67 research outputs found

    Influence of the water supply on the cambial growth dynamics of Swietenia macrophylla King under controlled conditions.

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    Study on the relationship of site factors (lighy, water, nutrient supply) of degraded areas on the growth dynamics and wood formation of native mahogany (mogno) in central Amazon. In this work the relationship of the water supply and the cambial growth dynamics of four years old mogno was investigated under greenhouse conditions. The results indicated the strong dependency of the cambial growth of mogno on a sufficient soil water supply

    Wood anatomical and technological properties of three species of Hymenaea L. (jatobá) on plantation and naturally grown trees.

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    Comparisons between north x south direction and DBH height x top position of trees from three species of genus Hymenaea sp. (eight years) were collected in plantation and Hymenaea intermedia (not determined) was collecte from natural sites. We conclude that in spite of the plantation grown tree show tendency of adult wood characteristics, there is still a large variation of those characteristics, as inside as between trees of the same specie. The variation will decrease with the change from juvenile to adult growth of constituents elements of the wood. We suggest to do more studies not only with species Hymenaea but with others woody Amazonian species, as well

    Distribuição de raízes e acúmulo de macronutrientes e AL+++ em espécies florestais plantadas em latossolo amarelo da Amazônia Brasileira.

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    A formação e distribuição de raízes bem como o conteúdo de macronutrientes e AI foram estudadas em Ceiba pentandra e ViroIa surinamensis. As raízes foram separadas em raízes finas « 2 mm); casca e madeira das raízes grossas (> 2 mm) e casca e madeira da raiz pivotante. C. pentandra produziu 11,82 kg de biomassa seca de raízes, enquanto V. s'urinamensis 2,53 kg. Em C. pentandra estas distribuíram-se na seguinte ordem decrescente: madeira da raiz pivotante (6,66 kg); casca da raiz pivotante (2,98 kg); madeira da raiz grossa (1,49 kg); casca da raiz grossa (0,63 kg) e raiz fina (0,06 kq). enquanto em V. surinamensis a distribuição foi: madeira da raiz grossa (1,00 kg); madeira da raiz pivotante (0,82 kg); casca da raiz grossa (0,29 kg); raiz fina (0,25 kg) e casca da raiz pivotante (0,17 kg). Quanto aos elementos minerais, em C. pentandra os maiores acúmulos foram para: N nas raízes finas; K na casca e madeira das raízes grossas; Ca na casca e K na madeira da raiz pivotante. Em V. surinamensis estes foram promovidos por K nas raízes finas; AI na casca e K na madeira das raízes grossas; AI na casca e N na madeira da raiz pivotante.bitstream/item/119093/1/digitalizar0021.pd

    Cambial growth dynamics of plantation grown Swietenia macrophylla and Carapa guianensis.

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    Heartwood formation and durability of the wood of plantation grown tree species of the central Amazon.

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    In this study the heartwood formation and the durability of seven years old plantation grown mogno, andiroba, cedro, cumaru, and jatoba was compared with wood from primary growth, in Manaus-AM (Brasil). The results are discussed with special regard to wood quality of plantation grown trees compared to primary growth

    Exogenous Influences on the Growth Dynamics of High Quality Timber Species from the Amazon .

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    In this study special attend was given to the important species for high quality wood production Swietenia macrophylla, Carapa guianensis, and Cedrela odorata (Meliaceae)

    Balanço de nutrientes de diferentes espécies arbóreas com potencial para reflorestamento.

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    0 presente trabalho tem como objetivos determinar a biomassa das espécies Swietenia macrophylla, Carapa guianensis, Cedrela odorata, Dipterix odorata, Hymenea courbaril, Ceiba pentandra, Virola surinamensis e Tabebuia heptaphylla em diferentes sistemas de plantacão (monocultivo, sistema agroflorestal misto e enriquecimento de linhas de capoeira), as respectivas exigencias nutricionais, o acumulo de nutrientes nas diferentes partes da planta, bem como estudar o consumo de água e a dinâmica de crescimento (principalmente a formacão de madeira)

    Tree growth and wood quality of Ceiba pentandra (sumaúma) grown of "terra firme" and "varzea" sites.

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    In this study growth and wood quality of sumaúma grown in different plantations on terra firme and varzea sites in Amazon state (Brasil) were investigated. A comparison of plantation and natural grown trees indicated a slight increase of the anisotropy of the wood of plantation grown trees compared to natural growth