it is the responsibility of the correctional institution to ensure that prisoners can exercise their rights while serving a custodial sentence. The article takes advantage of the methodologies of document analysis and participant observation. It discusses the programme for the social re-adaptation of prisoners, which involves encouraging and consolidating relationships between parents and children while maintaining a focus on particular rehabilitation objectives, reso-cialisation methods, and outcome evaluation

    Supporting the social re-adaptation of prisoners on the basis of the programme “Theatre, Mummy, Daddy, and Me”

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    The article presents an innovative programme for the re-adaptation of inmates confined in correctional facilities which focusses on building and consolidating their bonds with their children. In Poland, contemporary social rehabilitation programmes are based on measures listed in the Polish Executive Penal Code of 1998 (Executive Penal Code, 1997, Art. 67 § 3). Apart from studying, working, cultural and educational activities, and therapeutic interventions, the Code also mentions contact with family members and relatives. These rehabilitation programmes include the right of convicts, under international and national law, to maintain contact with their families, while methodologically they are compliant with the most current cognitive-behavioural approach to therapy and corrective measures. They also draw on the multi-systemic approach, in a general sense. In the context of safeguarding children’s rights, contact between parents and children is the responsibility of the parents, but in the case of prisoners it is the responsibility of the correctional institution to ensure that prisoners can exercise their rights while serving a custodial sentence. The article takes advantage of the methodologies of document analysis and participant observation. It discusses the programme for the social re-adaptation of prisoners, which involves encouraging and consolidating relationships between parents and children while maintaining a focus on particular rehabilitation objectives, resocialisation methods, and outcome evaluation.Celem artykułu jest prezentacja innowacyjnego programu readaptacji skazanych w zakładzie karnym nakierowanego na budowanie i wzmacnianie więzi z dziećmi. Program „Teatr, Mama, Tata i Ja” realizowany jest od 2015 r. do chwili obecnej przez zespół Teatru Lalki i Aktora „Kubuś” i pracowników Aresztu Śledczego w Kielcach dla osób odbywających karę pozbawienia wolności. Współczesne programy resocjalizacji wykorzystują podstawowe środki resocjalizacji wymienione w polskim Kodeksie karnym wykonawczym z 1998 r. Obok nauki, pracy, zajęć kulturalno-oświatowych i sportowych oraz oddziaływań terapeutycznych regulacje prawne wskazują na kontakty z rodziną i osobami bliskimi. Programy te uwzględniają prawo skazanych do utrzymywania kontaktów z rodziną na mocy prawa międzynarodowego i krajowego, a w zakresie metodycznym są adekwatne do najbardziej aktualnego podejścia kognitywno-behawioralnego w terapii (cognitive-behavioural therapy) i działaniach korekcyjnych. Realizacja kontaktów dzieci z rodzicami jest obowiązkiem rodziców w kontekście zabezpieczenia praw dziecka, a po stronie instytucji korekcyjnej leży obowiązek zapewnienia skazanym realizacji ich praw w czasie odbywania kary pozbawienia wolności. Artykuł ma charakter empiryczny, wykorzystuje bowiem metody analizy dokumentów oraz obserwacji uczestniczącej

    Social Rehabilitation of Prisoners on the Basis of the Programme “Theatre, Mummy, Daddy and Me” in the Light of Document Analysis

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    The article is based on a method of analyzing documentation on a prisoner social rehabilitation programme, which is focused on repairing broken bonds and consolidating relationships between parents and children. The programme’s objectives are discussed here, along with its methodology and evaluation process.The research material comprises various documents developed as part of the planning, implementation and evaluation of the programme, including workshop plans and evaluation and observation sheets generated in 2016–2018. The innovative prisoner social rehabilitation programme is discussed in detail in this article on the basis of the building and consolidation of parental bonds. Most social rehabilitation programmes of this type are informed by the social rehabilitation methods listed in Art. 67 § 3 of the Penal Code (1997), in which maintaining contact with family and the outside world is listed next to learning, work, cultural and educational activities, sport and therapy. The “Theatre, Mummy, Daddy and Me” programme is based on contemporary cognitive and behavioural approaches in psychology and therapy, and addition also draws on a multi-systemic approach to environmental therapy.In the context of the need to secure children’s rights and protect prisoners’ rights, it is the obligation of penitentiary institutions to secure contact between the incarcerated parents and their children

    Role of Fungi in Biodegradation of Imidazolium Ionic Liquids by Activated Sewage Sludge

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    Ionic liquids (ILs), due to their specific properties, can play the role of persistent water contaminants. Fungi manifest the ability to decompose hardy degradable compounds, showing potential in the biodegradation of ILs, which has been studied extensively on sewage sludge; however, attention was drawn mainly to bacterial and not fungal species. The aim of the research was to determine the significance of fungi in ILs’ biodegradation to extend the knowledge and possibly point out ways of increasing their role in this process. The research included: the isolation and genetic identification of fungal strains potentially capable of [OMIM][Cl], [BMIM][Cl], [OMIM][Tf2N], and [BMIM][Tf2N] degradation, adjustment of the ILs concentration for biodegradability test by MICs determination and choosing strains with the highest biological robustness; inoculum adaptation tests, and finally primary biodegradation by OECD 301F test. The study, conducted for 2 mM [OMIM][Cl] as a tested substance and consortium of microorganisms as inoculum, resulted in an average 64.93% biodegradation rate within a 28-day testing period. For the individual fungal strain (Candida tropicalis), the maximum of only 4.89% biodegradation rate was reached in 10 days, then inhibited. Insight into the role of fungi in the biodegradation of ILs was obtained, enabling the creation of a complex overview of ILs toxicity and the possibilities of its biological use. However, only an inoculum consisting of a consortium of microorganisms enriched with a selected strain of fungi was able to decompose the IL, in contrast to that consisting only of an individual fungal strain