85 research outputs found

    Perturbative quantum gauge invariance: Where the ghosts come from

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    A condensed introduction to quantum gauge theories is given in the perturbative S-matrix framework; path integral methods are used nowhere. This approach emphasizes the fact that it is not necessary to start from classical gauge theories which are then subject to quantization, but it is also possible to recover the classical group structure and coupling properties from purely quantum mechanical principles. As a main tool we use a free field version of the Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin gauge transformation, which contains no interaction terms related to a coupling constant. This free gauge transformation can be formulated in an analogous way for quantum electrodynamics, Yang-Mills theories with massless or massive gauge bosons and quantum gravity.Comment: 28 pages, LATEX. Some typos corrected, version to be publishe

    Protecting the conformal symmetry via bulk renormalization on Anti deSitter space

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    The problem of perturbative breakdown of conformal symmetry can be avoided, if a conformally covariant quantum field phi on d-dimensional Minkowski spacetime is viewed as the boundary limit of a quantum field Phi on d+1-dimensional anti-deSitter spacetime (AdS). We study the boundary limit in renormalized perturbation theory with polynomial interactions in AdS, and point out the differences as compared to renormalization directly on the boundary. In particular, provided the limit exists, there is no conformal anomaly. We compute explicitly the "fish diagram" on AdS_4 by differential renormalization, and calculate the anomalous dimension of the composite boundary field phi^2 with bulk interaction Phi^4.Comment: 40 page

    Quantum gauge models without classical Higgs mechanism

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    We examine the status of massive gauge theories, such as those usually obtained by spontaneous symmetry breakdown, from the viewpoint of causal (Epstein-Glaser) renormalization. The BRS formulation of gauge invariance in this framework, starting from canonical quantization of massive (as well as massless) vector bosons as fundamental entities, and proceeding perturbatively, allows one to rederive the reductive group symmetry of interactions, the need for scalar fields in gauge theory, and the covariant derivative. Thus the presence of higgs particles is explained without recourse to a Higgs(-Englert-Brout-Guralnik-Hagen-Kibble) mechanism. Along the way, we dispel doubts about the compatibility of causal gauge invariance with grand unified theories.Comment: 20 pages in two-column EPJC format, shortened version accepted for publication. For more details, consult version

    Causal Perturbation Theory and Differential Renormalization

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    In Causal Perturbation Theory the process of renormalization is precisely equivalent to the extension of time ordered distributions to coincident points. This is achieved by a modified Taylor subtraction on the corresponding test functions. I show that the pullback of this operation to the distributions yields expressions known from Differential Renormalization. The subtraction is equivalent to BPHZ subtraction in momentum space. Some examples from Euclidean scalar field theory in flat and curved spacetime will be presented.Comment: 15 pages, AMS-LaTeX, feynm

    A Cohomological Perspective on Algebraic Quantum Field Theory

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    Algebraic quantum field theory is considered from the perspective of the Hochschild cohomology bicomplex. This is a framework for studying deformations and symmetries. Deformation is a possible approach to the fundamental challenge of constructing interacting QFT models. Symmetry is the primary tool for understanding the structure and properties of a QFT model. This perspective leads to a generalization of the algebraic quantum field theory framework, as well as a more general definition of symmetry. This means that some models may have symmetries that were not previously recognized or exploited. To first order, a deformation of a QFT model is described by a Hochschild cohomology class. A deformation could, for example, correspond to adding an interaction term to a Lagrangian. The cohomology class for such an interaction is computed here. However, the result is more general and does not require the undeformed model to be constructed from a Lagrangian. This computation leads to a more concrete version of the construction of perturbative algebraic quantum field theory

    Existence of the Bogoliubov S(g) operator for the (:ϕ4:)2(:\phi^4:)_2 quantum field theory

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    We prove the existence of the Bogoliubov S(g) operator for the (:ϕ4:)2(:\phi^4:)_2 quantum field theory for coupling functions gg of compact support in space and time. The construction is nonperturbative and relies on a theorem of Kisy\'nski. It implies almost automatically the properties of unitarity and causality for disjoint supports in the time variable.Comment: LaTeX, 24 pages, minor modifications, typos correcte

    Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism in perturbative algebraic quantum field theory

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    On the basis of a thorough discussion of the Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism for classical field theory presented in our previous publication, we construct in this paper the Batalin-Vilkovisky complex in perturbatively renormalized quantum field theory. The crucial technical ingredient is a proof that the renormalized time-ordered product is equivalent to the pointwise product of classical field theory. The renormalized Batalin-Vilkovisky algebra is then the classical algebra but written in terms of the time-ordered product, together with an operator which replaces the ill defined graded Laplacian of the unrenormalized theory. We identify it with the anomaly term of the anomalous Master Ward Identity of Brennecke and D\"utsch. Contrary to other approaches we do not refer to the path integral formalism and do not need to use regularizations in intermediate steps.Comment: 34 page

    Equivalence of the (generalised) Hadamard and microlocal spectrum condition for (generalised) free fields in curved spacetime

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    We prove that the singularity structure of all n-point distributions of a state of a generalised real free scalar field in curved spacetime can be estimated if the two-point distribution is of Hadamard form. In particular this applies to the real free scalar field and the result has applications in perturbative quantum field theory, showing that the class of all Hadamard states is the state space of interest. In our proof we assume that the field is a generalised free field, i.e. that it satisies scalar (c-number) commutation relations, but it need not satisfy an equation of motion. The same argument also works for anti-commutation relations and it can be generalised to vector-valued fields. To indicate the strengths and limitations of our assumption we also prove the analogues of a theorem by Borchers and Zimmermann on the self-adjointness of field operators and of a very weak form of the Jost-Schroer theorem. The original proofs of these results in the Wightman framework make use of analytic continuation arguments. In our case no analyticity is assumed, but to some extent the scalar commutation relations can take its place.Comment: 18 page