2 research outputs found

    Upoređivanje dužine servis perioda i proizvodnje mleka u laktaciji između krava sa jednim teletom i krava sa blizancima

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    Introduction. Twin-calving occurs in 3 to 5 % of Holstein Friesian cattle, and it is mostly followed by reproductive and economic problems. This evaluation will compare the service period and the milk yield in cows with single and twin births at a Hungarian large-scale farm. Materials and Methods. The data were collected from 4223 cows between 2000 and 2010. In Cox's regression model (service period) and general linear model (milk production traits), the type of calving (single/twin), the construction code (referring to the Holstein Friesian blood proportion), the season and number of calvings were fixed effects, and furthermore, the year of calving was a covariate. Results and Conclusions. This analysis showed there was no significant difference in the length of service period between the two groups of cows. The total lactation milk yield produced a meaningful difference in performance: single-calving cows had greater milk yield (p=0.013), fat yield (p=0.030), and protein yield (p=0.028) than cows with twins. The milk yield was significantly greater in single than in twinning cows, even when single-calving cows had low milk production levels. This unexpected and contradictory result could be explained by the much longer period of open days in twinning cows, known from previous research Regarding milk yield, an involuntary decrease for cows after twin calving was confirmed.Uvod. Blizanački graviditet kod krava holštajnfrizijske rase se javlja u 3-5% slučajeva i uglavnom je praćen reproduktivnim poremećajima i ekonomskim gubicima. Ispitivanja u ovom radu se odnose na evaluaciju i upoređivanje servis perioda i prinosa mleka kod grupe krava sa jednim teletom i grupe krava sa blizancima, na komercijalnim farmama u Mađarskoj. Materijal i metode. Podaci su sakupljani u periodu od 2000 do 2010. godine od ukupno 4223 krava. U Coxovom regresionom modelu (za servis period) i generalnom linearnom modelu (osobine proizvodnje mleka) tip teljenja (jedno tele ili blizanci), kao i sezona i broj teljenja su bili fksni efekti, dok je godina teljenja bila kovarijat. Rezultati i zaključak. Analizom dužine servis perioda nije ustanovljena signifkantna razlika između ispitanih grupa krava. Količina ukupno proizvedenog mleka u laktaciji je pokazala značajne razlike između krava sa jednim teletom i dva teleta, u korist krava sa jednim teletom: prinos mleka (p=0.013), količina mlečne masti (p=0.030) i proteina (p=0.028). Neželjeni pad u prinosu mleka je zabeležen kod krava sa bližnjenjima. Mlečnost je bila značajno veća kod krava sa jednim teletom čak i u slučajevima kada su one imale relativno nisku mlečnost. Ovi oprečni rezultati bi se mogli objasniti činjenicom da su krave koje su se bliznile imale mnogo veći broj otvorenih dana, kao što je to opisano u brojnim predhodnim ispitivanjima

    Comparison of service period and lactation milk yields in dairy cows with single- and twin-calving

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    Introduction. Twin-calving occurs in 3 to 5 % of Holstein Friesian cattle, and it is mostly followed by reproductive and economic problems. This evaluation will compare the service period and the milk yield in cows with single and twin births at a Hungarian large-scale farm. Materials and Methods. The data were collected from 4223 cows between 2000 and 2010. In Cox’s regression model (service period) and general linear model (milk production traits), the type of calving (single/twin), the construction code (referring to the Holstein Friesian blood proportion), the season and number of calvings were fixed effects, and furthermore, the year of calving was a covariate. Results and Conclusions. This analysis showed there was no significant difference in the length of service period (SP) between the two groups of cows. The total lactation milk yield produced a meaningful difference in performance: single-calving cows had greater milk yield (p=0.013), fat yield (p=0.030), and protein yield (p=0.028) than cows with twins. The standard lactation milk yield showed the same tendency at a stronger significance and a lower level of production. This unexpected and contradictory result in service period could be explained by the much longer period of open days in twinning cows, known from previous research. Regarding milk yield, an involuntary decrease for cows after twin calving was confirmed